Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, John Bowker, Ivan Bulwer, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, George Brown, William Burt, John Effemey, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Pat Joyce, Muriel Miller, Susan Scoccia, David Whittaker,



9.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2006 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


11.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:


Mrs Rounsevell asked an oral question on behalf of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association (IWTPA) regarding recent changes in the licensing conditions for Hackney Carriages.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.


12.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman had circulated a written report about events attended during the month.   Council’s attention was drawn to a letter of thanks that had been received from the Earl of Wessex’s Private Secretary following the recent royal visit to the Island; the success of the recently held National Veterans Day, the Hampshire Mini Games and the Island’s successful bid for hosting the Island Games in 2011.




Repeal Existing Byelaws with respect to Hackney Carriages in the former Boroughs. 


The existing byelaws related to the Island’s four zone areas for hackney carriage licensing.  Following a meeting of the Regulatory Committee held on 17 January 2006, it was resolved that the Isle of Wight should be amalgamated into one zone and that a formal submission be made to the Secretary of State.


In view of questions raised by the IWTPA at the Council meeting held on 21 June 2006, Members had resolved to defer discussion on the existing byelaws until a further meeting had taken place between the Cabinet Member and the IWTPA. 


Council was advised that a meeting had been held on 10 July 2006, which had clarified a number of issues.  In particular, it had been agreed that repealing the existing byelaws would be delayed until written queries from the taxi trade had been addressed by the Licensing Committee.  In addition, the Licensing Service had circulated a newsletter to all those employed in the taxi trade on the Isle of Wight as well as to all elected Members.


It was proposed and seconded that Council repeal the existing byelaws, subject to the delay as previously stated, since they were now a duplication of the proposed new Licensing Conditions.  It would not be necessary to create new byelaws.


It was envisaged that the proposed new licensing conditions would modernise the service and provide improved operating conditions.




THAT the Isle of Wight Council repeals all existing byelaws in respect of Hackney Carriages, subject to the delay as previously stated, and further resolves not to create new byelaws in respect of Hackney Carriages at this time.




By Cllr Roger Mazillius


Council received a video presentation reflecting part of the presentation of the successful bid for the Island to host the 2011 Island Games and heard from the Cabinet Member. 


The motion, concerning the Council’s congratulations and support to the Island Games Association, was proposed and seconded.


Following a number of supporting statements from Members, it was




THAT this Council congratulates Mr David Ball, Mr Keith Lane and the Isle of Wight Island Games Association on the successful bid to bring the 2011 Island Games to the Isle of Wight and pledges this Council’s full support, including the already declared financial contribution of £500,000 over the next 5 years, to ensure this important event is an outstanding success.




Council received the Public Health Report 2005 and a presentation from Dr Paul Bingham, the Director of Public Health.  The Cabinet Member had submitted a motion regarding the issues surrounding obesity on the Isle of Wight.   A suggested amendment to the motion, concerning the use toxic substances in tobacco products, had been circulated to Members.  The Cabinet Member accepted the amendment from the Vice Chairman and proposed that Council consider the amended motion, which was read out for Members’ clarification.


Members voiced concerns about the high percentage of obesity on the Island and suggested that Council should work with its partners towards policies which would support and improve healthy lifestyles.  It was noted that the Commission for Care, Health and Housing was currently gathering evidence on the effects of smoking, which would be used to inform future policy.




THAT Council welcomes the report of the Director of Public Health and notes particularly that between 25,000 and 30,000 adults (16+) on the Island are obese and that this level appears to be higher than for both England and the South East.

The Council recognises the serious impact that obesity can have on the health of an individual and resolves to do all that it can with its partners to increase the levels of physical activity and encourage good eating habits on the Island.

The Council also calls upon the Government to take action to underpin the creation of healthy environments that promote healthier lifestyles, including:


·                    Undertaking a fundamental review of the funding for the provision of opportunities to take part in physical activity.  So that such opportunities are readily available to those in most need of them and to ensure that the legacy of the 2011 Island Games and also the 2012 Olympics is of a more healthy less obese Island and nation.


·                    Establishing, as a matter of urgency, a framework for the regulation of food advertising to children as recommended in the draft Children's Food Bill.


·                    Fundamentally addresses the continued use of addictive and toxic substances in tobacco products, particularly cigarettes, which cause avoidable premature deaths to many thousands of UK residents each year including many Islanders and which can be legally sold to young people from the age of 16, starting them on a pathway of addiction and ill-health from which many will never recover.




