Present :


Mr J Effemey, (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mrs W Arnold, Mr J A Bowker, Mr G H Brown, Mr I Bulwer, Mr W R Burt, Mr G Cameron, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs V Churchman, Mrs D Cousins, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Fitzgerald-Bond, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr J Hobart, Miss H Humby, Mr T Hunter-Henderson, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs G Kennet, Mr G Lumley, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs W McRobert, Mrs M J Miller, Mr B Mosdell, Mrs E Oulton, Mrs L Peacey-Wilcox, Mr D Pugh, Mrs S Scoccia, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mrs M Swan, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs D Tuson, Mr I Ward, Mrs M Webster, Mr A Wells, Mr C West, Mr D Whittaker, Mr D G Williams, Mrs J Wood


Apologies :


Mrs A Bishop, Mr C R Hancock, Mr D J Knowles, Lady Pigot, Mr G P Price, Mr J Whittaker




Following prayers led by Canon Bucket, the Chairman read out two letters of condolence regarding the recent London bombings.  


20.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2005 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


22.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Kenn Pearson asked a question relating to the 6.00 pm start times for Council meetings and the Leader provided a response.


23.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman congratulated Cllr Andy Sutton on his appointment to Vice Chairman of the Local Government Agency (LGA) Safer Communities Executive Board, and Cllr Dawn Cousins on her appointment to the LGA Community and Wellbeing Board.


The Chairman was pleased to announce that the Isle of Wight had now won 4 gold, 6 silver and 14 bronze medals at the Island Games, which were being held in the Shetland Isles. 


Members were advised that the Council meeting scheduled for 17 August 2005 had been cancelled, due to a number of Members being on annual leave.




The Cabinet Member explained that the Adult and Community Learning Plan was a three year rolling programme, reviewed on an annual basis.  The total cost for delivering the plan for 2005/06 was £442, 595, funded between the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Public Service Agreement money and the Council.  The LSC Inspectors had recently visited all the current initiatives on the Island and it was expected that a report would be received within the next three/four weeks.


Members raised concern regarding funding of the plan after 2005/06 and suggested that the plan could be brought back to Full Council to enable further discussion about policy and the results of the Inspector’s report.




THAT the Isle of Wight Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/06 be adopted.




The 2020 Vision had been developed by the Local Strategic Partnership in response to the Local Government Act 2000/01, concerning Local Authorities engaging with their communities.  The Government’s pilot Local Area Agreement scheme contained four key areas, which were reflected in the 2020 Vision and would also be incorporated into the Corporate Strategy.


It was envisaged that the 2020 Vision would encourage economic success, good health and a safe Island where everyone could enjoy a good quality of life.   The targets would be achieved by working with our partners and good outcomes would follow, with Government grants being the reward.




THAT the 2020 Vision be adopted.




The Chairman informed Members that the report, Paper D, had been replaced and copies of the new report had been circulated prior to the start of the meeting.  Members were asked to note the changes to the proposed recommendations.


A presentation was provided by the Managing Director of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWEP), which included background information about the Inspire Programme and the subsequent development of the Isle of Wight Brand, which fitted into the 2020 Vision.  The proposed Inspire Programme had originally been approved by Full Council in January 2004 and by the Island Futures Local Strategic Partnership in May 2004.


The Inspire Programme will incorporate the re-branding strategy, the marketing and communication plan, initiatives to raise aspirations, and education.  The aim was to encourage better waterfront areas, business infrastructure, education and skills development for the Island.  The main objectives were to strengthen the 25 to 40 age group demographic, encourage higher value businesses and to make the Island an interesting and stimulating place to live.


The consultant, Corporate Edge had produced a logo for the Island and this had been launched during June 2005.  The new logo had been used at the Island’s Rock Festival and would also be used by Skandia during Cowes Week as well as being displayed on Gypsy Moth IV during her two-year global tour.


Questions were asked regarding future funding of the programme.  Members were informed that it was envisaged that the Council’s Strategic Partners would assist with funding issues in the absence of South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) funds and the 2020 Vision and the Local Area Agreement would assist with ensuring a balanced demographic in the future.




(i)                 THAT the Council welcome the work undertaken to date, led by the IWEP, to develop the “Spirits Raised” brand within the context of the Inspire Programme, and also welcomes the endorsement of the brand by the Local Strategic Partnership.


(ii)               THAT  the Council endorses the proposal by the IWEP to encourage adoption of the brand across the public, private and voluntary sectors.


(iii)             THAT  the Council invites the Cabinet to adopt the brand and determine how the Isle of Wight Council could best implement and promote the brand within the context of the wider Inspire Programme.




