REPORT TO CABINET


Date :              13 DECEMBER 2005






          IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 23 December 2005 




1.                  A decision is sought granting permission for the commencement of Compulsory Purchase proceedings regarding empty properties in line with the Council Housing Renewal Strategy. The properties the cabinet is asked to consider on this occasion are 33 Orchard Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight and 13 Cross Street, Oakfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight




2.                  Both these properties have been empty for many years. The Council has been involved with 13 Cross Street Oakfield since 1992 and 33 Orchard Road Shanklin since 2001 although this property has been empty for about nine years.


3.                  Attached as background papers is a chronological list of contacts in respect of both properties. Officers have expended much time in attempting to negotiate with the owner of 13 Cross Street and the executor of 33 Orchard Road. All offers of assistance and help have not been taken up. There has also been involvement from Environmental Health and Planning.


4.                  Whilst these properties remain empty they are having a detrimental effect on the surrounding area and especially the immediately adjoining properties. The owners of the adjoining properties have made representations to officers.


5.                  It is the considered opinion of the officers that there is no justifiable reason for these two properties to continue to remain empty.




6.                  The return of empty properties is part of the Council’s Housing Strategy and the Housing Renewal Strategy.


7.                  Empty property is also part of the Governments national policy of ensuring long term empties are returned to occupation. It is a Best Value Performance Indicator (BVPI)


8.                  The return of empty properties assists in providing much needed housing on the Island.



9.         The attached chronologies show the amount of consultation that has taken place. This has been with the owner and executor, elected members, valuers, structural engineers, planning, environmental health, building control, legal, crime and disorder/safer communities and adjoining owners.




10.       Both properties will be acquired at their current market value and in their present state. Mr P Kingston FRICS of Kingston and Grist, Chartered Surveyors have determined the value of each property as: 13 Cross Street, Oakfield Ryde, £65,000 and 33 Orchard Road Shanklin £136,500. These valuations will be confirmed or amended at the date of the compulsory purchase.


11.             Finance of £200,000.00 has been included in the current financial year to purchase both properties. It is part of the procedure that they are both bought and sold back to back. The Council is able to recover its reasonable expenses. Potential purchasers are not yet known but Medina Housing Association have been approached in respect of 13 Cross Street Oakfield Ryde. 33 Orchard Road Shanklin will be on the open market through a selling agent. Enquiries have been received from potential purchasers.


12.       If the recommendations of this report are accepted the selling of both properties would be firmed up.




13.       Section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 empowers local housing authorities to compulsory acquire land, houses or other properties for the provision of housing accommodation.


14.       The acquisition must achieve a quantitative or qualitative aim.


15.       It is acceptable for the compulsory purchases procedure to be utilised in respect of empty properties as a last resort in situations where there appears to be no other prospect of the property being brought into residential use.


16.      Procedural advice relating to compulsory purchase is provided within the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.




17.      Consideration has been given to any human rights issues which might be raised as a result of the proposed action, specifically to Article 8 and Article 1 of the first protocol.


18.      Article 8 deals with the right an individual has to respect for his private life and family life. This extends to include an individuals home. The convention prohibits the interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society.


19.      Article 1 of the First Protocol addresses the individuals rights to the protection of property and states that every person is entitles to the peaceful enjoyment of his possession, it is the intention that no one is to be deprived of his possessions except when it is in the public interest to do so.


20.      There is no doubt that there will be a significant interference with the rights of the owners of the properties. However having regard to the public interest in the Housing Renewal Strategy, the Council corporate objectives and the economic and environmental improvements which will result, it is considered that the degree of interference is both justified and proportionate to the legitimate aim of the Council and that to proceed is in the public interest.




21.             The crime and disorder issues apparent in respect of this proposal are mainly identified as vandalism. 13 Cross Street Oakfield Ryde has attracted vandalism requiring the windows to be boarded up. 33 Orchard Road Shanklin has some windows broken, vandalism to the front boundary wall and both properties have overgrown gardens affecting the adjoining owners.


22.             It has been established through research that derelict properties attract anti-social behaviour through unwanted attention, vandalism, squatters and possible substance misuse.




23.      That the Council resolves to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of the properties, 33 Orchard Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight and 13 Cross Street, Oakfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight under section 16 of the Housing Act 1985. That the land as described herein is acquired.


24.      That the on going correspondence be continued in the hope that the owners of the property consent to return the properties to residential use.


25.      That no further action is taken.




26.       Of the three options the only satisfactory way of resolving these long-term empty properties is to proceed to compulsory purchase.


27.      Correspondence has not so far produced any movement by the owners and continuing with correspondence is unlikely to bring these properties back into residential use.


28.      No further action will not bring the properties back into use and is likely to result in complaints from the adjoining owners.



29.      Possible risks from taking compulsory purchase is


(i)                 Orders not confirmed by Secretary of State.

This would mean that the Council could not proceed with compulsory purchase and either continue in correspondence with the owners or resolve to take no further action.


(ii)               Appeal(s) leading to public inquiry.

Either or both owners could lodge an appeal and this would likely lead to a local inquiry with consequential delays and additional costs in appearing before the Inspector with witnesses and evidence.


(iii)             Delay in selling on properties.

This would mean the Council would retain ownership of the properties until such time as they were sold with insurance costs and interest on acquisition finance. 




30.      That the Council resolves to make a compulsory purchase order in respect of   the properties, 33 Orchard Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight and 13 Cross Street, Oakfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight under section 16 of the Housing Act 1985. That the land as described herein is acquired.



31.      Chronology of events in respect of each property – 33 Orchard Road, 13 Cross Street

Housing Strategy

Housing Renewal Strategy



Engineers report



Contact Point :     Mr Ian Hookey, Housing Renewal Manager, Housing & Community Support Division, 7 High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight


                               Telephone number: 01983 823051

                               e-mail: [email protected]



Interim Head of Adult and Housing Services


Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing