Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD

8 May 2002


You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 15 MAY 2002 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the Agenda below.




1.        To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 April 2002 (Paper A)


2.        To receive any declarations of interest.


3.        To deal with any questions from members of the public.


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Monday 13 May 2002.


4.        To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.


5.        To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may desire to bring before the Council.


6.        EXECUTIVE :


           (a)       To consider the following matters as recommended by the Executive at its meeting on the 7 May 2002


                       (i)        Council Corporate Plan - Vision Statement


Consideration was given to proposals for a Corporate Plan and approval of a Vision Statement for the Council. Members were reminded that annual management letters from the District Auditor and other independent inspection reports drew attention for the need for a stronger political leadership and corporate management. This along with the Governments commitment to ‘modernise’ local government suggested a more explicit statement of the authority’s strategic aims was now required. It was anticipated that the Corporate Plan would shortly be completed in draft and would be brought back to the Executive before it went out to formal consultation.




THAT the Vision Statement as attached to the report be approved.


(The report of the Leader as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B1)


                       (ii)       Revised Responsibilities for Portfolio Holders


Members noted the revised responsibilities for Portfolio Holders as detailed below:




THAT the following Portfolios be accepted :


                                               (a)       Leader of the Council - Mrs S A Smart


Principal responsibility for the policy direction of the Council

Chairman of the Executive and to oversee preparation of business for its consideration

To indicate Strategic Directors the priorities and programmes of the Executive, and their likely reaction to new policies or projects

To be the principal spokesperson for the Council at all internal and external meetings


                                               (b)       Deputy Leader - Mr P G Harris


Deputise in the absence of the Leader

Coordinate all Performance Management arrangements including:

The Corporate Plan

Risk Management

The Best Value Review Programme

The Monitoring of Performance Indicators

Overview of the Public Service Agreement

Oversee the preparation for the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and the ensuing action plan


                                               (c)       Resources - Mr R R Barry


All matters relating to central resources and ICT, the corporate image, land and property


                                               (d)       Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional issues -

Mr H Rees


All matters relating to Economic Development, the Council’s role in Europe and relations with UK regional bodies


                                               (e)       Education and Life Long Learning - Mrs J L Wareham


All matters relating to Education and Lifelong Learning


                                               (f)        Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection -

                                                          Mr D J Knowles 


All matters relating to Fire, Emergency Planning, Consumer Protection and Crime and Disorder


                                               (g)       Social Services and Housing - Mr R G Mazillius


All matters relating to Social Services, Housing and the voluntary sector


                                               (h)       Tourism and Leisure - Mrs M A Jarman


All matters relating to Tourism and Leisure facilities


                                               (i)        Transport - Mr E Fox


All matters relating to transport, highway and traffic management and Hackney Carriage Private Hire Vehicles


                                               (j)        Responsibility for Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters -

Mrs B Lawson


All matters relating to Town and Country Planning Policy, Agenda 21 and waste, countryside and coastal management


(The report of the Leader as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B2)


                       (iii)       Equality and Diversity Policy


Consideration was given to the Equality and Diversity Policy which was linked closely to the Equality Standard for Local Government. This Standard laid down the actions that the Council should address:- leadership and corporate commitment, consultation, community development and scrutiny, service delivery and customer care and employment and training. Each of these areas were divided into 5 levels of achievement. The Policy identified a target date of 2009 to achieve level 5 with progress to be reported annually in the Best Value Performance Plan. Members discussed the maximum retirement age of Council employees and believed that the area should be given further consideration so that the Council does not arbitrarily prevent people from working beyond a specified age regardless of their ability or wishes.






THAT the Equality and Diversity Policy be adopted and a further report on the age of retirement be brought back to the Executive in due course.


(The report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B3)


           (b)       Portfolio Holders to give answers to written questions on budget or policy, update on major issues and answer any questions on budget or policy as follows:


                       (i)        The Leader (Mrs S Smart);

                       (ii)       Deputy Leader (Mr P Harris);

                       (iii)       Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs B Lawson);

                       (iv)      Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);

                       (v)       Education and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J Wareham);

                       (vi)      Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection (Mrs D Knowles);

                       (vii)      Resources (Mr R Barry);

                       (viii)     Social Services and Housing (Mr R Mazillius);

                       (ix)      Tourism and Leisure (Mrs M A Jarman);

                       (x)       Transport (Mr E Fox).


9.        To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Committees :


           (a)       Select Committees:


                       (i)        Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr J Fleming);

                       (ii)       Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mr J Howe);

                       (iii)       Environment and Transport (Mrs T Butchers);

                       (iv)      Fire and Public Safety (Mr G Price);

                       (v)       Resources (Mr G Kendall);

                       (vi)      Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr I Stephens).


           (b)       Regulatory Committees:


                       (i)        Development Control Committee (Mrs M Miller)

                       (ii)       Licensing Panel (Mr C Chapman)

                       (iii)       Regulatory Appeals Committee (Mrs M Lloyd)


Any questions from Members for the above must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services by 10.00 am on Tuesday, 14 May 2002.





Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services