Present :


Mr V J Morey (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Chevalier Bowker, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, M G M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams, Mr D T Yates

Apologies :


Mrs J White


Before the commencement of the formal part of the meeting the Chairman reported that Mr Ivor Petters would be retiring after this meeting as the Council’s Macebearer. A gift was presented to Mr Petters who responded accordingly. Canon Bucket would also be retiring following this meeting and was presented with his past Chaplain’s badge and thanked for his work.



Miss H Humby was duly proposed and seconded as Chairman of the Council. There being no other nominations it was :


           RESOLVED :


THAT Miss Humby be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

Miss Humby thereupon took the Chair and formally declared acceptance of the office of Chairman and thanked the Members for her election. Tributes were then made to the immediate past Chairman who responded accordingly.



The names of Mr Effemey, Chevalier Bowker and Mr Coburn were separately moved and seconded. Following a vote by secret ballot in accordance with Procedure Rule 18 (4), it was:




THAT Chevalier Bowker be elected Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

Chevalier Bowker then formally declared acceptance of the office of Vice Chairman.



Mr Bartlett was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :



THAT Mr Bartlett be elected Deputy Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

Mr Bartlett formally declared acceptance of the office of Deputy Chairman.


4.        MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on the 20 March 2002 be confirmed.



A question was put to the Chairman as follows :-

Mr J Wortham of Fortunes Corner, Brighstone in relation to the Beach Cleaning Contract (PQ)

A copy of the question and reply given are contained in the Public Questions Register.



The names of Mrs Smart and Mr Sutton were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :



THAT Mrs Smart be elected the Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.



Model Codes of Conduct

Members received the New Model Codes of Conduct for the Isle of Wight Council.



           (i)        THAT the Isle of Wight Council adopt the relevant national Codes of Conduct as set out in the two relevant Statutory Instruments (nos: 2001/3575)


           (ii)       THAT the Isle of Wight Council re-adopt the current versions of the following as local codes:


                      (b)       The Procedure for Gifts and Hospitality;

                      (c)       The Code of Practice for Councillors and Officers dealing with Planning Matters; and

                      (d)       The Protocol for Member/Officer relations.


           (iii)       THAT any alleged breaches of the Local Codes as set out in (b) above be referred to the Standards Committee for consideration in accordance with item 5 of the Committee’s Terms of Reference and in accordance with the rules previously adopted by the Isle of Wight Council.


           (iv)      THAT the proposed registers as set out in the Monitoring Officer’s report be noted.




It was moved and seconded that the scheme for Portfolio Holders, as approved by the Council at its meeting on 20 March 2002, be amended with the addition of the Portfolio of Deputy Leader and the deletion of the Portfolio for Public, Environment Protection and Waste.

A revised list of areas of responsibility for Portfolio Holders was tabled.

It was also moved and seconded that item 2 of the Liaison Committee Procedure Rules (who may sit on the Liaison Committee?) be amended to read


                       “The Chairman of each of the Council’s Select Committees, or in the relevant Chairman’s absence, the Vice Chairman of that Select Committee and three other members to ensure political proportionality” (currently 6 Island First, 2 Conservatives and 1 Labour).

During the course of the debate a number of amendments were considered and lost. Following voting on these amendments it was :



           (i)        THAT the scheme for Portfolio Holders, as approved by the Council at its meeting on 20 March 2002, be amended with the addition of the Portfolio of Deputy Leader and the deletion of the Portfolio for Public, Environment Protection and Waste.


           (ii)       THAT the areas of remit of the Portfolio Holders be as follows :


                      (a)       Leader


Principal responsibility for the policy direction of the Council.

Chairman of the Executive and to oversea preparation of business for its consideration


                      (b)       Deputy Leader


To act as the Leader’s deputy for all matters within the remit of the Leader


                      (c)       Resources


All matters relating to central resources, corporate image and Best Value


                      (d)       Education and Life Long Learning


All matters relating to Education and Life Long Learning


                      (e)       Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


All matter relating to Economic Development, the Council’s role in Europe and relations with regional bodies


                      (f)        Tourism and Leisure


All matters relating to Tourism and Leisure facilities


                      (g)       Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


All matters relating to Fire, Emergency Planning, Consumer Protection and Crime and Disorder


                      (h)       Transport


All matters relating to transport, highways and traffic management


                      (i)        Social Services and Housing


All matters relating to Social Services, Housing and the Voluntary Sector


                      (j)        Responsibility for Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


All matters relating to Town and County Planning Policy, Agenda 21 and waste, countryside and coastal management.


           (iii)       THAT item 2 of the Liaison Committee Procedure Rules (who may sit on the Liaison Committee?) be amended to read


                                   “The Chairman of each of the Council’s Select Committees, or in the relevant Chairman’s absence, the Vice Chairman of that Select Committee and three other members to ensure political proportionality” (currently 6 Island First, 2 Conservatives and 1 Labour).






THAT Procedure Rule 18 (4), relating to a secret ballot, be suspended, such appointments would be determined by a show of hands.


           It was agreed by a simple majority of Members that Procedure Rule 18 (4), relating to a secret ballot, be suspended. All such appointments would be determined by a show of hands.

It was moved and seconded that, in addition to the Leader, the following members be appointed, with the following portfolios, to the Executive.



