Present :


Mr J Effemey, (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mrs W Arnold, Mrs A Bishop, Mr J A Bowker, Mr G H Brown, Mr I Bulwer, Mr W R Burt, Mr G Cameron, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs V Churchman, Mrs D Cousins, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Fitzgerald-Bond, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J Hobart, Mr T Hunter-Henderson, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs G Kennet, Mr G Lumley, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs W McRobert, Mrs M J Miller, Mr B Mosdell, Mrs E Oulton, Mrs L Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Mr D Pugh, Mrs S Scoccia, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mrs M Swan, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs D Tuson, Mr I Ward, Mrs M Webster, Mr A Wells, Mr C West, Mr D Whittaker, Mr D G Williams,  Mrs J Wood


Apologies :


Mrs B E Foster, Miss H Humby, Mr D J Knowles, Mr J Whittaker




10.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2005 be confirmed.




Mrs Gardiner declared a personal interest in Health and Social Care.


12.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr J Wortham asked an oral question regarding correspondence written by officers, but signed by elected Members.  He requested that this should be made clear in future.


The Chairman agreed to investigate the matter.


13.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman updated Members on a number of recent visits he had made including Newport Rowing Club Regatta afternoon and the Junior Sports Event in Southampton where the Island Hockey team had come second, despite the rain.




At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr Mazillius presented Canon Stephen Palmer with a set of stamps depicting the Islander aeroplane (made on the Isle of Wight) together with stamps from the Falkland Islands, where Canon Palmer had previously held the post of Dean of Stanley Cathedral.


Canon Palmer thanked Mr Mazillius for the gift and reported that the Falkland Islands now owned 6 Islander planes.




(a)               The Council considered the following motion from Mrs D Gardiner CC:


“The Isle of Wight Council, as an important consumer and opinion leader, should research, develop and support a strategy to facilitate the promotion and purchase of foods with the FAIRTRADE Mark, as part of it’s commitment to sustainable development.


The Isle of Wight Council is committed to helping the Isle of Wight achieve Fairtrade Status and will, as a first step, offer Fairtrade Marked food and drink options for purchase internally, and make them available for internal meetings.  Following this, a paper detailing the steps which the Isle of Wight Council needs to take to help the Island gain Fairtrade status will be put before the Cabinet.”


Mrs Gardiner explained to Members that the Isle of Wight Council could set an example to other Councils by adopting the motion.  Mr Wells and Mrs Oulton spoke in favour of the motion.  The motion was seconded and following debate it was:




1.         THAT the Isle of Wight Council, as an important consumer and opinion leader, should research, develop and support a strategy to facilitate the promotion and purchase of foods with the FAIRTRADE Mark, as part of it’s commitment to sustainable development.”


2.         THAT the Isle of Wight Council is committed to helping the Isle of Wight achieve Fairtrade Status and will, as a first step, offer Fairtrade Marked food and drink options for purchase internally, and make them available for internal meetings.  Following this, a paper detailing the steps which the Isle of Wight Council needs to take to help the Island gain Fairtrade status will be put before the Cabinet.”


(b)               The Council considered the following motion from Mrs D Cousins CC:


Before moving the motion, Mrs Cousins introduced Mr Graham Elderfield (Chief Executive, IW Healthcare NHS Trust and Primary Care Trust), Mr Rodney Ireland (Chairman of the IW Healthcare NHS Trust) and Mrs Val Anderson (Chairman of the Primary Care Trust), who addressed the Council individually in support of the motion.  A question and answer time followed, after which Mrs Cousins moved:


“The Council, in confirming it's commitment to developing sustainable health and social care services through integration, resolves to:


1.      put outcomes for service users at the heart of new structures and strategies to deliver seamless integrated care;


2.      ensure a viable hospital within a context of resources moving from centralised acute services towards community based provision focussing increasingly on primary, preventative and social care; 


3.      undertake a rigorous due diligence exercise before engaging in structural integration; 


4.      use a robust contractual framework, and rigorous scrutiny to underpin partnership working to ensure agreement and delivery of service improvement;


5.      ensure excellent communications with staff, whose commitment is essential to the delivery of the benefits of integration.”


During the debate to move the motion, Mr Mazillius moved the following amendment to the motion:


“The Council, in confirming it's commitment to developing sustainable health and social care services through integration, resolves to:


1.       put outcomes for service users at the heart of new structures and strategies to deliver seamless integrated care;


2.       ensure a viable hospital providing centralised acute services and providing community based provision focussing increasingly on primary, preventative and social care;


3.       undertake a rigorous due diligence exercise before engaging in structural integration; 


4.       use a robust contractual framework, and rigorous scrutiny to underpin partnership working to ensure agreement and delivery of service improvement;


5.       ensure excellent communications with staff, whose commitment is essential to the delivery of the benefits of integration.”


The amendment was seconded, and following debate it was:




THAT the amended motion become the substantive motion.


Following further debate, the amended motion was seconded and following a vote, it was:




THAT ”the Council, in confirming it's commitment to developing sustainable health and social care services through integration, resolves to:


1.      put outcomes for service users at the heart of new structures and strategies to deliver seamless integrated care;


2.      ensure a viable hospital providing centralised acute services and providing community based provision focussing increasingly on primary, preventative and social care;


3.      undertake a rigorous due diligence exercise before engaging in structural integration; 


4.      use a robust contractual framework, and rigorous scrutiny to underpin partnership working to ensure agreement and delivery of service improvement;


5.      ensure excellent communications with staff, whose commitment is essential to the delivery of the benefits of integration.”




