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Food Hygiene Rating Scheme ‘Right to Reply’

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Food Hygiene Rating Scheme ‘Right to Reply’
Notes for businesses
As the food business operator of the establishment you have a ‘right to reply’ in respect of the food hygiene rating given following your inspection.

The purpose is to enable you to give an explanation of subsequent actions that have been taken to make the required improvements as detailed in the inspection letter, or to explain mitigation for the circumstances at the time of the inspection. It is not for making complaints or for criticising the scheme or food safety officer. 

If you wish to use this ‘right to reply’, either submit this form online or print it and return it to Environmental Health - contact details are provided at the end of this form.

Your comments will be reviewed and may be edited in order to remove offensive or defamatory remarks before being published online and displayed together with your food hygiene rating at

There will be a statement at that will highlight that the accuracy of your comments has not been verified by local authority officers.
Details of Food Business
 * Food business operator/proprietor
 * Business name
 * Business addresses
 * Business tel no
 * Business email

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