Isle of Wight

14-19 Area Inspection Report (OfSTED/Adult Learning Inspection)


Meeting at Ventnor Botanic Gardens


Date: 1st April 2004 7.00 – 9.00





David Pettitt

Hilary Chadwick

Linda McGowan

John Bradshaw

Mary Hoather

Jill Wareham

Sue Swan

Roger Mazillius

Mark Bell

Gary Ward Jimmy Spence Fran Thornton

Andrew Briggs

Jackie Boxx

Peter Harris

Sir William Taylor

Rob Munson

Phil Higgins

Malcolm Lloyd

Anne Hendon-John

Lynne Christopher

David Snashall

Sue Swan

Debbie Lavin

Richard Williams

Gavin Smith

Madeline Bedford

Rachael Fidler

Rob Faulkner

Sue Matthews

Paul Whittle

Janet  Westwood

Colin Richards

Jo Treagus



Lorna Sampson

John Howe

Janet Stevens



v     Inspection report Isle of Wight 14-19 Area Inspection – Appendix 1

v     Grades, Strengths, Weaknesses, Recommendations – Appendix 2

v     Post Inspection Action Planning Process – Appendix 3

v     Learning & Skills: Map of the Partners – Appendix 4




























JW introduced the event and handed over to DP & HC who joint chaired the meeting


DP explained that the objective of the evening was to present the report and its recommendations, also to outline and discuss the action plan process.





That the process would enable:


  • Everybody at the meeting to be informed of the reports findings and allow discussion
  • An update on the recommendations from the report
  • A process on how we take the action plan forward
  • A consultation process


The LEA and LSC are accountable for the plan but recognise that providers have to deliver the improvements





Overall Summary of the report   [Appendix 1 & 2]


DP went through the allocated grades awarded for each aspect, explaining that 5 aspects were graded as satisfactory and one being unsatisfactory. The overall grade awarded to the 14-19 Area Inspection was satisfactory.  







Strengths & Weaknesses from the inspection report [Appendix 1 & 2]


Introduced by HC & DP


See Appendix 2








Recommendations from the report [Appendix 1 & 2]


Introduced by HC & DP


See Appendix 2








































Discussion on report


HC explained that the LSC had been in operation for 3 years and that a number of changes had taken place in that time. The college no longer had serious financial problems and that the islands training providers had overcome the quality issues that had prevailed.


That Learning and Skills Council of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight commissioned Dr Terry Melia to perform a review of Post – 16 Education and Training across the island.


Dr Melia’s report provided four options for further consideration and investigation. The fourth option was adopted, that the LLSC work collaboratively with the Isle of Wight Council and Local Education Authority to develop a post – 14 tertiary system that involves the high schools, the Isle of Wight College, the Island’s training providers and the learning and advice providers.


 In response to the collaboration option the TSG was formed, a 14-19 Coordinator appointed and collaboration pre and post 16 is now underway. A curriculum mapping exercise has allowed the production of a leaflet to support the advice and guidance from Connexions.




Concern was raised from the floor about the lack of achievement at Key Stage 4. It was acknowledged that work needed to be carried in this area and that we were not looking for a “quick fix”. It was also acknowledged that the process of increasing achievement would take time. There was a strong commitment from Heads to work on this across all the Key Stages especially in English which is a key indicator.


It was also acknowledged that achievement across the island can be quite volatile due to the small cohort size. It only takes one institution to under perform to have an adverse effect on the island results.15 students representing 1% per year group.  We should be looking for consistency across the establishments. It was noted that it was not just about the quality of teaching but appropriateness of the curriculum – more alternative routes/pathways needed to be looked at.

















Action Plan Structure  [Appendix 3]


Introduced by MB & JB


See Appendix 3


MB explained that a 14-19 Post Inspection Action plan group had been set up representing all the key stakeholders. A small working party had been convened consisting of LSC & LEA representatives to develop the plan and feed back to the main group. Support from DfES & National LSC was also available


The timeline for the completion of the plan was quite tight. The plan needs to be ready for the 27th June in readiness for formal approval by both councils and then to the DfES for 29th June


DP explained the links that the 14-19 action plan would have with the LEA and Social Services plans.





Learning & Skills: Map of the Partnership [Appendix 4]


HC introduced a map showing the relationship of the partners to each other


        Meeting closed at 21.00