           (i)        Deputy Leader - Mr P Harris

           (ii)       Resources - Mr R Barry

           (iii)       Education and Lifelong Learning - Mrs J Wareham

           (iv)      Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues - Mr H Rees

           (v)       Tourism and Leisure - Mr M Jarman

           (vi)      Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection - Mr D Knowles

           (vii)      Transport - Mr E Fox

           (viii)     Social Services and Housing - Mr R Mazillius

           (ix)      Responsibility for Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters - Mrs B Lawson




It was agreed by a simple majority of Members that Procedure Rule 18 (4), relating to a secret ballot, be suspended and that all the following appointments be determined by a show of hands.


            (i)        Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


                       (a)       Chairman        

The names of Mr Fleming and Mr Mundy were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Fleming be elected Chairman of the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mr Adams was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nomination it was :




THAT Mr Adams be elected Vice Chairman of the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee.


           (ii)       Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning


                      (a)       Chairman


The names of Mr Howe and Mr Mellor were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Howe be elected Chairman of the Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning Select Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mrs Clough was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mrs Clough be elected Vice Chairman of the Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning Select Committee.


           (iii)       Environment and Transport


                      (a)       Chairman


The names of Mrs Butchers and Mr Cunningham were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mrs Butchers be elected Chairman of the Environment and Transport Select Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


There being no nominations it was :




THAT the position be left unfilled.


           (iv)      Fire and Public Safety


                      (a)       Chairman


The names of Mr Price and Mr Abraham were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Price be elected Chairman of the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mr Morey was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mr Morey be elected Vice Chairman of the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee.


           (v)       Resources


                      (a)       Chairman


The names of Mr Kendall and Mr Joyce were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Kendall be elected Chairman of the Resources Select Committee.



                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mr Yates was duly proposed and seconded. Following a show of hands it was:




THAT Mr Yates be elected Vice Chairman of the Resources Select Committee.


           (vi)      Social Services, Housing and Benefits


                      (a)       Chairman


The names of Mr Stephens and Mrs Oulton were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Stephens be elected Chairman of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mr Hancock was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mr Hancock be elected Vice Chairman of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee.




           (i)        Development Control Committee


                      (a)       Chairman


Mrs Miller was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was:




THAT Mrs Miller be elected Chairman of the Development Control Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


The names of Mr Coburn and Mr Taylor were duly proposed and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




                                               THAT Mr Taylor be elected Vice Chairman of the Development Control Committee


           (ii)       Licensing Panel


                      (a)       Chairman


Mr Chapman was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mr Chapman be elected Chairman of the Licensing Panel


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


The names of Mr Richards and Mr Mundy were both separately moved and seconded. Following a show of hands it was :




THAT Mr Richards be elected Vice Chairman of the Licensing Panel.


           (iii)       Regulatory Appeals Committee


                      (a)       Chairman


Mrs Lloyd was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mrs Lloyd be elected Chairman of the Regulatory Appeals Committee.


                      (b)       Vice Chairman


Mr Mundy was duly proposed and seconded. There being no other nominations it was :




THAT Mr Mundy be elected Vice Chairman of the Regulatory Appeals Committee.





THAT the dates of the meetings of the Council be as follows :


Wednesday, 15 May 2002

Wednesday, 12 June 2002

Wednesday, 24 July 2002

Wednesday, 18 September 2002

Wednesday, 16 October 2002

Wednesday, 13 November 2002

                       Wednesday, 11 December 2002

Wednesday, 22 January 2003

Wednesday, 19 February 2003

Wednesday, 19 March 2003

Wednesday, 16 April 2003


All meetings to commence at 10.00 am and to be held in the Council Chamber at County Hall, Newport.



As submitted by Mr R G Mazillius CC

“That this Council formally record the hard work and commitment that Mr Rob Owen has given during his period of secondment as the Head of Select Committee Support and that he be formally thanked for his endeavours during this period”

During the course of the debate an amendment was proposed and with the acceptance of the original proposer and seconder was incorporated into the motion.



That this Council formally record the hard work and commitment of all Service Heads, Directors and all staff, including Rob Owen for his period of secondment as the Head of Select Committee Support.


14.      EXECUTIVE


           (a)       Recommendations from the Executive


                      (i)        Adult Learning Plan 2002/03


Members received the Adult Learning Plan which was one of the Local Education Authority’s statutory plans which would supercede the Lifelong Learning Development Plan. It had been considered by the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee at its meeting on 11 March 2002.




THAT the Adult Learning Plan for the period of 2002/03 be approved.


                      (ii)       Members Independent Remuneration Panel


Members received the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel which had been considered by the Executive. During the debate Members requested that the Panel be asked to investigate the introduction of disability allowances, carer allowances, career allowances and ways to attract younger people into local politics.


During the debate the amendment was proposed and with the acceptance of the original proposer and seconder was included in the recommendation.




                                  (i)        THAT the report be received and noted at this stage: and that it’s financial recommendations be considered as part of the budget process for the financial year 2003/04


                                  (ii)       THAT the other recommendations as set out in paragraph 15 of the report from the independent panel be referred to the Standards Committee for further consideration and recommendation back to the Executive.


                                  (iii)       THAT the Panel consider the introduction of disability allowances, career allowances and ways to attract younger people into local politics.


           (b)       Exemption from call in process          


The Leader advised Members that at the meeting of the Executive held on 26 March 2002, 2 items of business, Award of the Beach Cleaning Contract and 5 and 6 Market Street, Ventnor, had been discussed and agreed. The Chairman of the Council had agreed, after taking advice from the Monitoring Officer, that it was reasonable in all circumstances for the decisions made by the Executive to be treated as a matter of urgency and therefore not be subject to the call-in process.




THAT the report be noted.