Committee:    FULL COUNCIL


Date :               22 FEBRUARY 2006









1.      The purpose of this paper is threefold:


a.      To give effect to the Orders creating the Parish Councils of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet & Ashey” for the civil Parish areas of the same names to be created by Order of the Secretary of State.


b.      To amend existing, and create new, Polling Districts which are necessary to ensure that the electoral arrangements for the two new Parish Councils can be conducted effectively.


c.      To agree an initial level of Parish precept to be levied in the areas of the two new Parish Councils.




2.      None. When the petitions calling for the creation of these Parish Councils were received, the Isle of Wight Council undertook an initial period of consultation including the use of an Official Notice, letters to the neighbouring Parish Councils, and a Public Meeting.




3.      The petition for the creation of “Havenstreet & Ashey” Parish Council was passed to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister on 1st April 2004, and that for “Fishbourne” Parish Council on 5th August 2004, following consideration by the Isle of Wight Council in both cases.


4.      Prior to the creation of the two new Parish Councils by the Isle of Wight Council, the Secretary of State will make an Order (The Isle of Wight (Parishes) Order 2006) establishing two new civil Parish areas and directing the Isle of Wight Council to establish the two new Parish Councils, and the Electoral Commission will make an Order (The Isle of Wight (Parish Electoral Arrangements) Order 2006 establishing the electoral arrangements for the Parish Councils.




  1. The Isle Of Wight Council has an existing policy of supporting the creation of Parish Councils where there is a demand from the electorate. The extension or creation of Parish Councils fits comfortably with one of the aspirations of the Isle of Wight Community Strategy 2002-2012, viz: “To help local communities become more involved in making local decisions.”




6.      An initial period of consultation was carried out when the two petitions were received and prior to consideration by the Isle of Wight Council. No further consultation has been carried out since the petitions were passed to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, other than that relating to the setting of the initial precept.




7.      None. The costs of running the Parish Councils will be met from the precept levied as discussed in Appendix C. There is no further financial burden upon the Isle of Wight Council as the Parish Councils will be self-financing independent bodies.




8.      The Isle of Wight Council is required under Section 16 of the Local Government and Rating Act 1997 to create the Parish Councils as directed by the Secretary Of State.


9.      Section 18 of The Representation of the People Act 1983 requires the Isle of Wight Council to ensure that the allocation of polling districts meets both the needs of electors and fulfils the requirement to define the electoral boundaries of Parish Councils.


10. Section 3 of The Local Government Finance (New Parishes) Regulations 1998 states that the billing authority (the Isle of Wight Council) must calculate the precept in accordance with Section 32 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.




11. None. The Isle of Wight Council is required by Order and statute to carry out the items detailed in paragraph 1, above.




12. There are no risks associated with this process, other than failure on the part of the Isle of Wight Council to fulfil any or all of its statutory obligations with respect to the two new Parish Councils.


13. It is desirable that the first elections to these two new Parish Councils are held on Thursday 4th May 2006, which will coincide with elections to local authorities in some other parts of England. Due to the timescales involved in the creation of the Orders by the ODPM and the Electoral Commission the goal of having elections on this date can only be achieved by anticipating the making of these Orders, and drafting the recommendations in such a way that they can be resolved by the Isle of Wight Council in advance of the ODPM and the Electoral Commission Orders being created.


14. As a result, the resolutions relating to changes to Polling Districts and the creation Orders for the new Parish Councils will, once agreed by the Isle of Wight Council, only become effective on the day after those Orders are made by the ODPM and the Electoral Commission.


15. In the event that the Orders issued by ODPM and the Electoral Commission are not made prior to the last day for the Publication of Notice of Election for May 4th, then Section 39 of the Representation of the People Act will allow the ordinary day of elections for 2006 to be moved to another date of the Councils choice.


16. Regardless of the actual date upon which the Parish Councils are created it is necessary to set an initial precept on the new Parish Council areas in order that those Councils can function once they come into existence.





17. Given the statutory nature of the Isle of Wight Council’s obligations, it is recommended:


a.      That the Isle of Wight Council give effect to the Orders creating the Parish Councils of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet & Ashey” for the civil Parish areas of the same names to be created by Order of the Secretary of State, as detailed in Appendix A. This resolution to be effective on the day after the creation Order for the Parish areas is made by the Secretary of State or the Order implementing the Electoral Arrangements is made by the Electoral Commission, whichever is the later.


b.      That the Isle of Wight Council amend and create Polling Districts which are necessary to ensure that the electoral arrangements for the two Parish Councils can be effectively conducted, as detailed in Appendix B. This resolution to be effective on the day after the creation Order for the Parish areas is made by the Secretary of State or the Order implementing the Electoral Arrangements is made by the Electoral Commission, whichever is the later.


c.      That the Isle of Wight Council agrees an initial level of Parish precept to be levied in the areas of the two new Parish Councils, at a rate of £8000.00 per annum for the financial year 2006 / 2007 as detailed in Appendix C.





18. Appendix A – Orders for the creation of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” Parish Councils.


19. Appendix B – Details of new and amended Polling Districts in relation to the two new Parish Councils.


20. Appendix C – Details of the calculation of initial precepts for the two new Parish Councils.




Contact Point :          Clive Joynes, Electoral Services Officer (01983) 823341

                                       e-mail: [email protected]









Acting Chief Executive