Chronological order of events


Date               Contact                                                         Purpose


13/01/86            Notice S 65  TCP Act 71                                    Clear rubbish etc

16/12/92            Complaint from neighbour                                   State of property

17/12/92            I Hookey site visit                                               Inspection

23/12/92            Letter IH to Miss Long (Owner?)                          Secure windows and roof works

04/01/93            Above letter returned                                          Not known at address

04/01/93            Phone call to legal                                             Check with LAND registry

18/01/93            Mark Pateman site visit                                      File note

07/05/93            Island Builders invoice for work                            Boarding up windows

09/0594 memo Building Control                                       Investigate under S 77 B Act

09/05/94            Letter Mr Hughes                                               Smell reported by Env Health

12/05/93            Memo to Accountancy                                       Owner unknown

18/05/93            Call from Accountancy                                       Owner known. Mr Hughes

18/01/95            Letter from legal to Glanvilles-Solicitors                Advice on appropriate notice

25/01/95            Letter from Glanvilles                                          Giving legal advice

26/01/95            Letter from M Pateman to adjoining owners          Notice served on owner of 13

26/01/95            EPA section 80 notice on Mr Hughes                  Notice & letter recorded delivery

07/02/95            Enquiry to Royal Mail                                        

09/02/95            Royal Mail ack. of enquiry

06/03/95            Letter from Royal Mail                                        Unable to trace item

07/03/95            File note re non-delivery of recorded mail  Legal position re serving of notice

24/03/95            Island Builders invoice for work                            Slipped slate

06/04/95            Site visit I Hookey & M Stanley

06/04/95            Letter to adjoining owners following visit               Review in 7 days

18/09/95            B Act notice Section 76                                      Notice & letter

02/10/95            Site meeting with contractors                              Carry out work

02/10/95            Order to island Builders to carry out work Authorised by B Act s 76 notice

02/10.95            Letter to Mr Hughes                                           Telling him MBC doing work

20/10/95            Invoice from IBL                                                 Works as order

23/10/95            memo to Accountancy                                       Recovery of costs

23/10/95            memo to  Local Land Charges                             Register entry (paid Jan 06)

23/10/95            Letter to Mr Hughes                                           Confirmation of work carried out

23/10/95            Letter to IBL                                                      Authorising account

10/12/97            Letter from M Morris EPO to Adj. Owner              Action as an empty property

11/12/97            Letter to Mr Hughes from EPO                            Intentions for property

15/01/01            Site visit by P Griffiths Housing Initiatives Officer   Latest position

16/03/01            w-mail to Legal re land registry check

27/03/01            e-mail to K Winchcombe Env Health                    Rats query from adj owner

04/04/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from P Griffiths                     Offer of assistance + grant

10/04/01            File note about rats

23/04/01            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        In domestic trouble wants more time

23/04/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Does he want to sell to IWC

08/05/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Follow up and possible further action

16/05/01            Env Health note                                                 Owner arranged for rodent control

06/06/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Follow up & definite further action

21/06/01            Env Health note                                                 Can’t get access due to overgrown

04/07/01            Memo from IH to Legal                                       Notice to enter

05/07/01            Ack from legal

20/07/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Request for entry on 2 Aug 01

01/08/01            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Putting off visit for entry

01/08/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Entry & court order

13/09/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Applying for warrant for entry

01/10/01            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Enter without Court order

02/10/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Unable to get in will involve cost

09/10/01            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Use key for entry. IWC to buy?

10/10/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Send key, questions re selling

24/10/01            Letter to Mr Beeney from PG                              Entry on 19 Nov.

24/10/01            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Entry on 19/11/01 at 2pm

24/10/01            Letter to Adj owner from PG                                Information re entry

19/11/01            Entry made.                                                      Drawings made and inspection with photos

17/12/01            Invoice for entry

02/01/02            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Confirmation of entry and costs

03/01/02            Letter to adj owner from PG                                update

07/02/02            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              make contact

21/02/02            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Wants more time

21/02/02            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Contact in 7 days

01/03/02            Letter to Mr Hughes from PG                              Outstanding account

15/03/02            letter from Mr Hughes                                         Lost deeds

04/04/02            Memo from IH to Legal                                       Instructions re ownership

08/04/02            Memo from Legal                                               Accept instructions

09/05’02            e-mail from P G to legal                                      Enquiry re ownership

09/05/02            e-mail from Legal                                               Answer to above

14/05/02            e-mail from Legal to RJR                                     Questions for freeholder

30/05/02            PG visit to neighbours                                        Inspection  for damp to adjoining

07/06/02            PG visited adjoining property                               Damp meter inspection

10/06/02            e-mail follow up to RJR

13/06/02            S 80 EPA notice and letter.                                Damp affecting adjoining property

16/07/02            e-mail from Legal re RJR                         RJR to take no action

19/07/02            e-mail from Legal                                               Considering courses of action

19/07/02            Memo from Legal                                               Breach of notice

