New and Amended Polling Districts resulting  from the creation of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet & Ashey” Parish Councils



1.            Background:


1.1       In order to secure effective electoral arrangements for the two new Parish Councils it is necessary to amend two existing Polling Districts and to create two new Polling Districts.


1.2       The reason for this is that the boundaries of the two new Parish Council areas cross over existing boundaries for the Electoral Divisions of the Isle of Wight Council, and the Register of Electors needs to be divided into Polling Districts in such a way that those electors in a single Electoral Division are sub-divided into groups depending upon whether their dwelling falls inside or outside of the Parish Council Boundary.


2.            Implementation:


2.1    In the case of “Fishbourne” Parish Council this is simply a matter of extending the existing Polling District of “Fishbourne” to include Quarr Abbey and a small number of adjacent dwellings. This extension to the Polling District of Fishbourne is shown on the accompanying map. This will result in the Polling District of “Fishbourne” exactly matching the Parish Council area of the same name.


2.2       “Havenstreet &Ashey” Parish Council is a little more complicated, in that the area of the Parish Council covers parts of three adjacent Electoral Divisions of the Isle of Wight Council.


2.3       The single largest Polling District will be that of “Havenstreet”, which will involve the existing Polling District of that name being enlarged to encompass the parts of Ashey which falls within the Parish Council area.


2.4       To the West of the Parish Council area, a large rural part of the Fairlee Electoral Division will be included within the Parish Council area, and to differentiate between those electors who are and who are not within the Parish Council area a new Polling District is required. It is proposed that this new Polling District be known as “East Fairlee”, and the boundary of this is shown on the second accompanying map.


2.5       To the North of the Parish Council area is a relatively small parcel of land which lies within the Binstead Electoral Division, but which is now also included within the “Havenstreet and Ashey” Parish Council area. Once again it is necessary to differentiate between those electors who are and who are not within the Parish Council area and a new Polling District is required. It is proposed that this new Polling District be known as “Newnham Lane Area”, and the boundary of this is also shown on the accompanying map.


2.6       It should be noted that none of the alterations to Polling Districts have any effect whatsoever upon the electoral arrangements for Electoral Divisions of the Isle of Wight Council.


3.0 Recommendations:


3.1       It is recommended:


That the Isle of Wight Council amend and create Polling Districts which are necessary to ensure that the electoral arrangements for the two Parish Councils can be effectively conducted, as detailed in Appendix B. This resolution to be effective on the day after the creation Order for the Parish areas is made by the Secretary of State or the Order implementing the Electoral Arrangements is made by the Electoral Commission, whichever is the later.




Contact Point: Clive Joynes, Electoral Services Officer. Tel 823341

                          [email protected]



Based upon OS map data with permission of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. CROWN COPYRIGHT. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.                          LA076694