Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, Vanessa Churchman, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Muriel Miller, Erica Oulton, Lady Pigot, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, George Cameron, Dawn Cousins, John Hobart, Pat Joyce, Win McRobert, Brian Mosdell, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Garry Price, Ian Stephens, 




Prior to the commencement of council business, Mr Brian Bailey, the President of the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce, presented a cheque for £600 to the Chairman of the Council, for the Chairman’s nominated Charity, the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.


19.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2006 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


21.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:


Mr John Wortham asked a question relating to a previous query about the Council’s communication arrangements, and a question relating to the telephone contact number for Council Tax enquiries.  The Chief Executive provided a response.


22.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman had circulated a written report about events attended during the month. 


Council’s attention was drawn to the Chairman’s participation in the service for the newly installed Archdeacon for the Isle of Wight, the Revd Canon Caroline Baston.  The recent P1 Power-boating event had been very successful and discussions had taken place about the future of this event.  The Bestival had, once again, proved to be extremely popular and it was hoped that this event could be enhanced in future years.


The Chairman answered a question regarding the benefit received from the Garlic Festival for the Chairman’s Charity.


23.             CABINET


Reports of the Cabinet Members


The Chairman proposed that Council suspend Procedure Rule 2 in order that Cabinet Members were able to provide a more extensive update reports for Members’ information.  The proposal was seconded and following a vote it was




THAT Council suspend Procedure Rule 2 to enable Cabinet Members to provide more extensive reports.


(i)                 The Leader


Three written questions had been received regarding frequency and content of meetings (MQ 30/06), the recent staff survey results (MQ 31/06) and constituent queries (MQ 32/06) and the Leader provided a response.


The Leader had provided a written report.   Members’ attention was drawn to the Corporate Performance Assessment (CPA) and Joint Area Review (JAR) reports, which had given credit for the Council’s initial improvements and enhanced school examination results.  Capacity issues within the Council’s management structure had been addressed with Member Panels being appointed to select three new Directors with further appointments for five new Heads of Service in process.  


The Leader further advised Council that an article had been published in the Municipal Journal about the Island’s efforts with establishing Town and Parish Councils.


As identified in the CPA, the Council was investigating ways of engaging effectively with the voluntary sector and the Leader had attended the annual Rural Community Council Conference.


Members were thanked for their support during the Leader’s work period at the Bath and North East Somerset Council.


The Leader answered questions regarding the interim leadership arrangements for Children’s Services, and the Council’s Innovation Challenge for staff.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Cabinet Member had presented apologies and provided a written report in his absence, which included reference to the overall improvement in school results, the school improvement strategy, ‘Through the Roof’ children’s achievement initiative, the Joint Area Review Action Plan and the extended schools scheme.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing


A written question had been received regarding affordable housing (MQ 28/06) and a response was provided by the Cabinet Secretary.


The Cabinet Member had submitted apologies, providing a written report in her absence which included a tribute to the interim Director of Adult and Community Services and a welcome to the new Director.  An update on issues with the Adult and Community Service, the Housing Service, Supporting People Programme and Children Services was included in the report.


The Cabinet Member had been reappointed to the Local Government Association Community Well Being Board and the Cabinet Member‘s report included an update on the Board’s priorities.  Council noted that the Cabinet Member had been appointed by the Board to serve as a member of the national inquiry into services for Older People with Mental Health problems.


Chairman of Scrutiny


A written report had been circulated for Council’s information, which included an update on recent Scrutiny Committee meetings where development control issues, use of external consultants and a call-in meeting about the Strategic Transformational Partnership had all been addressed. 


Future enquiries would include the Revenues Budget efficiencies and school examination results for 2006.


The Chairman of Scrutiny had left the Chamber and Council noted the report in his absence.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


A written question had been received regarding the Council’s Strategic Asset Management Plan relating to County Hall and Newport Harbour (MQ 26/06) and the Cabinet Member provided a response.

The Cabinet Member had circulated a written report concerning the progress of the Parish Empowerment Programme, an update on the Council’s efficiency savings and the Strategic Asset Management Plan 2006.


A question was asked about Council fees for use of council land for Island carnivals and regattas and the Cabinet Member referred the response to the Cabinet Member for the Environment, Planning and Transport who provided a response.  Other questions asked referred to the relationship between the Council and Cowes Town Council, an Island ‘bed tax’ and submission of a petition for a Parish Council in Newport.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report updating Council on the Fire and Rescue modernisation programme, cemetery vandalism taxi zone amalgamation and crime and disorder issues.


In particular the Cabinet Member advised Council that the Bestival had been another successful music event for the Island and Council officers were congratulated for their organisational skills.


The Cabinet Member responded to questions about the response of the Emergency Planning team at the recent incident in Cowes, concerns regarding current dog warden availability and the speed of traffic on Island roads.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport


Written questions had been received regarding safety issues at Ventnor beach (MQ 25/06), the progress on the Compulsory Purchase Orders for the Undercliff Drive project (MQ 27/06) and the protocol for the ‘cooling off’ period for planning applications (MQ 29/06).


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, which included details of progress for the Expression of Interest for the Highways Maintenance Private Finance Initiative and Council’s representation on the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) committee.


The Cabinet Member answered questions about the roadworks programme during the Christmas period, the ‘cooling off’ period in relation to the Council’s Constitution, safety issues for Cowes beach, dissemination of information from PUSH in relation to the Island Ports enquiry and the increased passenger use of the bus service for West Wight.

(vii)            Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


A written report had been circulated, which included details of progress for the Council’s Call Centre and the appointment of a Head of Communications.


In particular, the Cabinet Member advised Council of the progress with the Regeneration of Sandown Bay project.  Partnership working within the local communities combined with good leadership had resulted in a very successful strategy.  Following a presentation from consultants in the coming week, the options would be taken to Cabinet in November 2006 and thereafter further consultation would take place before submission to the Secretary of State in February 2007.


The Cabinet Member responded to questions regarding Medina High School’s use of the Medina Leisure Centre’s swimming pool facilities and the television coverage of the Island’s Bestival event.