Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2001 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the Agenda below.



1. To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 October 2001 (Paper A)

2. To receive any declarations of interest.

3. To deal with any questions from members of the public.

If members of the public wish to ask a question then it must be submitted in writing to Committee Services, or by email to : [email protected], by 10.00 am on Monday, 19 November 2001.

4. To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.

5. To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may desire to bring before the Council.

6. To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the review of Members Allowances as set out in the Minutes of its meeting held on the 18 October 2001 (Minutes attached as Paper B)

7. To consider a further report on Political Proportionality following the decisions at the last meeting of the Council (Paper C)


(a) To consider the following matter as recommended by the Executive at its meeting on the 30 October 2001.
(i) Annual Community Fire Safety Plan 2001/02
Members were advised of the content of the third Annual Community Safety Plan 2001/2002 and that prevention of fire was playing an ever increasing role in the fire service.
THAT the Council be recommended to adopt the third Community Fire Safety Plan, which mapped out the efforts of the Brigade to reduce fires, deaths and injuries from fire within the community.
( The report of the Chief Fire Officer as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper D. A copy of the Community Fire Safety Plan 2001/2002 has been placed in the Members room)
(b) To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 16 and 30 October 2001 (Paper E)
(c) Portfolio Holders to give answers to written questions, update on major issues and answer any general questions as follows :
(i) The Leader (Mrs S Smart);
(ii) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs B Lawson)
(iii) Economic Development and Regional Issues (Mr H Rees)
(iv) Education and Lifelong Learning (Mr P Harris)
(v) Fire and Emergency Planning (Mrs J White)
(vi) Public, Environment Protection and Waste (Mr M O Morgan Huws)
(vii) Resources (Mr R Barry)
(viii) Social Services and Housing (Mr J A Bowker)
(ix) Tourism and Leisure (Mrs M A Jarman)
(x) Transport (Mr E Fox)


(a) To receive for information the minutes of the following Select Committee :
(i) Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services - 22 October 2001 (Paper F)
(ii) Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning - 8 October 2001 and 1 November (Paper G)
(iii) Environment and Transport - 24 October 2001 (Paper H)
(iv) Fire and Public Safety - 15 October 2001 (Paper I)
(v) Resources - 10 October 2001 and 5 November 2001 (Paper J)
(vi) Social Services, Housing and Benefits - 7 November 2001 (Paper K)
(b) To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Select Committees :
(i) Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr D T Yates);
(ii) Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J L Wareham);
(iii) Environment and Transport (Mrs T Butchers);
(iv) Fire and Public Safety (Mr D Knowles);
(v) Resources (Mr G Kendall);
(vi) Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr R Mazillius).


To receive for information the Minutes of the Regulatory Committees :
(i) Development Control Committee - 16 and 26 October 2001 and 6 and 8 November 2001 (Paper L)
(ii) Licensing Committee - 12 October 2001 (Paper M)
(iii) Regulatory Appeals Committee - 31 October 2001 (Paper N)

Members are reminded that questions to Portfolio Holders or the Chairmen of the above Select and Regulatory Committees must be submitted in writing to Committee Services, or by email to: [email protected] , by 10.00 am on Monday, 19 November 2001.


Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services