Date:                           9 SEPTEMBER 2002


Title:                            LIVE SERVICE OF CONNEXIONS FROM SEPTEMBER 2002








1.         This report seeks to inform the Select Committee of the National Government approval of a "live" service from September 2002 and the content of the regional business plan and the local delivery plan.




2. 1      The Isle of Wight became part of a pilot project for Connexions in April 2000. Previous papers to Executive July 2000 recommended approval of Isle of Wight Council involvement in the Pilot activity. Again, in April 2001 the Executive received a progress report with details of the Members Agreement, Articles of Association & Memorandum Of Association of South Central Connexions Partnership Limited.


2.2              The pilot activity has been steered by a Co-ordination Manager as a seconded post by the Head of Behaviour Support Service, (now reformed and named Tuition & Behaviour Support)


2.3              South Central Connexions region covers the same area as the Learning & Skills Council region. A memorandum of Understanding exists between both parties, available on request from the Connexions Office.




3.1       Connexions is a central Government strategy. The strategy is designed to draw together service providers into a cohesive, holistic service for all 13-19 year olds. This will include all aspects of information, advice, guidance, personal development and academic achievement. The Connexions strategy acknowledges the vital contribution all stakeholders, (including schools, further and higher education institutions, training providers, Youth Service and Social Services, Health and Youth Justice) make to ensuring every young person gets the best start in life.


3.2       Within the Connexions strategy is a discrete Service of Personal Advisers (P.A). These professionals will be trained to work across traditional organisational boundaries. Every qualified Personal Adviser will hold a professional qualification (NVQ Level 4 or equivalent) and the Diploma for Personal Advisers.


3.3       There are eight Key Principles underpinning the Connexions strategy and the Connexions Service. (Annex ONE)


3.4       Between March 2000 and August 2002 the South Central Connexions Partnership (SCCP) have developed pilot activity with the approval of Government Office of South East and the Connexions National Unit.


3.5       A SCCP Business Plan has been approved by National Government.  The business plan identifies nationally agreed targets for individual stakeholders and recognises the contribution Connexions makes to the successful achievement of the targets. It also identifies a Connexions specific target for the active involvement of young people in the delivery of the Connexions service and the need to improve the destination statistics of young people who become "lost" to the system.


3.6       Consultation on a local delivery plan occurred between October 2001 and April 2002. The local delivery plan was approved by the Local management Committee in June 2002.




4.1       Each area within SCCP has been required to create a Local Management Committee to oversee the work of the local delivery team. The LMC is a multi-agency group that includes representation by two young people. (See Annex TWO for current membership). 


4.2       The LMC is the local face for the South Central Connexions Partnership Board.


4.3       The Director of Education acts as chairperson to the LMC.


4.4       The Local Management Committee has written, consulted upon and approved a delivery plan for the Isle of Wight.


4.5       Administration, quality assurance and contract monitoring will be provided by a local team consisting of a Co-ordination Manager, an Information / Data Manager, an Office Manager and a administrative post. These posts will be managed by the SCCP Chief Executive, Pamela Chalnwood.


4.6       The Co-ordination Manager post was appointed in July 2002. Anne Hendon-John will be seconded from the Education Department to fulfil this role. The Information / Data Manger post will be advertised locally in September 2002. The Office Manager was appointed in March 2002, Sue Clifton-Moore will be seconded to Connexions from the Education Department. The administrative role will be advertised locally in September 2002.




5.1       Local funding has been allocated according to a nationally agreed funding formula that acknowledges level of need. The formula was established following national consultation with stakeholders during 2000-2001.


5.2              Details for local spending are identified in  the Delivery Plan.  It is estimated that Isle of Wight Connexions will receive a notional additional £263,000 (full-year costs) of  funding for 2002-2003.


5.3              Isle of Wight Connexions has been able to secure additional funding from Learning & Skills Council, Drug Prevention Advisory Service, New Opportunities Fund and via the Transforming Youth Work Development Fund.


