Committee:     FIRE AND PUBLIC SAFETY SELECT COMMITTEE                       

Date:               17 JUNE 2002

Title:               AERIAL APPLIANCES

                       REPORT OF THE CHIEF FIRE OFFICER


Members’ will scrutinise the provision of Aerial Appliance report (attached).  


The reduction of aerial appliances in the Brigade from 2 to 1 to provide savings of £10,000 was submitted to the Select and Executive Committee and subsequently to Full Council at the beginning 2002 in compliance with the annual budget round prior to setting the Budget for 2002/03. Since that submission savings from prudent management of the then leased Vector Computer Simulator package (for Incident Command Training) have released the saving of £10,000.

This report outlines the risk assessment carried out on the provision of aerial appliances. The report concludes that at this time the risk of removal of an aerial outweighs the savings of £10,000.


The savings identified by reducing the aerial appliance is balanced by that saved on the Vector equipment.



1.        That Members’ endorse the report.


2.        That the Chief Fire Officer embarks upon a full review of the matter to be completed before the decision to replace the next time expired aerial appliance.

Contact Point: ACO G Bryson, Deputy Chief Fire Officer ☎ 823197



                                                                                  Chief Fire Officer