Connexions Strategy and Connexions Service section 8.4 refers





1.      The purpose of a careers service is to contribute to the learning and prosperity of individuals, their communities and society as a whole. It does this by impartial information, guidance and help to enter appropriate education, training and employment. In doing so, is ascribes to the Connexions eight Key Principles.


2.      The Careers Service is considered to be a major contributor to the delivery of the Connexions strategy and by providing Personal Advisers  it also makes a contribution to the Connexions Service.


3.      The regional Business Plan recognises that the entire Careers contract within school will be delivered by Connexions. From September 2002 all Careers Centres will be identified as Connexions Careers Centres and the staff will work to the Connexions eight Key Principles (Annex One).


4.      Careers advice and guidance will be delivered under contract by a private Careers Company. Currently the contract is held by Southern   Careers. 


5.      Southern Careers will work to deliver the targets in the business plan.


6.      Southern Careers supports young people at post 16 years who are not in employment, education or training through a process known as the Learning Gateway.


7.      The Learning Gateway employs Personal Advisors to work with Young People.


8.      The mapping exercise recognises the high proportion of Young people in the Learning gateway on the Isle of Wight compared to the South Central Connexions Partnership region.


9.      In order to support additional advice and guidance the delivery plan recognises the need for increased Personal Adviser Staff to work with:


(i)                 The Learning Gateway

(ii)               Young people with Special Educational Need

(iii)             Young people  wishing to make further and higher educational choices.


10.     The Careers Company will work closely with the Employment Service and the Benefits Agency