Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


4 September 2002




You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 2002 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.






Before the meeting commences there will be a one minutes silence for the victims of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack


1.             To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 July 2002 (Paper A).

2.             To receive any declarations of interest.


3.             To deal with any questions from members of the public.


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Monday, 9 September 2002.


4.             To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.


5.             Motions as submitted under Procedure Rule 11 by Mr A Sutton CC:


During the last month it came to light that the Isle of Wight Council had submitted a complaint to the radio authority regarding the Alex Dyke phone in.


To debate in full council the following,


1.            Who authorised this failed complaint

2.            What authority was given to submit the failed complaint

3.            Which member was responsible for this failed complaint

4.            What was the cost of this complaint and who foots the bill.


This debate will result in the following motion to the Full Council:


That the Full Council formulates a Corporate Communications Strategy. The strategy to include member authority for any future action taken.”


6.             To consider a proposal from the Leader that a Vice Chairman of the Environment and Transport Select Committee be appointed.


7.             Regionalism – What It Might Mean For The Isle Of Wight.


Mr P Bevan, Chief Executive of SEERA to make a presentation on “Regionalism – What it might mean for the Isle of Wight” to be followed by a debate on the matter.


This item will be considered at 10.30 am when Mr Bevan arrives.


8.             EXECUTIVE :


(a)          To consider the following matters as recommended by the Executive at its meeting on the 30 July and 10 September 2002


(i)                  Data Protection Policy


Consideration was given to a new Data Protection Policy for the Council.  The Data Protection Act 1998 had come into force on 24 October 2001 and now applied to some paper records as well as records held on computer.




                     THAT the policy be adopted and be brought to the attention of all staff and councillors


(The report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B1)


(ii)        Statement of Accounts


The report of the Portfolio Holder for Resources to be considered by the Executive on the 10 September 2002 is attached as Paper B2. The resolution will be circulated at the meeting.


(b)          Portfolio Holders to give an update on major issues and to answer written and oral questions on budget or policy :  


(i)            The Leader (Mrs S A Smart)

(ii)           Deputy Leader (Mr P G Harris)

(iii)         Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs B Lawson);

(iv)         Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);

(v)          Education and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J L Wareham);

(vi)         Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection (Mr D J Knowles);

(vii)       Resources (Mr R R Barry);

(viii)      Social Services and Housing (Mr R G Mazillius);

(ix)         Tourism and Leisure (Mrs M A Jarman);

(x)          Transport (Mr E Fox).


To guarantee a full reply Members must submit a question in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Tuesday, 10 September 2002. A further period of 7 Minutes will be allowed for oral questions to each Portfolio Holder.


9.             To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Committees :


(a)          Select Committees :


(i)            Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr J H Fleming);

(ii)           Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mr J F Howe);

(iii)         Environment and Transport (Mrs T M Butchers);

(iv)         Fire and Public Safety (Mr G P Price);

(v)          Resources (Mr G S Kendall);

(vi)         Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr I R Stephens).


(b)          Regulatory Committees :


(i)            Development Control Committee (Mrs M J Miller)

(ii)           Licensing Panel (Mr C B Chapman)

(iii)         Regulatory Appeals Committee (Mrs M J Lloyd)



Any questions from Members for items 9(a) and 9(b) above must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services by 10.00 am on Tuesday, 10 September 2002.




                                                                                   M J A FISHER

                                                                                Strategic Director

                                                                 Corporate and Environment Services