In addition to the report from the Leader, an amendment had been circulated to Members by the Cabinet Secretary regarding the timing of meetings.  The amendment proposed that all committee meetings should be held at 6.00 pm on weekday evenings.  Any variation to the proposed start time to be agreed between the Leader and the Chairman/Commissioner with the reason being stated on the agenda.  Members were advised that such an arrangement would ensure that members of the public could attend meetings and that younger candidates could be encouraged to stand for election if there was no conflict with normal working hours.


The amendment was accepted by the Leader and became part of the substantive motion.


Members of the opposition reminded the Council that the Scrutiny Committee had been appointed with reverse proportionality in order to demonstrate a commitment to independent scrutiny.  In accordance with the Constitution (version 3.4), a start time of 4.00 pm had been discussed, and unanimously agreed, by the Scrutiny Committee at their Awayday.  A number of members of the public had been present at the first meeting of the committee, held on 18 July 2005.    It was also noted that members of the public with care responsibilities for children, or the elderly, might be prevented from attending evening meetings.


Further concern was raised regarding the cost of running evening meetings during the winter and the potential conflict with Agenda 21 issues. 


Following the debate, a second amendment was proposed, that the words:


“except that in relation to the Scrutiny Committee, the words appearing in Version 3.5 of the Constitution remain”, be added to the first amendment. 


This amendment was moved and lost when put to the vote.


Following further debate it was




THAT the Council adopt the Constitution Version 3.5 subject to the following amendment:


To delete from the Articles of the Constitution relating to the Policy Commissions, Scrutiny Committee, Audit Committee and Cabinet all references to the timings of meetings, and to add to those articles the words:


“Timing of Meetings


Meetings will be held at 6.00 pm on weekday evenings, other than in exceptional circumstances when the timing must, with the agreement of the Chairman/Commissioner and the Leader of the Council, be varied to ensure a quorum or to suit the needs of members of the public or stakeholders attending the meeting.  The reason for any variation in timing will be set out on the face of the agenda.”


28.             CABINET


(a)               Draft Best Value Performance Plan


Members had received a copy of the report provided for the Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, an Efficient Council and Customer Champion for delegated decision.


The Cabinet Member advised Members that the plan was available on the website and recommended that Council adopt the draft Best Value Performance Plan.




THAT the draft Best Value Performance Plan be adopted.


(b)               Reports from the Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


A written question had been received from Cllr Geoff Lumley regarding Conservative Manifesto commitments and the press release number 5101.    The Leader advised that in view of Cllr Lumley’s absence a written response would be forwarded to him.


(ii)               Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children


The Cabinet Member had attended a conference recently where it had been noted that the Isle of Wight was not in line with the national picture regarding improved performance.  The afternoon session had been about School Improvement Partners. Members noted that although one thousand teachers had been selected and trained as Inspectors, they were not allowed to inspect their local schools, which had resulted in increased travel and subsistence costs.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


Members were informed that the Cabinet Member had attended a meeting of the Isle of Wight Tourist Board and de-briefing meeting for the Island’s Music Festival.  In addition, various projects were under discussion as part of the Inspire Programme, which would align with the regional strategy and the Local Area Agreement.  


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Members were advised that plans were under review regarding the search for a strategic partner.  A housing event would be held by private sector landlords during autumn 2005.  A report would be provided for the Cabinet shortly following the preparation of a comprehensive position statement.  In addition, the Cabinet Member was working closely with colleagues to meet the objectives for Adult and Community Services.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, an Efficient Council and Customer Champion


The Council was advised that a business consultant, to assist with the budget process, would be selected at the end of the month.  The Cabinet Member had attended a Fire Service display and would also be attending a presentation for the criteria to enable application to become a Beacon Council.  


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


The Cabinet Member had circulated a written report.  This included details of a meeting of the South East Fire and Rescue Regional Management Board, and a series of exercises undertaken by the Council’s Trading Standards Officers concerning the sale of alcohol to under age volunteers.  The Cabinet Member also reported that the Island’s Consumer Direct project had been successfully launched during June 2005. 


Oral questions were asked regarding progress on the establishment of Regional Control Centres and the proposed appointment of a Human Resources Advisor to the Regional Management Board.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning Policy


The Cabinet Member advised Council that copies of the Local Transport Plan 2 were available to all Members immediately following the meeting.    He also informed Members that Planning Services would be holding regular public consultations regarding planning applications, which would hopefully result in an improved service for residents.


An oral question was asked regarding possible consultations with members of the public regarding the Private Finance Initiative submission to Government in September 2005.  The Cabinet Member agreed to hold a public meeting.


The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.