1.           FIRE AND RESCUE


Options Appraisal - Update


The consultation period is nearing an end, which has been a very thorough exercise involving a wide range of stakeholders.  More events are planned and a questionnaire was distributed via the County Press last Friday, the results of the consultation exercise will form a large part of the report upon which a decision will be made by Full Council in March.


Myself, the Policy Commissioner, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods and the Acting Chief Fire Officer will be making a fact-finding trip to Somerset and Devon who are in the process of merging their fire services.


Integrated Risk Management Planning


As the existing year’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) draws to a close, the new plan, which will be spread over two years, is due out soon for consultation and will be focused over the next couple of years much more on prevention activities, education of potential firesetters as well as further education on road traffic collisions, in an effort to reduce deaths on our roads. 


Response areas such as review of mobilising standards, recalling personnel for an emergency, as well as a review of appliance attendances will feature in the plan, which following consultation will be taken through to Cabinet for a decision.


Road Traffic Collisions


An ‘Awayday’ is being planned for late January, early February on behalf of the Policy Commission for Safer Communities to look at detailed ways and suggestions to undertake further education in the reduction of deaths and injuries to our youngsters on our roads.  This workshop will involve other agencies in partnership working to establish a way forward and to ensure that resources are pooled and used in an effective way.




Chartermark for Service Excellence


Political colleagues will know of my passion for service excellence.  I was pleased to assist our officers in the Environmental Health and Office Services Teams in Consumer Protection with a recent application for a chartermark award.  Cllrs Bulwer, Williams and I met with the auditor in November and were quizzed on a number of service issues including partnerships, use of modern technology and member involvement.  Our contribution may have been relatively small in context of the overall audit process but the outcome was successful.  Chartermarks are rarely awarded to public service organisations on the island; these are the only teams in this Council currently able to demonstrate service excellence by a chartermark award.


Cold Calling Control Zones


The first cold calling control zone was successfully introduced in parts of Brighstone at the beginning of this financial year.  Cold calling control zones are promoted by the Council through our Trading Standards Service in those communities where there is evidence of need and residents support the concept.  CCCZ’s are designed to deter rogue traders, high pressure selling and reduce the likelihood of distraction burglaries.  The CCCZ in Bembridge launches on Friday, a small CCCZ has been established in parts of Pan and others are planned on the island for example in Northwood.


3.             SAFER COMMUNITIES


Enforcement Campaign


Safer Communities supported the Police with an enforcement campaign aimed at tackling shoplifters in the lead up to Christmas in Newport Town Centre. The team did this through providing additional resources into the CCTV control room to support frontline officers.


Safer Christmas Campaign


In Newport town centre the Safer Communities team worked on a joint Safer Christmas initiative with the police, which saw the team’s trailer located in town to offer Community Safety advice to Shoppers. The trailer was staffed by Safer Communities Community Support Officers, Police Officers and the Police’s Crime Prevention Officer. Shoppers received free ice scrapers and advice packs relating to having a Safer Christmas such as spikeys (bottle tops to prevent drink spiking), a vehicle crime prevention pack, fire prevention leaflets and a wide range of other community safety advice.




CREW – the team delivered another successful Crime Reduction and Environment Week. The week involved input from a wide range of agencies, such as the Police, the Pan Neighbourhood Partnership, Safer Communities, Children’s Services, Consumer Protection, Fire and IoW PCT. The week included:-


·        truancy sweeps,

·        high profile presence in the town using the Safer Communities trailer staffed by Community Support Officers providing advice safer communities advice,

·        football night at Downside School involving young people and police, safer communities, PNP and fire staff,

·        stop checks on vehicles by police using Automatic Number Plate Recognition,

·        joint test purchasing, dog chipping,

·         and culminated in a crash awareness scene on Coppins Bridge car park, involving the emergencies demonstrating the consequences of dangerous and drink driving. The CREW also received widespread media attention.


Adult Treatment Plan 2007 – 2008 Consultation Day


In December a full consultation day was held for all stakeholders around the delivery of adult substance misuse services. The National Treatment Agency chair came down and opened the day with guidelines and information of the targets and expectation for the service for 2007 -2008.


Approximately 40 people attended and an action plan was developed for writing the treatment plan to be submitted by the middle of January 2007 to government. This will set the work to be commissioned for the whole Island.


Young People’s Substance misuse Plan for 2007 -2008


A morning was set aside to discuss and plan for the Young People’s substance misuse plan to be developed for 2007 – 2008. As with the adult plan, this involved key stakeholders and will be commissioned through all young people’s services across the Island. The Plan has to be submitted by the middle of February to government offices of the South East.



Councillor Barry Abraham

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation