Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Chevalier Bowker, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams, Mrs J White, Mr D T Yates

Apologies :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr A C Coburn, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs B Lawson, Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mr R A Sutton


 15.      MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on the 17 April 2002 be confirmed.



Mr J Wortham asked a question relating to sickness absence within the Council. The Portfolio Holder for Resource indicated that the Personnel Services Manager would provide a written reply.



The Chairman congratulated Cowes Town Council on the events which had been organised to commemorate the role of the OPR Blyskawica in the defence of Cowes during the Second World War.


18.      EXECUTIVE


           (a)       Recommendations from the Executive


                      (i)        Council Corporate Plan - Vision Statement


Members received the Vision Statement which would be an intergral part of the Council’s Corporate Plan. The Vision Statement set out the strategic context for the plan.


During the debate it was :




THAT Procedure Rule 26, relating to suspension of Procedure Rules, be invoked to enable the seconder to speak a second time at the end of the debate.

Following further debate it was:




THAT the Council’s Vision Statement be approved.



                      (ii)       Revised Responsibility for Portfolio Holders


Members received the revised responsibilities for Portfolio Holders




THAT the following Portfolios be approved.


                                   (a)       Leader of the Council - Mrs S A Smart


Principal responsibility for the policy direction of the Council

Chairman of the Executive and to oversee preparation of business for its consideration

To indicate Strategic Directors the priorities and programmes of the Executive, and their likely reaction to new policies or projects

To be the principal spokesperson for the Council at all internal and external meetings


                                   (b)       Deputy Leader - Mr P G Harris


Deputise in the absence of the Leader

Coordinate all Performance Management arrangements including:

The Corporate Plan

Risk Management

The Best Value Review Programme

The Monitoring of Performance Indicators

Overview of the Public Service Agreement

Oversee the preparation for the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and the ensuing action plan


                                   (c)       Resources - Mr R R Barry


All matters relating to central resources and ICT, the corporate image, land and property


                                   (d)       Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional issues -

Mr H Rees


All matters relating to Economic Development, the Council’s role in Europe and relations with UK regional bodies


                                   (e)       Education and Life Long Learning - Mrs J L Wareham


All matters relating to Education and Lifelong Learning


                                   (f)        Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection -

                                               Mr D J Knowles 


All matters relating to Fire, Emergency Planning, Consumer Protection and Crime and Disorder


                                   (g)       Social Services and Housing - Mr R G Mazillius


All matters relating to Social Services, Housing and the voluntary sector


                                   (h)       Tourism and Leisure - Mrs M A Jarman


All matters relating to Tourism and Leisure facilities


                                   (i)        Transport - Mr E Fox


All matters relating to transport, highway and traffic management and Hackney Carriage Private Hire Vehicles


                                   (j)        Responsibility for Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters -

Mrs B Lawson


All matters relating to Town and Country Planning Policy, Agenda 21 and waste, countryside and coastal management


                      (iii)       Equality and Diversity Policy


Members received the Equality and Diversity Policy, which was linked to the Equality Standard for Local Government. Members considered that the age of retirement should be investigated further to benefit employees who did not wish to retire at the age of 65.




THAT the Equality and Diversity Policy be approved.


           (b)       Reports of Portfolio Holders


                      (i)        The Leader


A number of questions were asked orally of the Leader.


                      (ii)       Economic Development


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader reported that in response to the petition presented to Downing Street regarding the closure of GKN, a Government representative would be visiting the Island in November 2002.


A number of questions were asked orally of the Leader.


                      (iii)       Education and Lifelong Learning


The Portfolio Holder updated Members on various matters and in particular matters relating to the Greenpaper on 14-19 education, Local Service Agreement funding and libraries.


A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder


                      (iv)      Fire and Emergency Planning


The Portfolio Holder reported on the success of a Drug Awareness Session held on the 9 May 2002 which all Members had been invited to attend.

A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.


                      (v)       Resources


The Portfolio Holder updated Members on the latest management appointments


                      (vi)      Social Services and Housing


A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.


                      (vii)      Tourism and Leisure


The Portfolio reported the success of the launch of the Island Walking Festival which had taken place on 11 May 2002.


                      (viii)     Transport


The Portfolio Holder updated Members on various matters.


A number of questions were asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.



Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


           (i)        Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


The Chairman reported that an extra meeting had been arranged to take place on the 13 June 2002 due to the Committee’s workload.


           (ii)       Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning


The Chairman reported that the Committee’s away day had been arranged to take place on the 10 June 2002 and would be held at Ventnor Botanic Gardens.


           (iii)       Environment and Transport


The Chairman reported that a number of workshops on renewable energy had been arranged to take place.


           (iv)      Fire and Public Safety


The Chairman reported that at it’s meeting on the 20 June 2002, the Committee was to consider a report on the police control room. A police representative from Netley would be attending to answer questions.


           (v)       Resources


The Chairman reported that the Committee had established an Appraisal Group to review Island Polling Stations.


           (vi)      Social Services, Housing and Benefits


The Chairman reported that the Committee’s away day had been arranged to take place on the 6 June 2002.



Reports by Chairman of Regulatory Committees


           (i)        Development Control Committee


The Chairman reported that Public Speaking at the Committee would be introduced by August 2002, and that this would replace Public Question Time.


           (ii)       Licensing Panel


The Chairman updated Members on various matters.


           (iii)       Regulatory Appeals Panel


The Chairman updated Members on various matters.