Council was advised that following receipt of the petition calling for a Parish Council for Ryde, a consultation had been undertaken and the results recorded in Appendix A of the report.


The Cabinet Member spoke in support of the petition and explained how emparishment for the Island would provide local communities with more involvement in issues concerning their area.  The proposal was for a division of eight wards with a total of 16 members serving on the Parish Council, 2 from each ward.


The Chairman invited Mr Wayne Whittle, the Chairman of the Ryde Community Forum, to address the Council.  Mr Whittle pledged to work hard with other members of the committee to make Ryde a better place.  Other elected Members for the Ryde area added messages of congratulations and support.


A minor amendment to paragraph ‘d’, regarding the ward boundaries, was suggested and accepted by Council.




a.                  THAT the Isle of Wight Council support the petition for the establishment of the “Ryde” Parish Council.


b.                  THAT boundaries of the Parish Council be as defined by the map presented with the Petition (and as set out in Appendix A).


c.                  THAT the Parish Council should consist of 16 members.


d.                  THAT the Parish Council area should be divided into Wards along the boundaries of the eight existing electoral divisions where those boundaries fall within the Parish Council as proposed by the petition map.




The Cabinet Secretary advised Council that it would be necessary to appoint 11 Member Appointment Panels to conduct the impending appointments for 4 Directors and 7 Heads of Service.  These posts had been identified following the recent restructuring exercise in line with the Aim High Corporate Objectives and the delivery of the Local Area Agreement.


The Panels would be appointed by the Chief Executive under delegated powers, with Panel Members being nominated by group leaders.  Each Panel would consist of 5 Members, 4 from the majority group and 1 opposition Member.  This proposal would require the disapplication of proportionality, and therefore could only be passed if no Member voted against it.


The vote in favour was unanimous with no Member voting against the proposal and it was therefore




THAT 11 Member Appointment Panels be established, consisting of 5 elected Members (4 Conservative Members and 1 opposition Member), to be nominated by group leaders to appoint the following posts:


Director of Children’s Services

Director of Adult and Community Services

Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

Director of Safer Communities

Head of School Improvement

Head of Housing

Head of Planning

Head of Human Resources

Head of Communications

Head of Adult Services

Chief Fire Officer.


18.             CABINET


Reports of the Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


            The Leader had provided a written report, which included information about the Local Government Association Conference, the progress of the Island Strategic Partnership and a Workshop for Town and Parish Councils.


            The Leader answered questions regarding improvements to transport links to the Island and current staff morale.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


            The Cabinet Member had provided a written report for Members’ information, which requested a meeting with opposition Members to explain future possibilities for the education function and details of a bid submitted to Local Government Chronicle Children Service Awards.


(iii)             Chairman of Scrutiny


            A written report had been circulated detailing current enquiries, such as Revenue Budget efficiencies, Planning Gains, the Island’s hosepipe ban, the loss of housing investment grant and on-street parking enforcement.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


            A written question had been received from Cllr David Knowles regarding the Council’s properties and associated policies and the Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 23/06)


            The Cabinet Member had circulated a written report concerning the establishment of Town and Parish Councils on the Island and the supporting initiatives established by the Council.



(v)                Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


            The Cabinet Member had provided a written report commenting on his recent meeting with the IWTPA, a new Co-responding Emergency Service Scheme, the Head On road safety programme and a self assessment of the Fire and Rescue Service.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport


            A written question had been received regarding the decision taken at a Development Control meeting held in Cowes and the Cabinet Member agreed to investigate and provide a written response. (MQ 24/06)


            The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, which included details of his recent attendance at a Parliamentary Select Committee meeting and a plenary meeting of the South East England Regional Agency.  His report also confirmed that Government funding had been agreed for the Undercliff Drive and Ryde Interchange schemes.


            The Cabinet Member answered questions about planned road works in Cowes, charges in the Members car park, the Newport road scheme and an update on the new £50 parking permit scheme.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


            A written report had been circulated, which included details of tourist activity to date, recent progress of the Economic Strategy for the Island, plans to improve the Council’s communications and progress on working with a transformational partner to improve service delivery.


(viii)          Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing


            A written report had been circulated which included details about the recent Local Government Association Conference, a meeting of the Community Wellbeing Board and a meeting of the Strategic Housing Partnership. The Cabinet Member had also attended a seminar on Achieving Excellence in Children and Adult Services.


            The Cabinet Member responded to questions about new powers to utilise properties standing empty for more than 6 months and progress on an agreement between the Council and the Law Centre.