Present :


Cllrs John Effemey (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, George Cameron, Charles Chapman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, John Bowker, Vanessa Churchman, Heather Humby, David Knowles



38.              MINUTES




THAT subject to the inclusion of the apologies for Cllr Bulwer and Cllr Taylor the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2005 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


40.              PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


There were no public questions.


41.              CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman was pleased to report that the Gypsy Moth, on it’s first leg around the world, had arrived safely in Gibraltar.


The Chairman had visited the 17th National Indoor Games at the Savoy Holiday Village in Yarmouth where there were over 350 participants.


Alison Cummins a mother of two and now a grandmother had participated in the 600CC motorcycle racing circuit.


Becky Cook had done well in the ladies’ world motorcycling trials championship in Italy.


Frank Rose is the youngest person ever to win the power boating Offshore Circuit Racing National Championship.


The Chairman attended the ASTO (Association of Sail Training Organisations) Small Ships’ Race in Cowes. The youth sailing event was hoped to take place again next year.


Julie Clifton was standing down from the Hospice as fundraiser. She was greatly involved in the income from Walk the Wight this year. She will be continuing work in the Hospice shop.




Cllr Hunter-Henderson introduced a presentation by Nigel Smith, Head of Tourism, endorsing the vision for Island Tourism.


The Head of Tourism then introduced David Groocock, Chairman of Tourism Executive, who spoke in support of the vision for the Tourism Plan.


Following the presentation, the Cabinet Member answered several questions and then proposed the motion:


THAT Full Council endorses the vision for Island Tourism set out in the Tourism Plan, to create a high quality, thriving, competitive and sustainable tourism industry, which generates wealth, promotes environmental quality, enriches the quality of life and brings enjoyment to visitors.


             Following a vote by the show of hands it was




THAT Full Council endorses the vision for Island Tourism set out in the Tourism Plan, to create a high quality, thriving, competitive and sustainable tourism industry, which generates wealth, promotes environmental quality, enriches the quality of life and brings enjoyment to visitors.



43.              CABINET


Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                   The Leader


No written questions were received.


The Leader updated Members on the off-Island work he had carried out over recent weeks in promoting the Island including: the opening of a new centre of vocational excellence at the Isle of Wight College; congratulating Chief Superintendent Stephanie Morgan on her promotion; that PA consultants had been appointed as the Change Agent; Members had visited Suffolk County Council to look at their partnering arrangements; discussing with the Island’s MP on the possibility of upgrading facilities in order to attract some of the Olympic events in 2012 to the Island; and that he had attended the 40th anniversary of the Islander Aeroplane.


During this item it was moved, seconded and then




THAT Procedure Rule No. 2 (2) (e) be suspended for this meeting so as to remove the time limit for the Leader to make his announcements.


The Leader answered questions relating to Committee meeting clashes and alternative meeting venues, the decision to withdraw from the Brussels office, and the Chairman’s car.


(ii)                 The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and School Results


The Deputy Leader updated Members on his attendance at the School Funding Conference in London. 


(iii)               Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


The Cabinet Member updated Members on developments in Safer Communities during recent weeks including: the decision by government to move the Island’s Fire and Rescue Control Room off the Island to be replaced by one Regional Control Room for the South East; the decision taken by the Cabinet to continue with existing arrangements with Hampshire Fire and Rescue; resolving issues with Licensing with Chief Superintendent Stephanie Morgan; and that while byelaws for bonfires could not be put in place, leaflets would be distributed within the next few days informing people of the dangers of bonfires.


The Cabinet Member answered questions relating to the Control Room closure and the cost of the Robson Rhodes report.


Councillor Lumley had submitted a written question to the Cabinet Member to which the Cabinet Member responded (MQ24/05).


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


The Cabinet Member provided Members with a written report.


A written question had been received from Cllr Lumley regarding the draft Local Transport Plan and the ‘red carpet’ bus lane. The Cabinet Member provided a response (MQ25/05). 


A written question had been received from Cllr Cunningham regarding on street parking for public service vehicles. The Cabinet Member provided a response (MQ26/05).


The Cabinet Member answered questions relating to the upgrading of Smalbrook rail station and the new traffic lane layout on Medina Way.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


The Cabinet Member provided Members with a written report.


The Cabinet Member answered a question relating to the Quality Assurance of hotels.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Cllr Cousins updated Members on recent work in Care, Health and Housing including: the good work that staff had undertaken on the ‘no tolerance’ campaign, feedback on the Learning Disability Inspection would be received shortly; and as the post for the Director of Adult and Community Services had not be filled arrangements were in hand to appoint to the post on an interim arrangement.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Resources, Auditing and Council Efficiency; Customer Champion


The Cabinet Member updated Members on work carried out during recent weeks including: the priority review process would be completed by the end of November 2005 with reports going to the Informal Cabinet on 10 January 2006 and the Cabinet on 17 January 2006; a workshop aimed to engage town and parish councils had been well attended with website support being offered to town and parish councils. 


The Cabinet Member answered a question on community concerns regarding potential cuts to funding for archaeological services.



The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.