Connexions strategy and Connexions service section 8.6 refers





1.      All aspects of voluntary and community sector work offering personal development opportunities to 13-19 year olds contribute to the overall

Connexions strategy.


2.   Connexions recognises the essential and unique contribution the voluntary and community sector, including  uniformed organisations make to providing personal development opportunities for young people and thus contributing to the Connexions Strategy.


3.  Connexions will support the Voluntary and Community sector by ;

(i)         providing, without charge, a venue to meet four times per year.

(ii)        Assisting wherever possible in capacity building initiatives

(iii)       Contributing to management activities and offering consultation

(iv)              Encouraging tender for contract aspects of Connexions Service delivery.

(v)                Providing free of charge and supply cover costs for staff wishing to undertake the ten-month course Diploma for Personal Advisors

(vi)              Providing free of charge  a ten-day "Understanding Connexions" course for staff wishing to gain a greater understanding of the Assessment, Implementation, Planning and Review process.


4.      Connexions is making  an "in-kind" contribution to two  SRB funded projects by offering the use of office accommodation without charge. Currently this facility is used by The Hampton Trust (Interact Mentoring programme) and COM-MENT, a community based Mentoring scheme. Both schemes make a significant contribution to the Connexions Strategy.


5.      Staff from the Girl's Friendly Society, the Red Cross  and MENCAP commenced study for  the Diploma for Personal Advisers course in June 2002.


6.      Connexions can be used as a vetting route to the Criminal Record Bureaux for volunteers working in community settings. This facility has currently been requested by the organisation known as "People off the Streets" (POTS)


7.      The Rural Community Council provides a representative of the Community

sector on the Local Management Committee.


8.      The Voluntary and Community sector are represented on the South Central   Connexions Partnership Board by the Chief Executive of the Hampton Trust. SCCP hold regular Voluntary Sector Forums to discuss effective partnership working.