Present :


Cllrs John Effemey (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, George Cameron, Charles Chapman, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Heather Humby, Garry Price




79.             MINUTES




THAT subject to the addition of Councillor Fitzgerald-Bond in minute 78(b)(i), the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2006 be confirmed.




Councillor Erica Oulton declared a personal interest in agenda item 7, Paper D, as it referred to Isle of Wight produced foods.


81.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Reg Barry of Seaview regarding the 106 Agreement for the proposed Tesco’s development in Ryde.  The Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning provided a response. (PQ 08/06)


Mr Philip Cave of Carisbrooke regarding the Council’s response to the new laws about litter on the streets.   The Local Member, Councillor David Whittaker, represented Mr Cave in his absence.  The Cabinet Member for Safer Communities provided a response.  (PQ 09/06)


Mr Bob Blezzard of Sandown asked a question about the recent increase in coach parking charges and the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure provided a response.


Mrs Mary Craven from Fairlee asked a question regarding the licensing for the Island’s Rock Festival in June 2006 and the Cabinet Secretary, Councillor David Pugh, provided a response.


Mr Page from Newport asked a question about coaches and other vehicles causing damage to our roads and the Leader provided a response.


82.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman provided a report on the previous month’s activities, which included the International Lion’s Banquet, a visit to the Smallbrook Stadium and the Under 12’s Football Tournament.


Members were invited to join the Chairman for the Welcome event for visitors from Virginia, USA on 26 April 2006.


Council was advised that the Chairman’s Charity Launch at the Royal Yacht Squadron had raised just under £3,000 for the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.


A total of 54 letters had been received from pupils of Trinity Church of England school following their visit to County Hall on 17 March 2006.


The Chairman drew Members’ attention to a written report which had been circulated by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee, which detailed the proposed future work programme for the Committee.




The Leader introduced the report, which detailed the rigorous selection process for the appointment of the Chief Executive.  The Members’ Panel had recommended that Mr J Duckworth, currently of Westminster City Council, be appointed.


The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Deborah Gardiner, who informed Council that Mr Duckworth had been an outstanding candidate in a strong field of shortlisted applicants.


Members commented on the high salary being offered and asked that in future all Members could be invited to meet with prospective candidates for positions of a similar level.




THAT Mr J Duckworth be appointed as Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight Council.




The Local Member, Councillor Barbara Foster, introduced the report and paid tribute to the Electoral Services Officer and supporting staff for their support and hard work.  Council was asked to support the petition.


Councillor Muriel Miller seconded the proposal, adding that in her opinion Carisbrooke should stand alone and not include the Newport area.


An amendment was put forward by Councillor David Whittaker, proposing that the newly established Parish Council should also include eight other wards in the Newport area, which was seconded by Councillor Geoff Lumley.


Following a vote the amended motion was carried.


The Acting Chief Executive read out the amended substantive motion and following a vote, it was




THAT whilst this Council acknowledges the petition for the creation of a “Carisbrooke Parish Council”, and recognises the efforts of the local member in raising the petition, the Council is also aware that within the next few days a petition will be submitted which seeks to collectively emparish the eight Isle of Wight Council electoral wards within the Newport area, including that of Carisbrooke, but excluding those areas that already form part of established Parish Councils.


This Council is wholly supportive of the emparishment of the Isle of Wight, but recognises the advantages to be gained by having a larger Parish Council for the Newport area, and therefore regrets that, on this occasion, it cannot support the emparishment of smaller fragmented areas, including the area contained within the Carisbrooke petition.




The Cabinet Member for the Environment, Transport and Planning introduced the report and advised Members that substantial changes in policy had taken place.  Council was asked to support a reduction in ‘food miles’, the use of alternative fuels and the establishment of an alternative energy centre.  It was further proposed that the standard of energy conservation on buildings should be raised and the Council’s energy consumption reduced.


The options presented in the report were seconded by Councillor Mike Cunningham, who called for raised awareness of these issues across the Island.




