Purpose : For Decision




Date:               28 FEBRUARY 2006






                                                                        IMPLEMENTATION DATE:  10 March 2006





1.         To consider the findings and recommendations from the investigations undertaken by Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK during January 2006.


2.         The diagnostic work undertaken in January by the Council’s strategic partners,

Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK, identified a number of key issues.  Their most important finding was that there needs to be a much stronger accountability for the learning and progress of each individual child and young person in our schools.  This means that procedures need to tightened; the Council’s capacity for school improvement needs to be strengthened; and the use of data needs to be significantly improved.  In addition, further work is needed to review the Council’s practices and procedures for safeguarding children and young people.




3.         In November 2005, the annual performance assessment found that education provision on the Isle of Wight merited only one star.  The Isle of Wight is one of only two local authorities given this low score.  Children’s social care provision was rated more positively with two stars. 


4.         In December 2005, a consortium, comprising Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK, was procured by the Council to be a strategic partner for its Children’s Services.   During January a series of meetings and school visits have taken place to ascertain what needs to be done to strengthen educational and safeguarding provision.  During this time, the strategic partner has also provided the interim Director for Children’s Services.


5.         This report puts into effect, by means of a further cabinet decision, the decisions taken at a cabinet meeting on 21 December 2005.




6.                  This decision has not appeared on the forward plan. It is not a key decision as defined in the Constitution, and the law does not require it to appear on the forward plan. Further, the decision of Cabinet on 21 December 2005 provides for the details of the work proposed in this report to be determined under delegated authority. Rule 15 of the Access to Information Procedure Rule provides for consideration of key decisions without their appearance on the Forward Plan, but it is not necessary to invoke that rule in relation to this report.




7.                  Improving educational attainment is one of the key priorities of the Aim High Strategy.  Raising attainment contributes to improving the chances of individuals and to the economic and social wellbeing of the Island.




8.                  The process of identifying the particular work that will be undertaken by the strategic partners, Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK, has involved consultation with headteachers, chairs of governors, school staffs, staff from across the Children’s Services, and senior officers and members of the Council.




9.                  The specific work to be undertaken will fall into five workstreams:


1.      support to build the capacity of the school improvement team so that it is well equipped to support and challenge schools;

2.      support directly to the high schools to maximize the GCSE performance of their pupils this summer;

3.      support to the data management teams in the Council to support pupil progress; safeguarding; and performance management;

4.      support to the Children and Families Division around child protection issues;

5.      leadership for accountability, learning and safeguarding – as provided by the interim Director for Children’s Services.


10.             The total cost for this work will fall within the parameters originally agreed - £200,000 for the calendar year 2006.  The funding for this will come from savings in management salaries within Children’s Services.  Additional sums, of up to £50,000, from budgets already allocated for supporting delivery of improved attainment, will also be made available to support this work if the Cabinet Member or Acting Chief Executive determine this is the most effective means of delivery improved attainment.




11.                 The procurement of the Council’s strategic partnership with Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK is in accordance with European procurement rules and Council procedures.




12.                 Work by Mouchel Parkman / Outcomes UK was procured as an outcome of the cabinet decision on 21 December 2005. The paper recommends more detailed workstreams and outcomes for the short and medium term.  It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Children and the Acting Chief Executive are specifically delegated to commission, to a total value of no more than £250,000 in the calendar year 2006-07, work by Mouchel Parkman/Outcomes UK to deliver the outcomes recommended in the attached report and letter.




13.             This report recommends broad outcomes and workstreams to deliver those outcomes.  There must be clear accountability and contract managerial arrangements for delivery.


14.             Elsewhere on this agenda the Cabinet is asked to approve contract management arrangements.  The Cabinet Member and Acting Chief Executive should be free to manage the contract – including setting priorities and refining outcomes and workstreams within the advisory and quality assurance framework provided by the Aim High Improvement Board and the Children’s Services Partnership Board.


15.             It is important that there is an exit strategy for the current partnership contract. Future reports to the cabinet will consider the terms for a future procurement of private sector support for Children’s Services and the best political and managerial leadership structures.




16.             It is recommended that the Cabinet Member and Acting Chief Executive are specifically delegated to:


            i.          Agree a contract with Mouchel Parkman/Outcomes UK, and


           ii.          manage that contract within the available budget of £250,000 for the calendar year 2006,


            in order to deliver workstreams and outcomes in accordance with the recommendations set out in the appendices to this report and summarised in paragraph 7.




Appendix A    Findings and Recommendations – report from Mouchel Parkman and Outcomes UK Executive Summary.

Appendix B    Letter from Mouchel Parkman / Outcomes UK dated 5 February 2005, Strategic Director, Stage 2




Contract with Mouchel Parkman/Outcomes UK

Report to Cabinet 21 December 2005

Report from Mouchel Parkman/Outcomes UK


Contact Point: John Lawson – Acting Chief Executive 823203 [email protected]

Ian Sandbrook – Director of Children’s Services 823400  [email protected]




Acting Chief Executive


Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services