Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, John Effemey, Deborah Gardiner, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Win McRobert, Roger Mazillius, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Melanie Swan, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Charles Hancock, Muriel Miller, Lady Pigot, Andy Sutton, Arthur Taylor, Julian Whittaker



1.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2006 be confirmed.


2.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


Cllr Colin West declared a personal interest in Item 8(a) as he was a Justice of the Peace.


Cllr Diana Tuson declared a personal interest in item 8(a) as she was a Justice of the Peace.


3.                  PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


A written question was put by Mrs Barbara Wright regarding Undercliff Drive at Ventnor and the Cabinet Member provided a response.  (PQ 10/06)


A written question had been submitted by Mr Robert Drover regarding dead trees on private land.  The Cabinet Member would provide a written response in Mr Drover’s absence.  (PQ 11/06)


A written question was put by Mrs J Rounsevell on behalf of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association (IWTPA), regarding the new licensing conditions for the Hackney Carriage trade.  The Cabinet Member provided a response and agreed to meet with members of the IWTPA to clarify the current situation, although the meeting would not include further discussion about decisions already made by the Council.  (PQ 12/06)


An oral question was put by Mr John Wortham regarding the cost of employing communications consultants and the Cabinet Member agreed to provide a written response.


4.                  CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman reported that he had attended a number of events during the previous month including the Hampshire Chairman’s Dinner, the Medina High School Quality Status event and the Isle of Wight Rock Festival.


Members were thanked for attending the welcoming lunch for 36 visitors from Pledran in France, who had been visiting the Twinning Association in Bembridge.  The visit had been a great success.


Council noted that the Normandy Veterans event would take place on 27 June 2006 in County Hall.


The Chairman had recently attended the funeral of Cliff Huggins, a former Member of the Council and Mayor of South Wight during 1991/92.  Council was further informed that Charles Selwyn and Bert Howe, both of whom had previously served as Chairmen of the Council, had also passed away during the month.




A motion had been submitted by Cllr Roger Mazillius regarding the Government’s Sustainable Communities Bill.  Members raised concerns about the impact of the large retail chain stores on the Island economy and the impact of the loss of a number of small post offices, shops and other facilities in villages and towns. 


Members were reassured that the Council’s Island Plan would incorporate a consultation period and issues surrounding the sustainability of the Island’s towns and villages would be taken into account.




“THAT this Council fully supports the principles and objectives of the Sustainable Communities Bill and calls upon HM Government to do all in its power to ensure the viability of local post offices and village shops, particularly where it is recognised such facilities play an important part in the life-blood of local communities.”




In view of the question asked by the IWTPA during item 3 on the agenda, Council considered whether this item should be deferred until a meeting had taken place between the Cabinet Member and the IWTPA.




THAT the item be deferred to the next Council meeting on 19 July 2006.




The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Resources, and Town and Parish Council Empowerment, who explained the Council’s statutory duty in respect of the annual publication of a Best Value Performance Plan.  Members noted the new guidance regarding the requirement to include outturn performance for all Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs), and the targets for the duration of the plan.


Members had received the Best Value Performance Plan and a sample of the format of the new Performance Management System (CorVu).




THAT Council adopt the Best Value Performance Plan.


8.                  CABINET


(a)               Recommendations from The Cabinet


The Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation proposed that Council endorse the Safer Communities Crime and Drug Strategy, which would provide support to the Safer Communities Partnership in its delivery.  Members were advised that the Strategy had been produced following wide consultations.




THAT Council endorse the Safer Communities Partnership Crime and Drug Strategy.    


(b)               Reports Of The Cabinet Members


The Leader


In the Leader’s absence the Deputy Leader drew Members’ attention to a written report, which provided an update regarding the current recruitment of Directors, plans to improve the Council’s communications, and details about his participation with regional and national government issues.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Cabinet Member announced that the Island had been included in Government plans to rebuild secondary schools with the greatest need.  It was possible that the Island could receive approximately £25 million.  Full details of the scheme would be provided for Members at the earliest opportunity.


The Learning and Skills Council was currently considering options for providing sixth form education on the Island in order to raise standards and widen the curriculum.  It was envisaged that further information would be available by the end of June 2006 and may bring the level of investment for education to approximately £50 million.


During the month the Cabinet Member had attended the Quality First teaching event at the Quay Arts Centre, the launch of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and the 100th anniversary of Nettlestone Primary School. 


Council was further advised that, following the publication of the Adult Learning Chief Inspector’s report, the Isle of Wight had been included as a case study of best practice in adult learning.


Cabinet Member for Resources and Town and Parish Council Empowerment


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report for Council, but in particular mentioned the first induction day held for Town and Parish Councils, which would shortly be followed by a workshop to be held at the College.


Members heard that the Chairman of Ryde Town and Management Committee had presented a petition for emparishment earlier in the day and congratulations were extended to those assisting with this process.  The Cabinet Member agreed to re-examine the timescales advised by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for the emparishment process.


Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and informed Council that the Isle of Wight Rock Festival had been a great success.   Council officers and Fire Service staff were congratulated for their hard work behind the scenes. 


Council was advised that the “Head On” DVD had been launched and Members who had not been able to attend would receive a copy of the DVD.  The importance of this DVD was highlighted, particularly in view of the recent road accident data.


An action plan was currently being produced following the publication of the recent Peer Review of the Fire Service.  A Member training day, regarding relevant aspects of the Fire Service, would be held in September and all Members were welcome to attend.


Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


Three written questions had been received regarding the proposed Ryde Interchange and St Lawrence road schemes (MQ 17/06);  resurfacing the Island’s highways (MQ 18/06), and progress on the Undercliff Drive scheme (MQ 21/06).  The Cabinet Member provided appropriate responses.


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and highlighted in particular the concerns raised by Hampshire County Council about the impact of traffic to and from the Island on their main towns.  Members were also advised that the PFI Board had been set up and was considering the feasibility of running a Business Plan in parallel with the PFI bid.


Cabinet Member for Economy, the Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


A written question had been received regarding the communications consultant from Westminster Council and the Cabinet Member responded accordingly.  (MQ 20/06)


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and in particular mentioned that feedback regarding the Island’s tourism during the first quarter of the year showed the highest increase in the region.  Further information would be provided regarding the Council’s strategic partnering proposal and the subsequent improvement of the procurement process as well as customer relations.


A question was asked about the stated tourism figures conflicting with a recent survey about ferry customers and the Cabinet Member responded accordingly.


Cabinet Member for Island Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing


A written question had been received about the housing allocation grant and the Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 19/06)


The Cabinet Member reported that new responsibilities for Children’s Services were being addressed.  The Government’s White Paper about Adult Services had prompted the first steps towards change and further information would be circulated to Members.


An event to celebrate 21 years for the Adelaide in Ryde had been very successful and a meeting of the Adult Protection Committee had been attended.


A question was asked about the Supporting People Review and the Cabinet Member responded.


Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee had provided a written report giving an update on the recent Wightcare investigation, which was now completed.  Forthcoming enquiries included the Revenues Budget Efficiencies, the Use of Consultants, Aim High and possibly Supporting People.  Enquiries relating to Development Control were also being progressed.