Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman) Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams, Mr D T Yates


Apologies :


            Mr B C Buckle, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B E Foster, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs J White



Before the meeting commenced the Chairman received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Royal British Legion for support given to them by the Council for the Tattoo and Beating of the Retreat held on 2 June 2002.


25.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2002 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


27.              PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


A question was put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr J Wortham asked a question regarding the award of the beach-cleaning contract. The Portfolio Holder for Resources indicated that the matter was subject to an appeal and that he would provide a written reply.


28.              CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman welcomed the new Mace Bearer, Mr Steve Hammond.


The Chairman reported that her chosen charities for the year would be the Special Olympics, Sunnycrest Nurseries and Meadowbrook League of Friends.




(a)        As submitted by Mr A Sutton CC


“Sharing Data across the Corporate Divide" 


1.         That this council prioritises its approach to e government by establishing a common database across all directorates to share data.


2.                   That the policy conforms to the Data Protection Act.


3.                   That an external business case be commissioned to assess the risk.


4.                  That to assist the Council in its "e government" delivery the common database is operational within 12 months from acceptance of this resolve.”


During the course of the debate an amendment was proposed and with the acceptance of the original proposer this was incorporated into the motion




(i)                  THAT the Council would prioritise its approach to e government by establishing a common database across all directorates to share data


(ii)                THAT the policy would conform to the Data Protection Act


(iii)               THAT an external business case would be commissioned to assess the risk


(iv)              THAT to assist the Council in its "e government" delivery the common data base be operational in a time frame agreed by the Executive after consideration and recommendation by the Resources Select Committee


(b)               As submitted by Mr R Barry CC


“That this Council recognises September 3rd as Merchant Navy Day by the flying of the Red Ensign on County Hall and other appropriate buildings.”


After discussion it was :




THAT the motion to fly the red ensign on County Hall and other appropriate buildings on 3 September in recognition of Merchant Navy Day be supported


30.              STANDARDS COMMITTEE


(a)        Recommendation from the Standards Committee - Dispensations Under Section 81(4) Of The Local Government Act 2000


The Act gave a new power for a dispensation to be granted to members that would enable them to take part in business where they would normally be precluded from participating as they had declared a personal and prejudicial interest.  This power could only be granted where more that half the members of the Council were caught by the interest or if the Council would not be able to comply with the political proportionality requirements unless a dispensation was granted.


This power had to be exercised by the Committee itself and the Committee wished for an amendment to its terms of reference to streamline procedures.


            RESOLVED :


THAT the Membership and Terms of Reference of the Standards Committee be amended so that the quorum when considering requests for dispensations be two independent members and one member from either the Isle of Wight Council (where the request came from an Isle of Wight Councillor) or the Association of Parish and Town Councils (where the request came from a Parish or Town Councillor).


(b)     Appointment to Vacancy on the Standards Committee


A vacancy for an Independent Member of the Standards Committee had arisen and two applicants were interviewed.  The leaders of the three political groups considered both applicants would make good appointments to the Committee.


            RESOLVED :


(i)                  THAT Mrs Jackie Scott be appointed as an Independent member of the Standards Committee until 5 May 2005 (date of the next ordinary elections to the Isle of Wight Council)


(ii)        THAT Mr Ian Ward’s application be kept on file and that should another vacancy for an Independent member of the Standards Committee arise, and if he is still interested, the Council be recommended to appoint Mr Ward to this vacancy.


31.              EXECUTIVE


(a)               Recommendations from the Executive


(i)         Community Strategy


The Local Government Act 2000 required the Authority to develop a Community Strategy to provide a vision of the future for the Island together with partner organisations, which would become the focus for other plans, bids and strategies. The Leader expressed her thanks to officers involved.




                        THAT the Strategy be adopted


(ii)        The Future of Tourism Services


            Members received the report from the Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure that outlined the future organisational arrangements for Tourism Services following the recent Best Value Review. A lot of work was still required to be carried out and in depth information needed before a final decision could be made.




THAT Tourism Services be externalised to form a trust or limited company


(iii)                    Best Value Performance Plan 2001-2002


The Best Value Performance Plan 2001 set out the Council’s performance for 2001/2 against national and local indicators, set targets for the future and showed how improvements would be made.




THAT the Council’s Best Value Performance Plan 2001/2 be adopted


(b)        Reports of the Portfolio Holders


            (i)         The Leader


            The Leader informed members that a number of reports were shortly to go to the Executive concerning the Revenue Grant Distribution System and the Government’s Expenditure Plans.


Cllr Mellor asked a question relating to a document circulated by the Chairman of the Liaison Committee (MQ 48/02)


Cllr Oulton asked a question relating to the Queen’s Baton (MQ49/02)


Copies of these questions and replies given are contained in the Members' Question Register.


A number of questions were also asked orally to the Leader.


(ii)        The Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader updated members concerning the strategic risk profile and confirmed the consultants report would be received in due course.


A question was asked orally to the Deputy Leader.


(iii)               Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


The Portfolio Holder updated members on current issues.

(iv)              Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues

The Portfolio Holder updated members on a number of current issues.

A number of questions were asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.

(v)                Education and Lifelong Learning


The Portfolio Holder updated members in relation to the Transportation Bid and Tertiary Strategy Group.


Cllr Lillywhite asked a question in relation to LEA admissions policy (MQ50/02) A copy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register


A question was asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.


(vi)              Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection

The Portfolio Holder updated members on various matters including the latest developments in the pay claim from the Fire Brigade Union.

Cllr Bartlett raised the issue of Customs being withdrawn on the Island (MQ51/02).  A copy of this question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register

                        A number of questions were asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.

(vii)             Resources

The Portfolio Holder informed members that he would from now on be using his delegated authority to deal with some land issues.  He also updated members on the negotiations relating to the pay claim with Unison.

Social Services and Housing

The Portfolio Holder updated members on various matters including the departure of the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing who would be leaving to take up a new position in Oxfordshire.

(viii)           Tourism and Leisure

The Portfolio Holder updated members with regard to the Islands Music Festival.

(ix)              Transport

The Portfolio Holder updated members on current issues.

Cllr Cunningham asked a question relating to costs involve in repairing Coppins Bridge (53/02).  A copy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register.


A question was asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.




(a)        Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


(i)                  Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


The Chairman updated members on the work the Select Committee was doing in relation to the externalisation of tourism.


(ii)                Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

The Chairman updated members on various issues.

Cllr Cunningham asked a question relating to land at the rear of Newport Library (MQ54/02).  A copy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register


(iii)               Environment and Transport

Cllr Cunningham asked a question relating to the Pedestrianisation of Newport High Street (MQ55/02).   A copy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register.

(iv)       Fire and Public Safety

The Chairman updated members on the work the Select Committee was undertaking in respect of dog fouling and crime and disorder.

(v)                Resources

The Chairman informed members that the Select Committee was trialing separating the scrutiny and policy formation sections of the meeting

(vi)               Social Services, Housing and Benefits

The Chairman updated members on a number of issues.

(b)                REGULATORY COMMITTEES

(i)                  Development Control Committee

Cllr Gardiner asked a question concerning conflict of interests of members (MQ56/02).  A ccopy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register.

(ii)                Licensing Panel

No written questions were received.

(iii)        Regulatory Appeals

                        No written questions were received.