Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mr D G Williams


Apologies :


Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mrs D Gardiner, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mellor, Mr I R Stephens, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D Yates




Before the meeting commenced the Council was entertained with Carols sung by Meadowbrook Choir.


59.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2002 be confirmed.




At 10.20 am Mr Cunningham, Mrs Butchers, Mr Kendal and Mr Mazillius declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in Minute number 65(a)(ii) (Local Authority Health Overview and Scrutiny) as members appointed by the Council on the Isle of Wight Community Health Council.


61.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr J Wortham asked an oral question concerning the future of Wight Leisure and the salary of the Managing Director – a full written reply was promised.


62.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman updated members on the success of her recent Coffee Morning and that it had raised approximately £750 for her three charities.




The Council considered the following motion moved by Mr G Price :


“THAT the constitution be amended so that when Executive members, Chairmen of Select and Regulatory Committees wish to give a report to Council these be in writing and submitted to Committee Services by 5pm on the 9th working day before the meeting (not including the day of the meeting) and that Executive members, Chairmen of Select and Regulatory Committees no longer give oral reports to the meeting however all other members of the Council may submit a written question on the content of the report - such question to be submitted in writing at least 24 hours (not including weekends and bank holidays) before the commencement of the meeting."


During the debate members, whilst supporting the underlying point, felt that the motion proposed was too prescriptive and that matters relating to the conduct of the Council meeting needed to be considered all together rather than piecemeal. It was noted that some initial discussions on this were already underway.


Following the debate Mr G Price withdrew his motion.


64.             EXECUTIVE


(a)               Recommendation From The Executive


Access To Housing And Other Development Land At Pan, Newport


The Council considered the recommendation from the Executive seeking to amend the Councils Capital Programme for 2002/3 in order to fund the purchase of a parcel of land that would secure access to housing and other development land at Pan, Newport. At its meeting on 20 August 2002 the Executive had resolved to enter into negotiations with the owners of the land. However, the principal landowner had now gone into receivership.  The Receivers were seeking a quick sale of the land and it was unlikely that the offer made would remain open until the next issue of the Forward Plan and therefore a decision was being requested although the matter had not been included in the Council’s Forward Plan.  The necessary consultations had been undertaken to comply with the statutory requirements for considering this matter in such circumstances. In moving the recommendation the Leader added the following words to the 5th bullet point for the proposed terms of the acquisition: “- equally if the Council does not acquire these options then the Council can bar access to the adjoining Council land”.


Members considered that the proposed purchase was required as it was fundamental for the release of other land in the vicinity for social housing and other mixed development.  There was some concern that the proposed purchase was proceeding without a detailed development plan for the area although it was explained that the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) did set out the various proposed zonings for the land in question. Any development of this site, and the adjoining land, would be subject to Planning Permission in the usual way.




THAT the Capital Programme for 2002/3 be amended in order to fund the purchase as set out in the report and that bullet point 5 for the proposed terms of the acquisition: “- equally if the Council does not acquire these options then the Council can bar access to the adjoining Council land”.


(b)               Executive - Reports Of The Portfolio Holders


            (i)         The Leader


The Leader updated members on current issues, in particular the budget allocation by Government. During the question session for the Leader it was moved, seconded and




THAT Procedure Rule 10(6) be suspended for this meeting to allow an unlimited amount of time for the Leader to be questioned on this matter.


(ii)        Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio Holder updated members on current issues and acknowledged the excellent work of the members of staff in the Tourism section who had been operating without a Head of Tourism since the departure of Mr Tim Addison.


(iii)       The Deputy Leader


            The Deputy Leader informed members that the Comprehensive Performance Assessment results would be announced the following day (12 December) and that the Executive would be considering a report at its next meeting about Risk Management.


(iv)              Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


The Portfolio Holder was absent owing to illness and, as a result, no report was given.

(v)                Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder updated members on the latest position with regard to the NUTS classification and the impact for the Isle of Wight.

(vi)              Education and Lifelong Learning


In the absence of the Portfolio Holder the Leader updated members on current issues.

(vii)            Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


The Portfolio Holder updated members on industrial action by the FBU. Mrs D Gardiner submitted a question on some aspects of the handling of the FBU strike. A copy of the question and answer given is contained in the Members Question Register (MQ92/02).

(viii)          Resources

The Portfolio Holder updated members on the future ability of the Council to raise more than 50% Council Tax on second homes.

(ix)              Social Services and Housing


The Portfolio Holder with the aid of a written report that was circulated updated members on current issues.

(x)                Transport


The Portfolio Holder updated members on the outcome of the Local Transport Plan and Government approvals that had been given for spending on various projects.


Mr C Hancock asked a question on the policy of improving the flow of traffic into Newport in the morning. A copy of the question and answer given is contained in the Members Question Register (MQ93/02).




(a)        Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


(i)                 Fire and Public Safety


Mrs D Gardiner asked five written questions relating to the Chairman’s handling of requests for scrutiny of the action arising from the FBU strike. A copy of the questions and answers given is contained in the Members Question Register (MQ94/02).


(ii)               Co-ordinating Committee


(Mr Cunningham, Mrs Butchers, Mr Kendal and Mr Mazillius declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in this item as members appointed by the Council on the Isle of Wight Community Health Council.)


The Council considered the following recommendation from the Co-ordinating Committee as moved by Mr G Kendal CC and seconded by Mr R Mazillius CC :


“THAT health scrutiny be added to the remit of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee to be reviewed in May 2003.”




THAT health scrutiny be added to the remit of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee to be reviewed in May 2003.


(iii)             Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(iv)              Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(v)                Environment and Transport

The Chairman advised that the Select Committee would be scrutinising the Ryde Interchange proposals at a future meeting.


(vi)              Resources

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(vii)            Social Services, Housing and Benefits

The Chairman submitted a written report to members on the work of the Select Committee.

(b)               Regulatory Committees

(i)                 Development Control Committee

No written questions were received.

(ii)               Licensing Panel

No written questions were received.

(iii)       Regulatory Appeals

                        No written questions were received.


The meeting closed at 13:00 pm