Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams

Apologies :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr R R Barry, Mr B C Buckle, Mr C B Chapman, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D Knowles, Mr V J Morey, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr R A Sutton, Mrs J White, Mr D T Yates

Before the meeting commenced the Council stood in a minutes silence in memory of Mrs M Pooley who had been a co-opted Member of the Council and who whose funeral was being held later in the day.


 21.      MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2002 be confirmed.



Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :

N Grandcourt in relation to Newport Inner Play area (PQ71/02)

Mr J Wortham asked a question in relation to the ticket sales and the Music Festival, Rock Island (PQ73/02)

A copy of the questions and replies given are contained in the Public Question Register.


23.      EXECUTIVE


           (a)       Recommendations from the Executive


                      (i)        Public Service Agreement


Members received the draft Public Service Agreement. Before the final draft was completed the Council was expected to have a number of detailed negotiations with the Department of Transport, Local Government and Regions (DTLR) and other Government Departments before agreeing a further draft with Ministers in September 2002.


During the debate a further motion was moved and seconded that it be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in conjunction with the Deputy Leader to make adjustments as necessary to the draft agreement in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder and Strategic Director.




                                  (i)        THAT the draft agreement as set out in Schedule 1 of the report be agreed


                                  (ii)       THAT the extra freedoms and flexibilities set out in Schedule 2 of the report to enter into negotiations with the DTLR in order to achieve the targets be agreed


                                  (iii)       THAT the proposals for allocating pump priming money bids and unsupported credit approval bids as set out in Schedules 2 and 3 as attached to the report be agreed


                                  (iv)      THAT the extra costs of unsupported borrowing, and the excess pump priming bids over the sum available as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report, be agreed


                                  (v)       THAT the proposal to seek approval of the Local Strategic Partnership Board on 25 June 2002 be agreed


                                  (vi)      THAT it be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in conjunction with Deputy Leader to make such adjustments as are necessary to the draft agreement by adding in additional targets, each target being agreed in advance with the relevant Portfolio Holder and Strategic Director as appropriate.


                       (ii)       Appointment of Head of Paid Service


(At 10.21 Mr M J A Fisher declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in this matter and left the room)


Members received the report of the Resources Portfolio Holder. The report outlined the proposal to designate the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Service as Head of Paid Service for a period of one year with effect from 1 November 2002.


Following the debate it was:




THAT the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services be designated as Head of Paid Service for a period of one year with effect from 1 November 2002 with a formal review six months from commencement.


                       (iii)       Recommendation from the Development Control Committee


(Mr M J A Fisher returned to the room)


Members received a recommendation from the Development Control Committee which proposed that the Committee was excluded from the requirement to have Public Question Time.


Mr Fox then moved an amendment seconded by Mr Taylor. The amendment was :


‘That representatives of area forums in areas not yet enparished be allowed to comment on planning applications within the areas covered by the forum’


Prior to the vote being taken on the amendment four members asked for a named vote to be recorded in the Minutes in accordance with Procedure Rule 18 (5).


The voting for the amendment was as follows :

                                   For (7) :          Adams, Coburn, Cunningham, Foster, Fox, Stephens, Taylor


                                   Against (27) :  Bartlett, Bowker, Butchers, Clough, Effemey, Fleming, Gauntlett, Hancock, Harris, Howe, Jarman, Joyce, Lawson, Lillywhite, Lloyd, Mazillius, Miller, Mundy, Oulton, Pearson, Price, Rees,, Richards, Smart, Tiltman, Wareham, Williams


The amendment was lost.


The voting returned to the substantive motion and it was :




THAT the Constitution be amended so that Public Question Time at Development Control Committee be restricted only to matters not on the agenda.


           (a)       Reports of Portfolio Holders


                       (i)        Leader


No written questions were received.


                       (ii)       Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader updated Members on the latest developments regarding the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).


                       (iii)       Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


The Portfolio Holder reported on the success of the recent Coastal Management Conference which had been held at Ventnor and congratulated all those involved.


                       (iv)      Economic Development


A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.




                       (v)       Education and Lifelong Learning


The Portfolio Holder updated Members on various matters.


                       (vi)      Fire and Emergency Planning


The Leader reported on behalf of the Portfolio Holder that he had attended the South Eastern Fire Fighters Group on the 27 May 2002.


A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.


                       (vii)      Resources


The Leader on behalf of the Portfolio holder reported on changes to the senior management structure.


A number of questions were asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.


                       (viii)     Social Services and Housing


The Portfolio Holder updated Members on various matters.


                       (ix)      Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio Holder reported on the success of the musinc festival rock island, it was estimated that over 5,000 visitors had come to the Island to attend the concert.


A number of questions were asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.


                       (x)       Transport


The Portfolio Holder reported on the latest development regarding Island Line.


A number of questions were asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.




           (a)       Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


                       (i)        Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


The Chairman reported that an extra meeting of the Select Committee had been arranged to take place on 13 June 2002 to discuss the future of tourism.


                       (ii)       Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning


The Chairman reported that the Committees away day, at which the select committee set its work plan for the forthcoming year had been held on 10 June 2002.


                       (iii)       Environment and Transport


The Chairman reported that the Committee had set its workplan for the forthcoming year.

                       (iv)      Fire and Public Safety


The Chairman reported that the Committee had set its workplan for the forthcoming year and would be arranging a further away day in six months time to review the committees scrutiny performance.


                       (v)       Resources


In the absence of the Chairman no report was given.


                       (vi)      Social Services, Housing and Benefits


The Chairman outlined the key areas which the committee had agreed to address at the Committees away day.


           (b)       REGULATORY COMMITTEES


                       (i)        Development Control Committee


No written questions were received.


                       (ii)       Licensing Panel


No written questions were received.


                       (iii)       Regulatory Appeals Committee


No written questions were received.