Members considered a report from the Leader of the Council on substantial amendments to the constitution, in order to reflect the decisions made at the Annual Council meeting.   However, it was recognised that further time would be required for consultation, with further work being undertaken to redraft where necessary.  A further version of the Constitution would be presented to Council at the meeting scheduled for 20 July 2005 for ratification.  In the meantime Members were asked to submit comments/suggested amendments to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.


Following a debate, the Leader proposed that version 3.4 of the Constitution be adopted.  The proposal was seconded and following a vote it was:




(i)                 THAT the Constitution, version 3.4 be adopted.


(ii)               THAT a further version be brought to Full Council on 20 July 2005 for ratification.




Mr Bruce Claxton, the former Chairman of the Standards Committee, left the room for this item.


The Council considered the report submitted by the Monitoring Officer, which made recommendations regarding appointments to the Standards Committee.  The Chief Executive Officer informed Members that 29 applications had been received in response to the advertisement in the County Press. 


Under Article 9 of the Constitution, the Council was required to appoint two Members, who had served a minimum of one term as a Councillor.  It was proposed and seconded that Mr Cunningham and Miss Humby be so appointed, and that the recommendations contained in the report were approved.  Following a vote it was:




a)        THAT Mr M Cunningham and Miss H Humby be appointed to the Standards Committee.


b)        THAT Mr B Claxton, Mrs J Harding and Mr G Hibberd be appointed to the Standards Committee.


c)        THAT Mr B Claxton be appointed Chairman for the coming year.


d)        THAT the Isle of Wight Association of Parish and Town Councils be invited to nominate a representative to the Standards Committee.


e)        THAT the Monitoring Officer produce a shortlist from applications received, for appointment to the four remaining seats.


f)          THAT the Monitoring Officer be delegated to appoint to the vacancies.


The newly elected Chairman of the Standards Committee, Mr B Claxton returned to the room and thanked the Council for his appointment.



18.             ADULT LEARNING PLAN


Members considered the report, which had previously been recommended to Full Council for approval at the Executive meeting held on 6 April 2005.  However, Mr T  Hunter-Henderson, the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Adult and Community 3 Year Learning Plan, proposed that the report be withdrawn, which would enable Members more time to consider and discuss the plan before formal approval.


The proposal was seconded and following a vote, it was:




THAT the report be withdrawn and the Adult and Community Learning Three Year Development Plan be reconsidered at the meeting scheduled for 20 July 2005.


15.             CABINET


Reports from the Cabinet Members.


(i)                 The Leader


Mr Stephens submitted a written question regarding former proposals about mental health provision and the possibility of undertaking an impact assessment, with a risk analysis, prior to taking decisions about forming a Care Trust on the Island, (MQ 20/05).


A copy of the question and reply are contained in the Members’ Question Register.


The Leader provided an oral update on Council issues for Members.


The Leader answered questions relating to the proposed amendments to the Constitution and the Council’s representation at SEERA.


(ii)               Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children


The Cabinet Member updated the Council on recent meetings attended to improve standards within schools.


A number of questions were answered concerning the timescale previously stated in the Conservative Manifesto and whether this had been realistic.  The Cabinet Member reassured the Council that draft plans would be in place by the end of July 2005.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit and Customer Champion


Miss Humby had submitted a written question regarding the possible development of Council owned car parks (MQ 21/05).  The Cabinet Member had referred the question to Mr Ward, the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning, who provided a response. 


The Cabinet Member updated the Council on the regeneration of process and potential savings in recruitment advertising. 


The Cabinet Member then answered questions regarding the delivery of the regeneration of process and the need for a suitable location for a public records office on the Island.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


The Cabinet Member circulated a written report updating the Council on progress with parking charges, the Newport traffic system review and the Local Transport Plan 2.


A number of oral questions were answered by the Cabinet Member relating to the possible development of car parks, the possibility of developing a policy for a 20mph speed limit outside schools and the high numbers of heavy goods vehicles distributing food supplies from the mainland.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


The Cabinet Member provided an oral update concerning the recent Rock Festival at Seaclose and the establishment of an alcohol free area at Church Litten.


A number of oral questions were answered by the Cabinet Member concerning problems encountered with young drivers on the Island, the possibility of Community Wardens for the Island and the retention of a Fire Control Room on the Island.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Mr Stephens had submitted a written question regarding a balanced budget position from all agencies concerned before forming a Care Trust on the Island, short, medium and long term plans associated with financial references, and the previous recommendations relating to the PwC Consultation which were put forward by the Adult and Community Services Select Committee (MQ 19/05).  The Cabinet Member provided a response.


A copy of the question and reply are contained in the Members’ Question Register.


The Cabinet Member updated the Council on the Island’s revised housing allocation system.   The new system would ensure that Island residents would secure extra points.  The Cabinet Member also extended her thanks to Mr Abraham, Mr Metcalfe and his staff for helping to ensure a safe and successful Island Rock Festival.


An oral question was asked and answered regarding the future of the Health and Social Care Trust.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for the Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


The Cabinet Member provided an update on the draft Tourism Development Plan, and a recent visit from the Adult Community Learning Inspector.


A number of questions were asked and answered relating to the membership and availability of the minutes for the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Board, the latest information regarding the Isle of Wight brand, the Cabinet Member’s comments about the recent music festival and the new owners of Wightlink.


The meeting closed at 20.45.