1. The first substantial Scrutiny enquiry under my Chairmanship and indeed since this Council was elected – into the proposed transfer of the Council’s Wightcare home care operation to a private provider – was my prime focus during May. Together with Cllr Mosdell and Cllr Gardiner – who constituted with me the ‘task and finish’ group for this enquiry – we interviewed many stakeholders as part of this enquiry. We were also assisted by Cllr Bishop who we co-opted for this enquiry – though she is now a full member of the committee, having replaced Cllr Cunningham.


The enquiry went as far as it could in the short time-period allowed and our draft Final Report was submitted to the Cabinet member, Cllr Cousins, and other stakeholders on 26 May. I hope that its recommendations will be taken into account by the decision-makers; though as yet there     has been no substantive response.


  1. Our proposed enquiry into the Strategic Partnering business case is likely to be abandoned given that there was not a case, though we may look at the recommended strategic transformational partnership at a later date.


  1. The next enquiries are about to commence – into the Revenues Budget efficiencies; the Use of Consultancies; Aim High;  and (provisionally) Supporting People.


  1. The three Development Control related enquiries that I inherited are being progressed by my committee colleagues who initiated these.


  1. We have now had two well-attended formal and public Scrutiny Committees in my nearly three months as Chair – something of a record ! Both Cllr Sutton and Cllr Cousins from the Cabinet have attended to assist our enquiries. Unfortunately tomorrow’s third meeting is rather less exciting, mainly because I have been away for the last three weeks. Normal service will resume in July !


  1. I was pleased to have the opportunity to be interviewed by the CPA inspectors, which I took full advantage of.




Cllr Geoff Lumley

Chair of Scrutiny Committee