Present :


Cllrs John Effemey (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, John Bowker, George Brown, William Burt, George Cameron, Charles Chapman, Vanessa Churchman, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, Geoff Lumley, Win McRobert, Roger Mazillius, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, Susan Scoccia, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, David Knowles, Muriel Miller, David Pugh, Ian Stephens,




31.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meetings held on 20 July 2005 And 29 July 2005 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


33.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:


Mr Wortham asked two questions.  The first concerned the current security arrangements in County Hall, and the second whether officers’ status as public servants and their responsibilities had changed recently.  The Leader responded to both questions.


34.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman’s commitments during the previous month had included the official opening of Brading Roman Villa which had been attended by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and the launch of Gypsy Moth IV, attended by Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal.  


Cowes week had once again been very successful, and the Chairman also praised the efforts of those who had worked towards a very successful carnival season across the Island.


Council noted that the Chairman’s Charity, the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, had been launched during the month.


35.             Constitutional Amendments – Scrutiny and Audit Committees


a)        Council was advised of the constitutional amendments required to enable the Scrutiny Committee to incorporate recent changes in membership, and to strengthen the role of the Audit Committee.


An amendment to the recommendations listed in the report (Paper B) had been circulated to Members.  It was agreed that each of the recommendations would debated separately.


Members were advised that in order to disapply the rule for political proportionality, it was necessary that the vote should be unanimous.  However, this was not the case, and therefore a revised amendment to the Constitution was moved and seconded and following a show of hands it was




THAT the constitutional provisions set out in Appendices 1 to 4 as attached to the report be approved, subject to the following amendments.


1.                  DELETE from Article 5 the words:


“iii         Two opposition members

iv           Three members of the majority political group”


and ADD the words:


“ii         Six members of the council (including the Chairman of the committee), on a politically proportionate basis”.


2.                  ADD to Article 5 the words:


“vi.       3 named substitutes, nominated by group leaders, will be available to take the place of any member of the committee by prior notification”.


3.                  DELETE from Article 9 the words:


“The Audit Committee will comprise of 7 members selected for their interest in audit committee business rather than political affiliation”.


And ADD to Article 9 the words:


“The Audit Committee will be a politically proportionate committee comprising 7 members selected for their interest in audit committee business as well as their political affiliation”.


4.                  THAT the Chairs of both the Scrutiny and Audit Committees (subject to consideration of recommendations from an independent remuneration panel) receive a special responsibility allowance.


5.                  THAT Cllr Anne Bishop be appointed Chair of the Audit Committee.


6.                  THAT Cllr Garry Price be appointed Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.




The Monitoring Officer informed the Council that Mr David Watson had submitted a letter regarding appointment to the Standards Committee.  Members were advised that Mr Watson had served on the Committee previously and his appointment would ensure continuity and experience.




THAT Mr David Watson be appointed to the Standards Committee.


37.             CABINET


Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


A written question had been received from Cllr Geoff Lumley regarding the role of School Governors and the recent GCSE results which were published in the County Press.  The Leader provided a response.  (MQ23/05)


The Leader updated Members on the Local Government Agency Executive decision to lobby Government about dispensing with the CPA process, although independent assessments for Education and Finance would be continued.  The Council was also advised that the Leader had attended a conference in Cowes recently where the Local Area Agreement’s priorities and objectives were explained and had received great enthusiasm.


The Leader also answered questions relating to the availability of Education data under the previous administration.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and School Results


The Cabinet Member assured the Council that School Governors had been offered further training and more information regarding their responsibilities.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


Members had received a written report from the Cabinet Member, which included updates on the Local Transport Plan 2, the Local Development Framework – The Island Plan, the Transport Innovation Fund and the Cross Solent Travel costs for medical treatment and visits to mainland hospitals.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member drew Council’s attention to the revenue brought to the Island this year, with actual figures being available by the end of October, or early November 2005.  Revenue generated by tourism and leisure represented 8% in net value.


Questions were asked about the image of the Isle of Wight brand, and details regarding the series of projects being developed under the Regeneration scheme.  The Cabinet Member responded accordingly.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Members were advised that the Cabinet Member was away on Council business.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Resources, Auditing and Council Efficiency; Customer Champion


The Cabinet Member updated the Council on the E-Procurement project, which would enable all orders to be placed electronically.  Banner had already confirmed their compliance and it was expected that other local businesses would follow.  Procurement cards would also be in use by the end of October, which would speed up the process.  The Authority would settle card bills on a monthly basis.


Members were also advised that the budget prioritisation exercise would be completed by the end of October 2005, but had not included statutory services. 


A question was asked regarding projected dates for the final part of the budget prioritisation exercise.  The Cabinet Member agreed to provide this information.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


Council received an update from the Cabinet Member which included his attendance at the LGA Safer Communities Conference.  This had centred around ways to engage with children with the community. 


There had been no announcement from Government to date about the proposed central Control Centre for the South East region, which was causing some concern.


Questions were asked about distribution of the notes taken at the LGA Safer Communities Conference and whether the Cabinet Member believed if local communities were safer, or less safe, during school holidays.