John Lawson BA, Solicitor to the Council


County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD

Tel (01983) 821000 Fax (01983) 823284




Please ask for Andrew Shorkey

Direct line (01983) 823803

Email [email protected]




Policy Commission for Safer Communities

Thursday, 14 July 2005


Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport, Isle Of Wight

The purpose of the meeting will be:-



To agree the scoping documents for each of the Commission’s initial enquiries.


a.      Decriminalising parking Saf1/05 – Cllr S Scoccia – PAPER A

b.      Community support officers Saf2/05 – Cllr H Humby – PAPER B

c.      Consumption of alcohol in public places Saf3/05 – Cllr V Churchman – PAPER C

d.      Corporate enforcement Saf4/05 – Cllr D Knowles – PAPER D

e.      Fire and Rescue options for change Saf5/05 – Cllr D Williams – PAPER E

f.        VFM exercise on the future of the crematorium Saf6/05 – Cllr A Taylor – PAPER F



To hear evidence from a representative of the Isle of Wight Council’s Youth and Community Service in relation to the enquiry into the consumption of alcohol in public places (Saf3/05).



To hear evidence from Sergeant Graeme Mudge, Licensing Sergeant, Hampshire Constabulary, in relation to the enquiry into the consumption of alcohol in public places (Saf3/05).



To consider the legal options available to tackle the consumption of alcohol in public places (Saf3/05) – PAPER G


MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION – Cllr D Williams (Commissioner), Cllr A Taylor, Cllr S Scoccia, Cllr V Churchman, Cllr D Tuson, Cllr H Humby, Cllr D Knowles

Declarations of Interest – members will be invited at the start of the meeting to declare any personal interest that they may have relating to any item on the Agenda, and having done so, to consider whether they also have a prejudicial interest in that item. Advice on this can be sought from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, wherever possible before the meeting starts.



This information can also be made available in Braille, large print, tape and community languages.  Please contact Committee Services on

' 823285.


Visit the Council’s website : 


for details of this and other meetings and to look at related documents connected with Overview and Scrutiny.