Orders for the creation of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” Parish Councils



1.            Background:


1.1       On 24th January 2006 the Secretary Of State issued Draft Orders creating the civil Parish areas known as “Havenstreet and Ashey” and  “Fishbourne”. These Orders also direct the Isle of Wight Council to create Parish Councils for these two civil Parish areas.


1.2       These civil Parish areas have been created in response to the two petitions delivered to the Isle of Wight Council on 22nd January 2004 and 20th May 2004 respectively, and subsequently considered by the Council on 17th March 2004 and 21st July 2004.


1.3       Under Section 16 of the Local Government and Rating Act 1997, the Isle of Wight Council is now obliged to establish Parish Councils for these areas, as per the direction of the Secretary Of State.


1.4       This appendix presents the Creation Orders, for confirmation by the Isle of Wight Council.


2.            Consultation:


2.1    Consultation on the details contained within these Orders was carried out during the period commencing with the receipt of the original petitions by the Isle of Wight Council.


3.            Recommendations:


3.1       It is recommended:


That the Isle of Wight Council approve the making of the Order to create the Parish Councils of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey”. This resolution to be effective on the day after the creation Order for the Parish areas is made by the Secretary of State or the Order implementing the Electoral Arrangements is made by the Electoral Commission, whichever is the later.




Contact Point: Clive Joynes, Electoral Services Officer. Tel 823341

                          [email protected]



Isle of Wight Council


Creation of Parish Councils


The “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” Parish Council Order 2006



Made this                               day of                          2006.


The Isle of Wight Council (“the Council“) having been directed by the Secretary of State in article 4 of The Isle of Wight (Parishes) Order 2006, and in exercise of powers conferred on it by section 16 of Local Government and Rating Act 1997, and of all other powers enabling in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order


1.                  This order shall be referred to as the The “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” Parish Council Order 2006.


2.                  It shall come into force the day after the day on which it was made.


3.                  The Council hereby establishes Parish Councils (“the Parish Councils“) for the Parishes of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey”


4.                  The Parish Councils shall each be constituted with 6 Parish Councillors (“the Parish Councillors”).


5.                  The Parish Councillors for the Parishes of “Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” shall be elected on 4th May 2006, or the first date thereafter on which the Parish elections may lawfully be held.


6.                  Subsequent elections to the Parish Council shall coincide with the date for the ordinary election of Parish Councillors to the other Parish Councils within the Isle of Wight Council area, namely May 2009 and every fourth year thereafter.


7.                  The term of office of any Parish Councillor so elected shall be, in the case of the Councillors elected in 2006, three years and, in the case of the Councillors elected in any subsequent ordinary election of Parish Councillors, four years.


8.                  The first annual meeting of the Parish Councils for the Parishes of Fishbourne” and “Havenstreet and Ashey” shall be held on or within fourteen days after the day upon which the first newly elected Parish Councillors take office and shall be convened by the solicitor to the Council.


9.                  For the purposes of article 3 of the Local Government Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Order 1995 (SI 1995/161) and the Regulation 3 of the Local Government Finance (New Parishes) Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/119) there is specified in relation to the Parish of “Fishbourne” in the sum of £8000.00, and in relation to the Parish of “Havenstreet and Ashey” the sum of £8000.00



The Common Seal of the Isle of Wight Council was hereunto affixed this                                     day of                                         2006.



In the presence of





Authorised Signatory