Present :


Mr E Fox (Chairman), Mr P G Harris, Mr D J Knowles

Also Present :


                        Mr J R Adams, Mr C B W Chapman, Mr J Effemey



1.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2003 be confirmed.


2.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


There were no declarations received at this stage.




The Chairman agreed to an urgent item of business in order to clarify the situation relating to the above order.  The public notice had failed to display adequate information on the scope of the scheme and therefore it would be necessary to readvertise the scheme in order to allow for full consultation to take place.




THAT the report be noted





(a)               Objections To The Isle Of Wight Council (Various Streets, Cowes, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2003


A number of amendments of the yellow line waiting restrictions had been advertised after consultation with the Police to address a number of road safety issues in Cowes.


§         Bellevue Road – No Waiting at Any Time

§         Moorgreen Road – No Waiting at Any Time

§         Upper Moorgreen Road – No Waiting at Any Time


Forty-nine letters and two petitions had been received in objection to the proposals together with two further letters in support of the proposals. The main points raised in these representations were presented to the Committee.


The proposed restriction had been advertised following a number of concerns from the local bus operator and residents who had highlighted the potential for impact between buses and oncoming vehicles and restrictions to visibility caused by indiscriminately parked vehicles. Further concerns had been raised regarding the level of parking on footways and the delays caused to the scheduled bus services and emergency services vehicles. 


The extent of the proposals had been determined after detailed consultation with Cowes Town Council, the local traffic warden and the Police.  A site meeting had also been held with representatives of the local business, the residents, the Town Council and Cowes Business Association. It was agreed that some amendments could be made to proposed restrictions between Coronation Road and Alexandra Road, with a further relaxation of the proposals between Coronation Road and Moorgreen Road.




            THAT the restrictions be implemented with the following amendments:


Bellevue Road - No Waiting at Any Time - On the southwest side from a point 33.5 metres southeast to a point 66 metres southeast of its junction with Moorgreen Road.  On the northeast side from a point 7.5 metres northwest to a point 4 metres southeast of its junction with Coronation Road. On the north and northeast side from appoint 8.5 metres northwest of its junction with Alexandra


§         Crossfield Avenue – No Waiting 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday


Letters of objection had been received from the local member and from a resident of Winston Road on the grounds that the proposed restriction was a waste of time and money and not required to address a problem that mainly occured at school times. The local member also recommended that the school buses should be relocated further west in Crossfield Avenue opposite the Green and that the duration of the proposed restriction should be reduced in time.           

The proposed restriction had been advertised following representations of from the Head teacher of Cowes High School, local bus operators, the Town Council, the local traffic warden and the Police.


The Committee was advised that the extent and time duration was considered to be the most appropriate to address the road safety problems in the road without having a serious impact on residents and visitors in the area. It was not considered appropriate or practicable to relocate the bus stops further west as to do so would incur an unnecessary cost and be in contravention of the Council’s, policy to promote local bus operations.




                                    THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised.


§         Crossfield Avenue - No Waiting at Any Time

§         Mountbatten Avenue - No Waiting at Any Time

§         Churchill Road - No Waiting at Any Time

§         Charles Road – No Waiting at Any Time

§         Winston Road – No Waiting at Any Time

§         Churchill Close – No waiting at Any Time

§         Edinburgh Close – No Waiting at Any Time


The Committee considered three letters of objection together with one late objection from the Cowes Traffic Liaison Group. The main ground for the objections were that that they were considered to be excessive. The proposed restrictions had been advertised following a written complaint from a resident of Charles Road who, as a regular user of the local bus service, had been dropped off in Crossfield Avenue, due to the fact the bus could not gain access through the estate as a result of the indiscriminate on street parking. The extent of the restriction was determined after consultation with the Town Council’s traffic liaison group and a site meeting with the Police.  The local member addressed the Committee.


With regard to Crossfield Estate, vehicles parked on either the bends or at the junctions, access was severely restricted for large vehicles, including the local buses and the emergency service vehicles. The proposed restrictions were devised to reduce the potential for the restrictions in access without having an impact on the ability for residents to park.


The Committee considered the report together with the representations that had been received and believed that the proposed restriction was necessary for safety reasons.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


§         Baring Road – No waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following the receipt of three letters from residents of Baring Drive expressing their concerns regarding the safety of the access from Baring Drive onto Baring Road. The extent of the proposed restriction had been devised to address these particular road safety concerns and to allow 7 parking spaces to remain. This would accommodate the demands for residential on-street parking, improve visibility from the junction of Ward Avenue and retain the natural traffic-calming feature that on street parking provided.  The Committee were advised that there may have been some confusion with regards to the extent of the proposed restriction as a restriction to prevent coaches parking in the area in question was simultaneously advertised and displayed on the public notice. Representations were made by the local member.


