Head of Paid Service

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


14 January 2003




You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 22 JANUARY 2003 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.






1.             To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 11 December 2002 (Paper A).

2.             To receive any declarations of interest.


3.             To deal with any questions from members of the public.


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Monday, 20 January 2003.


4.             To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.


5.             Motion as submitted under Procedure Rule 11:


(a)          As submitted by Mr E Fox CC:


"This Council supports the targets set out in our Local Transport Plan and is committed to deliver sustainable and integrated transport by increasing the scope and choice of services, improving public transport in quality, cost and accessibility whilst expanding and developing safer facilities for journeys by cycle and by foot.


This Council will seek to provide additional funding from PFI and/or similarly innovative means and the resources necessary to address the long outstanding infrastructure problems caused by the historical under investment in this vital island asset so crucial to all areas of island life."


(b)         As submitted by Mr B Buckle CC:


"This Council reminds Officers that any advice they give Members - especially about their attendance at public meetings on Planning matters - must be positively even-handed.


Officers are asked to note that Members have a duty not only to be seen to be unprejudiced but also to be fully informed on such matters so they can properly discharge their constitutional role.


Unless renewed this Motion's effect is to lapse at the end of this Council's term."


6.             EXECUTIVE :


(a)         To consider the following matters as recommended by the Executive at its meeting on the 15 January:


(i)           Council Tax Base 2003/04


The recommendation of the Executive held on 15 January shall be circulated to all Members as soon as possible.


The report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B1)


(ii)          Early Years Development and Childcare Plan 2003 –2004


The recommendation of the Executive held on 15 January shall be circulated to all Members as soon as possible.


(The report of the Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B2)


(b)         Portfolio Holders to give an update on major issues and to answer written and oral questions on budget or policy :  


(i)            The Leader (Mrs S A Smart)

(i)            Deputy Leader (Mr P G Harris)

(ii)          Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs B Lawson);

(iii)        Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);

(iv)        Education and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J L Wareham);

(v)          Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection (Mr D J Knowles);

(vi)        Resources (Mr R R Barry);

(vii)      Social Services and Housing (Mr R G Mazillius);

(viii)    Tourism and Leisure (Mrs M A Jarman);

(ix)        Transport (Mr E Fox).


To guarantee a full reply Members must submit a question in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Tuesday, 21 January 2003. A further period of 7 Minutes will be allowed for oral questions to each Portfolio Holder.


7.             To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Committees :


(a)          Select Committees :


(i)                 Co-Ordinating Committee (Mr G Kendall)

(ii)               Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr J H Fleming);

(iii)             Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mr J F Howe);

(iv)              Environment and Transport (Mrs T M Butchers);

(v)                Fire and Public Safety (Mr G P Price);

(vi)              Resources (Mr G S Kendall);

(vii)            Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr I R Stephens).


(b)          Regulatory Committees :


(i)                 Development Control Committee (Mrs M J Miller)

(ii)               Licensing Panel (Mr C B Chapman)

(iii)             Regulatory Appeals Committee (Mrs M J Lloyd)


Any questions from Members for items 7(a) and 7(b) above must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services by 10.00 am on Tuesday, 21 January 2003.




                                                                                  M J A FISHER

                                                                            Head of Paid Service