31/07/02            e-mail from Legal                                               Following meeting

01/08/02            Letter from IH to Mr Hughes                                Action following breach of EPA

12/08/02            Letter to PG from Mr Hughes                              Wants to have roof repaired

19/08/02            e-mail to Legal re above letter and position           28 days to start roof works

21/08/02            letter from PG to Mr Hughes                               List of builders

13/09/02            Site visit by PG                                                  No work started

21/09/02            e-mail to legal                                                    No work started

23/09/02            Site visit by PG                                                  No work started

24/09/05            e-mail to Planning                                              Possible planning 215 notice

09/10/02            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              IWC to do work in default

14/10/02            Estimates requested from 3 builders                    renew roof

01/11/02            Estimate from Mansell                                        £5890 plus VAT

01/11/02            estimate from Bradings                                       £7935 plus VAT

11/11/02            Letter from PG to Mansell                                   Additional information

13/11/02            Estimate from G E Banks                                   £8940 plus VAT

11/11/02            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Sending estimates

15/11/02            Letter to PG from Mr Hughes                              Can’t afford work

18/11/02            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Info and order going to Mansell

19/11/02            Letters to unsuccessful tenderers

19/11/02            Letter and order No ss/60022 given to Mansell

19/11/02            e-mail requesting expenditure code

22/11/02            E-mail with expenditure and income codes set up

17/12/02            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Update re start in Jan 03

02/01/03            Fax saying work to commence 14/01/03

06/01/03            Site visit by PG                                                  Scaffold being erected

06/01/03            Letter from adjoining owner                                 Permission to enter for work

14/01/03            Children on scaffold

28/01/03            Site visit by IH, photos taken                               60% complete additional work needed

19/01/03            Letter from IH to Mansell                                     Confirmation of extra woks

04/02/03            Letter from PG to Mansell                                   Additional work to gd. Floor window

06/02/03            Site visit by PG

13/02/03            Invoice from Mansell                                           £6490 plus VAT

24/02/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Details of costs he has to pay

06/03/03            Mr Hughes sent cheque for £500

11/03/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Ack of payment and receipt

26/0303 Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Will clear account, wants to sell

26/03/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Permission for valuer to visit

07/03/03            Memo to Customer Accounts                              Start recovery of outstanding amount

10/03/03            Letter from Mr Hughes to PG                              Agreeing to pay wants suggestions

24/04/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Permission for valuer and auth.

29/04/03            letter from Mr Hughes to Legal                            Wants to sell does not have deeds

29/04/03            e-mail from legal                                                Mr Hughes wants to sell

28/04/03            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Cant find deeds

09/05/03            Receipt for cheque £3990.00

12/05/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Ack. of cheque

22/05/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Chase up

08/06/03            Letter from Mr Hughes to PG                              £200 cheque for garden.no deeds

10/06/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Getting quote for garden work

01/07/03            Phone call from No 11Mrs Ratcliff                        Affecting sale of her property

03/07/03            Letter from PG to Mrs Parsons                            Quotation for garden work

01/08/03            Further payment                                                £200 cheque

16/06/03            Quotation for garden work from Mr Parsons          £490 plus VAT

01/08/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Details of quotation

15/09/03            Fax saying overgrowth cut away

18/09/03            Letter from PG to Mr Parsons                             Further quote for more work

08/10/03            Quote fro Mr Parsons                                         £810 plus VAT  

08/10/03            Letter from PG to Mr Parsons                            

08/10/03            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Re extra garden work

13/01/04            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Outstanding account for garden

10/02/04            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Reminder of previous letters

15/04/04            All records put onto ‘Flare’

05/08/04            Letter from Dave Lee MHA                                  Possible purchase

16/08/04            Letter from PG to Dave Lee MHA             Contacted owner

21/09/04            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Reminder that MHA interested

02/11/04            Letter from PG to Mr Hughes                              Reminder

23/11/04            Letter from Mr Hughes to PG                              Unable to find deeds

02’05’05            Letter from IH to Mr Hughes                                Considering Compulsory purchase

04/05/05            Mr Hughes son may have deeds

03/06/05            Memo from IH to Solicitor                                   Instructions for Compulsory Purchase

06/06/05            Memo from Legal                                               Accepted instructions

14/07/05            Letter from IH to Mr Hughes                                Likely to proceed with Comp. Purch.

26/07/05            Letter from IH to Kingston & Grist                        Instructions fro valuation

29/07/05            Letter from Kingston & Grist                                Accepted instructions

11/08/05            memo from IH to Legal                                       Details of valuation

12/08/05            Details of land registry search                             D Hale is freeholder

12/08/05            e-mail to Legal. Details of freeholder                    No objection to Comp Purchase

01/09/05            Letter from Mr Hughes                                        Details of solicitors

01/09/05            Letter from IH to Mr Hughes                                Re contacting son + C Tax to Benefits

06/10/05            Draft report/order for Comp Purchase