The Committee considered the objections but believed that on balance the restrictions were necessary to address road safety concerns.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


§         Arctic Road – No waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following a site meeting with representatives of the Town Council, and the local traffic warden.  It was designed to reduce the potential for conflict for motorists who entered Arctic Road from the junction of Newport Road without the benefit of  adequate visibility.


The Committee were advised that vehicles displaced from the area should be able to park in Newport Road, where the introduction of new Bus Borders would result in a net gain in on-street parking spaces.  One letter of objection had been received from the owner of the corner property who was concerned that the proposed restriction would have an adverse effect on his ability to park in close proximity of his property.


The Committee considered the objection but believed that on balance the restrictions were necessary to address road safety concerns.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


§         Pelham Road – No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised following a site meeting with representatives of Cowes Town Council and the local traffic warden.  It was designed to address the existing problem of parking on the footway, which impeded access for pedestrians who were forced to walk in the carriageway. The Committee were advised that displaced vehicles could, in part, be accommodated by the creation of additional on-street parking spaces in Bridge Road.


One letter of objection had been received from a resident of Pelham Road who was concerned that the proposed restriction would have a negative impact of her ability to park on street. In addition, one further letter had been received in support of the proposed restrictions.


The Committee considered the report together with the representations that had been received and believed that the proposed restriction was necessary for safety reasons.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised



§         Pelham Road – No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction was advertised in an attempt to reflect discrepancies between the existing traffic regulation Order and the markings on site. A further discrepancy had been discovered as a result of rewriting the Order and therefore amendments to the proposed restriction were necessary.


Six letters of objection had been received from residents of the Cul-de Sac at the end of Pelham Road, who were concerned that the proposed restrictions would have a negative impact of their ability to park on street.


The Committee considered the report together with the representations that had been received and believed that the proposed restriction was necessary for safety reasons.




            THAT the restrictions be implemented with the following amendments:


Pelham Road - No Waiting at Any Time - On the west side from a point 37 metres north to a point 7.5 metres south of its junction with South Street.


Pelham Road – No Waiting 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday - On the west side from a point 7.5 metres south to a point 84 metres south of the junction with South Street.


(b)               Objections To The Isle Of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ryde, IW) (Traffic Regulation) Order No 1 2003


Consideration was given to a number of amendments to yellow line parking restrictions.


§         Salters Road– No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction had been advertised following a written representation from a resident who was concerned that the current parking arrangements resulted in pedestrians having to walk in the road. The problem was compounded by the alignment of the carriageway which restricted visibility.


One letter of objection with an attached petition containing 24 signatures had been received from residents of Salters Road. The main ground for objections was that point raised was that the proposed restriction would have a negative impact on the ability for residents to park on street.


The Committee considered the report together with the representations that had been received and believed that the proposed restriction was necessary for safety reasons.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


§         George Street – No Waiting at Any Time


The proposed restriction had been advertised in order to replace the restriction currently in place.  One letter of objection had been received from the proprietor of the business located adjacent to the proposed restriction on the grounds it would have a negative impact on delivery access and customer parking.  The Committee were advised that the matter had since been discussed with him and he had confirmed that he had been confused by the advertised proposals in so far as that he read the proposed revocation of the Loading Restriction as a proposal to introduce such a restriction.




                        THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


(C)              Objections To The Isle Of Wight Council (Various Streets, Ryde, IW) (One Way Traffic) Order No 1 2003


The proposed restriction had been advertised as part of the Ryde St Johns, Traffic Quiet Cells scheme and had been devised following extensive consultation with the residents of the area including holding a public meeting.


The scheme had been designed to reduce the level of rat running traffic and improve road safety. The Committee were advised that it was proposed to introduce traffic calming measures, which in conjunction with the one-way arrangements would achieve the primary objectives of the scheme. Changes to the existing parking restrictions would deliver a net gain in the number of on street parking spaces, which combined with the introduction of a number of additional off street spaces would greatly improve the ability for residents to park.


Three letters of objection have been received.  The main objection was that the proposed objection would restrict access through the area.  The Committee considered the representations that had been made and although they were concerned with the possible level of enforcement believed that the proposed restrictions would improve road safety.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised


(D)                  Objections To The Isle Of Wight Council (High Street And Church Road, Shanklin, IW) (20mph Speed Limit) Order No 1 2003


The Committee gave consideration to the above order and to the three letters of representation that had been received.  Consultants had undertaken a study of personal injury accidents in the area, between the junction of North Road/Hope Road and Church Road/Priory Road.  As a result, they had recommended that a 20 mph restriction be place throughout the “Old Village” area of the town in an attempt to reduce both vehicle speeds and the number of personal injury accidents.


The Committee considered the representations that had been made and they believed that the restriction was necessary to help improve road safety and reduce traffic speeds.




            THAT the restriction be implemented as advertised