Chief Executive Officer

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD

Email: [email protected]


7 September 2004




You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2004 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 9.30 am for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.






1.             To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 July 2004

2.             To receive any declarations of interest.


3.             To deal with any questions from members of the public.


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 9.30 am on Monday, 13 September 2004.


4.             To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.


5.             Sustainable Energy for the Island and the Formation of a Renewable Energy Development Company


To receive a presentation on “Sustainable Energy for the Island and the formation of a Renewable Energy Development Company” from Derek Rowell, Strategic Director Environment Services and Ben Madden from Element Energy.


Attached at Paper B is a report in support of this item.


Following the presentations the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy will move the following motion for debate:


“That the Isle of Wight Council recognise the potential benefits of the formulation of an Isle of Wight Low Carbon Company as the most effective way to meet the aims of the Renewable Energy Strategy and asks the Executive to consider the possible formation in detail.”


6.             Tetra Masts


To consider the attached report (Paper C) from Dr Paul Bingham, Director of Public Health, Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust. Dr Bingham will make a short presentation at the meeting and will be able to answer any questions.


Following the presentation the Chairman of the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee will move, for debate, the following motion:


“This Council :


(i)     Notes that the available evidence of health and safety implications from Tetra masts/base stations is neutral.


(ii)   Notes also the continued level of public concern about those health and safety implications.


(iii) Calls on the National Radiological Protection Board to issue an authoritative statement on the possible health effects of Tetra in the light of any significant developments since the Stewart Report of 2000, or in the future.


(iv)  Refers the 8 substantive recommendations of the report by Dr Bingham to the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee with the following terms of reference:


To receive advice and information from some or all of :


(a) The Portfolio Holder for Fire, Public Safety and Consumer Protection.


(b) The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Planning Policy.


(c)  The Head of Planning Services.


(d) Representatives of the Tetra Industry.


(e) School Governing Bodies.


(f)   The Head of Property Services.


About how the recommendations from Dr Bingham can be actioned and in order to make recommendations to one or more of :


(1) The Executive.


(2) Portfolio Holders.


(3) Tetra Operators.


(4)   School Governing Bodies.”


7.             Council’s Constitution


To consider the attached report (Paper D) from the Deputy Leader on the Council’s Constitution that takes into account the deliberations of the Corporate Governance Working Party.


8.            To agree the revised scheme for the allocation of seats to political groups following the resignations of Mr Bartlett, Mr Yates and Miss Humby from the Island First Group.


(Attached Paper E by the Chief Executive Officer refers)


9.            EXECUTIVE :


a)           Portfolio Holders to give an update on major issues and to answer written and oral questions on budget or policy :  


(i)           The Leader (Mrs S A Smart)

(ii)         Deputy Leader (Mr P G Harris)

(iii)       Transport (Mr E Fox)

(iv)        Tourism and Leisure (Mr J Fleming)

(v)          Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy (Mrs T Butchers)

(vi)        Resources (Mr R R Barry)

(vii)      Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection (Mr D J Knowles)

(viii)    Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues (Mr H Rees)

(ix)        Childrens Services (Mrs J L Wareham)

(x)          Adult and Community Services (Mr G Kendall)


To guarantee a full reply Members must submit a question in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 9.30 am on Tuesday, 14 September 2004. A further period of 10 Minutes will be allowed for oral questions to each Portfolio Holder.





                                                                                  M J A FISHER

                                                                           Chief Executive Officer