THAT the report be noted and a further update be presented to Full Council in 12 month’s time.




The Leader introduced the report, explaining to Council that adoption of the Aim High Corporate Plan would underpin the Corporate Objectives and enable delivery of real outcomes for Island communities.  The motion was seconded by Councillor David Whittaker.


Council heard from a number of Members with concerns about the Council’s staff and the potential impact on the Island economy.




THAT Council adopt the Aim High Corporate Plan 2006-09 as the strategic framework governing the delivery of its services and the provision of outcomes for he community.


87.             CABINET


(a)               Recommendations From The Cabinet


A recommendation had been received from the Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure regarding the adoption of the Adult and Community Learning Plan.  Congratulations were offered to the Adult Learning Plan Manager and her Team for their work on service improvements, which were focussed around the Aim High Corporate Objectives.


The recommendation was seconded by Councillor David Whittaker.




THAT the Isle of Wight Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2006-07 be approved.


(b)               Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


The Leader presented his written report, which provided an update on the Policy Commissions Workplans, recent visits with staff, the Corporate Assessment/Joint Area Review, the appointment of the Chief Executive and issues surrounding tourism on the Island.


In addition, the Leader praised Brading Town Council on their achievements in delivering services to their community.


The Leader answered several questions regarding his recently reported comments about coach holidays and their contribution to the Island’s economy, advising Members that his comments had been taken out of context.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and School Results advised Council that there were no updates on major issues.   However, a Government announcement had been received regarding the strategic role of the authority, which would result in better direct support for, and collaboration between, the Island’s schools. 


The Cabinet Member answered a question regarding the provision of a written statement for Members concerning actions being taken to improve standards of education on the Island.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report for Council which included an update on the LGA Annual Fire Conference, the recent Fire and Rescue Service Peer Review, the Council’s response to the new litter laws, the Young People’s Strategy, the Coroner’s Service and improvements in the Licensing regime.


The Cabinet Member received questions on the increase in the licence for street furniture and contingency plans for Church Litten if it needed to be closed.  The Cabinet Member would provide a written response for both questions.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and advised Council that the Island’s PFI bid could be widened to include other services.  A meeting had also been held with representatives from Arriva, who might be interested in the Island’s rail franchise.


The Cabinet Member answered questions regarding contingency plans in the event of a failed PFI bid; problems of traffic congestion currently being experienced on the main road between Northwood and St Mary’s Hospital roundabout; and the planning policy of ring-fencing hotel accommodation.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, which included an update on Tourism and Leisure advertising, exhibitions and press releases.


The Cabinet Member was asked what policies were in place to protect sub post offices on the Island and offered to provide a written response.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


The Cabinet Member updated Council on a recent press release highlighting the record results in providing for homelessness, secured funding for affordable housing and the Pan Project, which was due to start in 2009.


In addition, Members were advised that following a Strategic Housing Partnership meeting, it was proposed that a Young Persons Housing Forum would be established.  Details of an Action Plan to move this forward would be circulated to Members in due course. 


The Cabinet Member highlighted that because of the new Licensing Act, she had been unable to speak in her capacity as the Local Member during the recent Licensing meeting for the Island’s Rock Festival.  However, a meeting had been held with the Festival Organiser to discuss the issues impacting on the Fairlee Ward.


The Cabinet Member answered a question regarding the availability and extent of affordable housing at Pan.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Resources, Auditing and Council Efficiency; Customer Champion


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, which included an update on the new CorVu performance management and the recent difficulties within the Call Centre.


Other issues raised were Council Tax collections, which exceeded 98% last year and the proposal for the provision of a new-build archive and record storage facility on the Island.


The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee


At the Chairman’s invitation the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee addressed the Council, confirming that a regular report would be provided at future Council meetings, supported by a verbal update and the opportunity for Members to ask questions.


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman wished Councillor Lumley every success with his first meeting of the Scrutiny Committee on 20 April 2006.