Connexions Strategy and Connexions service section 8. 5 refers





1.         Teenage Pregnancy


1.1       The Primary Care Trust and all Health Departments, including health Promotion and the School Nurse service are considered to be major contributors to the delivery of the Connexions strategy and by providing personal advice,  also make a contribution to the Connexions Service.


1.2       Connexions is part of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy,  Implementation and Review group (S.I.R.) and contributes to the delivery of targets in the local Teenage Pregnancy Plan. The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy is managed by the national Teenage Pregnancy Unit. (TPU)


1.3       Connexions provides an office base for the Teenage Pregnancy Co-ordinator in Newport. The network of agencies working with the Teenage Pregnancy Co- ordinator will work to deliver the targets in the South Central Connexions Partnership  business plan.


1.4       To assist the Girl's Friendly Society, (Winchester House Project) in building capacity to offer a service to young mothers, in 2001 Connexions made a grant of £10,000. Staff from the Project started tthe Diploma for Personal Adviser training in June 2002.


2.         Sexual Health Network


2.1             Connexions will continue to develop links with the I.W. Sexual Health network and contribute to the delivery of an informed service.


2.2             Connexions Personal Advisors will use the sexual health network as a source of informed specialist information, advice and guidance in their work with young people.


3.         Healthy Schools Standard


3.1             Connexions will continue to contribute to the actions of individual organisations involved in accreditation for the Health School standard. Currently this covers attendance at local network meetings and advice


3.2             Connexions will continue to offer advice and training for Peer Mentoring Schemes.


4.         Drug Prevention and Advisory Service


4.1             Connexions will continue to support the Drugs Prevention Advisory (DPAS)  to "Strengthen society's resistance to drugs by supporting the delivery of all four aims of the government anti-drugs strategy, through work at a national, regional and local level".


4.2             Connexions will work closely with the Drugs Education Officer to support this work in schools and the wider community. This will include the development of SNAP events for Young People and the Global Rock Challenge.


5. Drug Action Team


5.1             Connexions will continue to support the local Drug Action Team in delivering the Government's Anti-Drugs strategy.


5.2             By the procurement of additional funding for drugs education programmes, Connexions will make a contribution to the Tier Two training of Drugs Workers


5.3             The local Drug Action Team co-ordinator is a member of the Local Management Committee.


5.4             The Connexions Manger is a member of the DAT Young People's Reference  Group.


6. Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)


6.1             Connexions recognises the pivotal role of emotional health and well-being in the achievement of self-actualisation. It acknowledges the contribution the Child and Adolescent Mental Health service makes to the delivery of the Connexions Strategy.


6.2             The delivery plan identifies an additional, intensively working Personal 

Advisor to work with the CAMHS team. Carrying a caseload of eight  young people, this Personal Advisor will be able to offer time intensive support. The intensively - working Personal Advisor will be line-managed by the local CAMHS Manager.


6.3       Members of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team will be nominated to undertake Diploma for Personal Adviser training during September 2002- April 2003. A new Island based course will commence in June 2003.


6.3             The manager of the Child and Adolescent Mental health team will form part of the Local management Committee Steering group.


7. South Central Partnership Board


7.1       The interests of Health departments are represented at SCCP board level by the Executive Director of the Primary Trust.