5.4       The Local Management Committee is committed to seeking funding opportunities from a variety of sources to ensure a comprehensive service delivery. A Development Officer post has been included in the staffing arrangements.




6.1       Connexions National Unit will require local collection of data according to an established formula.


6.2       The data collection will inform the Quality Standards process and negotiations for local contracts.


6.3       Responsibility for Data collection will form part of local contracts and will be managed by the local Information / Data Manager, directed by the regional Data Controller.


6.4       Information will be collected recognising the Data Protection Act 1998; the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Learning and Skills Act 2000, section 114-122.


6.5       Detailed Information Management Guidance is available on request from the Connexions Office




7.1       In September 2002, young people aged 16 - 19 years on the Isle of Wight will become eligible to gain access to the Connexions Card. The card is available to all "Learning Centres" and will be introduced at no cost to the institution.


7.2       The Connexions Card will act as an incentive to encourage young people to participate in education or training by the issue of locally negotiated discounts.


7.3       The contract for the Connexions card is held by Capita plc. Capita made a presentation to interested parties on the Island in June 2002. It is anticipated that the microchip on the card will allow it to be linked with Wight Leisure One Card.


7.4              Schools, IW College and Training Providers will be able to negotiate for local incentives. Capita have been requested to discuss discount travel with Southern Vectis.


7.5              The Connexions card carries a micro-chip giving the potential for the Card to carry an e-purse, saving the need for carrying cash. This additional function can be added to the card. The additional cost for additional features will be the responsibility of each Learning Centre.




8.1              The Connexions Service of Personal Advisers will be developed by "in-kind" contributions from Stakeholders and through the Connexions funding for additional posts and activity.


8.2              The Connexions Strategy will be delivered through a multiplicity of partnerships including the Learning & Skills Council, Local Learning Partnerships, IWC directorates, the Health Trust and the voluntary sector.


8.3              Annex THREE gives further detailed information on the Youth Service.


8.4              Annex FOUR gives further detailed information on the Careers Service.


8.5              Annex FIVE gives further detailed information on Health Services.


8.6              Annex SIX gives further detailed information on the Voluntary and Community sector.


8.7              Annex SEVEN gives further detailed information on the Social Services and Housing Directorate.


8.8              Annex EIGHT gives further detailed information on the Youth Justice system.


8.9              Annex NINE gives further detailed information on Young people with Special Educational Need.


8.10          Priorities for spending have been agreed by the Local Management Committee as established in the local delivery plan.




9.1              Connexions is currently involved in the Best Value review for the Youth Service and the cross-cutting review for communications. Connexions was also involved in the cross-cutting review called Opportunities for Young People.


9.2              Research conducted by Connexions in July 2001 (known as the E.R.I.C. research) has helped to inform the recommendations of the BV Opportunities for young people review.


9.3              Full details of the findings from the E.R.I.C research can be obtained from the Connexions Office.


9.4              Connexions will be subject to an Inspection process conducted by Ofsted.


10.       NEXT STEPS


10.1          Staff appointments for an additional Personal Advisor and an additional Connextor (Peer Mentor) and administrator with ICT responsibilities will take place in September - October 2002


10.2          By December 2002 Partnership Agreements will be established with all schools and I W College to include Careers Advice and Guidance and additional support for Citizenship and curriculum issues.


10.3          Data Information sharing protocol to be approved by all partners before April 2003.


10.4          Publicity and Marketing of Connexions will be conducted as part of a national scheme.


10.5          Connexions will continue to support the Youth Service initiative for a one-stop Information, Guidance, Advice and Support Centre.


11.              CONCLUSION


11.1          Connexions will provide a radical way of working with, and providing a service for young people. It requires the commitment of all stakeholders to ensure a cohesive and effective approach to allowing each young person the best start in life.


12.              RECOMMENDATIONS


12.1          To consider and discuss the implications of Connexions on the delivery of IWC funded services for young people.


12.2          To suggest areas for partnership work



Contact point: Anne Hendon-John, IW Manager, Tel 527565.




Head of Education Effectiveness and Lifelong Learning