33 Orchard Road Shanklin Isle of Wight


Chronological order of events


Date                 Contact                                                            Purpose


28/03/01            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Initial contact

26/04/01            Letter to Robinson Jarvis and Rolfe.                     Enq. Re probate

04/03/02            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Follow up

06/06/02            Letter from D Potts (BC) to Mr Rance               Advise re roof

18/09/02            e-mail from Steve Cornwall (planning)

18/09/02            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Offer of grant

17/10/02            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Withdrawing offer of grant

26/06/03            e-mail to Steve Cornwall (planning)                      Overgrown graden

02/07/03            e-mail from S Cornwall                                        No action by planning

03/07/03            e-mail to John Lutas (bld Control)                        Re structural state

03/07/03            e-mail from J Lutas                                                                   

01/09/03            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Latest position

16/10/03            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  S 16 requisition notice

16/10/03            Letter from Mr King neighbour No 35                    omplaint

18/10/03            Phone call from P Griffiths to Mr King                  Confirmation of letter

13/11/03            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr Rance                  Non return of S 16

19/11/03            Letter from Mr King                                            Current position

17/11/03            Phone call from Mr Rance to P Griffiths

20/11/03            Letter from Mr Rance                                       Alleged illegal entry

29/11/03            Ack from I Hookey to Mr Rance                       Re entry and look into

10/12/03            Letter from I Hookey to Mr Rance                    Answer to entry etc

08/01/04            Letter from Mr King                                            Latest position

08/01/04            Phone call from P Griffiths to Mr King                  Inspection tomorrow

09/01/04            Dev. Control site inspection

14/01/04            e-mail from S Cornwall                                        Confirmed visit by cmttee.

20/01/04            Letter from Mr King                                            Latest position following visit

21/01/04            Letter from P Griffiths to Mr King                         Being dealt with by I Hookey

22/01/04            Return of S 16 requisition                                Not fully completed

22/01/04            Letter from Mr Rance to I Hookey                    Long letter

22/01/04            Letter from I Hookey to Mr Rance                    Answering above from Mr R.

12/02/04            Letter from Mr King                                            prospective purchaser

17/02/04            Letter from I Hookey to Mr King                           Latest position

19/03/04            Letter from I Hookey to Mr King                           Possible Compulsory Purchase

22/03/04            Letter from Mr King                                            Response to above

25/03/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Answers to above letter

30/04/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

24/05/04            Phone call from Mr Rance                               Various queries on our involvement

25/05/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Confirming telephone conversation

25/05/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

02/06/04            Letter from Mr Rance                                       Why is he recorded as ‘owner’

08/06/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Correspondence is as executor

10/06/04            Letter from Mr Rance                                       Querying why we write to him

14/06/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

14/06/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Answer to his of 10 June 04

17/09/04            Letter from Mr King                                            Requesting meeting

17/06/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Reply

21/06/04            e-mail following tel.call to office                           Still querying why we write to him

22/06/04            Memo from Solicitor                                           Carrying out probate search

24/06/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Reasons for corresponding with him

15/06/04            Memo from Solicitor                                           Probate confirm Mr Rance is executor

12/08/04            e-mail to Cllr Fleming                                         Answers to queries

24/08/04            e-mail from Solicitor                                           Planning to serve s.215 notice

01/09/04            Letter from Mr King                                            Requesting meeting

02/09/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Meeting arranged

06/09/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Requesting site meeting

06/09/04            Meeting in Solicitors office with neighbours,

                        S Cornwall –planning, P Griffiths

17/09/04            Letter from Mr Rance                                       Information from engineer

30/09/04            Phone call with Mr Rance                               Arranged site meeting

04/10/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Confirmed meeting as 8 Oct 04

04/10/04            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott                                                                               

04/10/04            Letter to Kingston & Grist                                                         

07/10/04            Letter from Kingston & Grist                                Accepted meeting

08/10/04            Site meeting IH, JstB, P Kingston,

                        B Wilmott, Mr Rance, Builder #1,

                        Builder #2.

11/10/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Thanking for meeting

12/10/04            Letter from Pritchard Wilmott                              Report

19/10/04            L:etter from Kingston & Grist                               Report

11/11/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Reports sent

11/11/04            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott                                  Confirmation of receipt of report

11/11/04            Letter to Kingston & Grist                                                         

18/11/04            Memo from Solicitor                                           Obtain cost of works

19/11/04            e-mail to Solicitor                                               Will obtain cost of works

19/11/04            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott                                  Request schedule of works

19/11/04            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Advising about getting schedule

22/11/04            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott                                  Sent details of valuation

30/11/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

04/01/05            Letter from Pritchard Wilmott                              Enclose schedule of works

04/01/05            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott                                  Receipt of schedule

04/01/05            Info to Solicitor                                                   Forwarded schedule

07/01/05            Memo from Solicitor                                           Re S 215 notice

03/02/05            Memo from Solicitor                                          

04/02/05            Letter from Pritchard Wilmott                              Account for schedule

04/02/05            Memo to Solicitor                                               Answer to memo of 3/2/05

08/02/05            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Schedule and advice

08/02/04            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

11/02/05            Letter from Mr King

04/03/05            Memo from Solicitor                                           Handing file to L Gaudion

07/03/05            e-mail to Solicitor                                               Information

08/03/05            Letter to Mr Rance                                           Chasing response to schedule

14/04/05            Letter from Pritchard Wilmott                              Account

14/03/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

11/04/05            Memo from Solicitor

11/04/05            e-mail to Solicitor                                               Information

10/05/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

10/05/05            letter to Mr Rance                                            Informing of compulsory purchase

10/05/05            e-mail requesting budget codes for CP

10/05/05            Letter to Pritchard Wilmott

18/05/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

17/06/05            Letter from Mr King                                            Copy letter to Cllr Pugh

24/06/05            Letter from Mr King                                            Copy of letter to Cllr Sutton

28/06/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Resonse to Cllrs letters

14/07/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

16/09/05            Letter to Mr King                                                Update

25/09/05            e-mail from Cllr Pugh                                          Request update

26/09/05            e-mail to Cllr Pugh                                             Response