Present :


Mr R G Mazillius (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr G S Kendall, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holder :


Mr J Bowker

Also Present (Non voting) :


Mr M J Cunningham, Mr G P Price

Apologies :


Mrs D Gardiner


 56.      MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2002 be confirmed.



Mrs T Butchers, as a Council representative on the Medina Housing Association Management Board, declared a non pecuniary interest in any housing matters.




           (a)       The Report of the Department of Health and Social Services Inspectorate on Best Value Reviews of Out of Hours Services and of Care Management and Commissioning


Members received the report of the Director setting out the Department of Health’s Social Service Inspectorate (SSI) response following their inspection of two Best Value reviews undertaken by the Directorate in 2000/01. The reviews of Care Management and Commissioning and of Out of Hours services were part of the five-year programme of Best Value reviews to be undertaken by all Directorates. Mr T Benton, from the SSI, presented the findings of the Inspectorate team, set against standard criteria and Best Practice and reported on the quality of service and on the likelihood that the Best Value reviews would lead to an improvement in the services covered .


The Inspectors found that the Best Value Review Out of Hours Service was broad and comprehensive and had highlighted that while the service was valued, it was costly and under pressure. The Review had looked at how the Council provided social care, homelessness and emergency services out of normal working hours. The Inspectors judged the service to be a ‘Good’ 2-star service and that the Review would definitely lead to service improvement.


The scope of the Care Management and Commissioning Best Value Review had been very complex and comprehensive. The report had looked at how the Council identified the needs of adults who might need social care and how well the Council was able to make arrangements to meet those needs. The Inspectors judged the service to be a ‘Fair’ 1-star service and that the Review would be a significant driver for positive change.


The Inspectors had also made a number of recommendations for improvements in the services reviewed which, the Director reported, had either been or were in the process of being actioned.




                      (i)        THAT the presentation and reports of the Social Services Inspectorate be noted;


                      (ii)       THAT monitoring of the implementation of the Best Value Improvement Plans be linked to Service Plans and form part of the Select Committees work programme.


           (b)       Supporting People Implementation Programme


The Strategic Director referred to his report which set out the background to the new policy for funding and provision of housing related support services, launched in 1998 and to the Supporting People Programme, to come into effect from 1 April 2003 and the draft plan of how it would be implemented. Under the new arrangements, Supporting People services would be planned for and commissioned by local authorities, in partnership with other local commissioning bodies. Funding would be provided from a new single funding stream (The Supporting People Grant) replacing the existing array of different funding sources used to finance housing related support services. Data needed to be gathered on who received help, who provided it, where it was and to its cost. This would form the basis of a ‘map’ of all support services on the Island.


It was reported that the Supporting People programme was not one which demanded a new strategy for a new set of needs. Rather it demanded a closer look at existing priorities with the view to identifying how the programme could contribute to delivering them. Joint strategic planning of supporting housing services was the key to implementation. These joint strategies would be produced every five years, with annual updates, which the Department of Transport, Local Government and Regions (DTLR) would review against mandatory criteria.


Members agreed that the DTLR had set some challenging milestones in implementing the programme, by which the Council would be assessed every quarter. In October 2001, the Isle of Wight had been assessed as achieving only 59% of its targets. However, by January this had improved to 75%. The Select Committee acknowledged their involvement required to achieve the pace of implementation. Mr R Craven, Secretary of the Inclusive Supportive Housing Forum expressed an interest in the need for user consultation and commented on how the Housing Forum could contribute to this.


The Strategic Director highlighted that the maximisation of Transitional Housing Benefit (THB), by the Council, was essential as this would form the basis for the shadow contracts, which in turn, determined the ‘current spend’, and consequently determined the amount of the Supporting People ’pot’ in 2003/04



THAT a further report by the Project Manager on the Support People Project be presented to the April meeting of the Select Committee which detailed progress against the DTLR milestones especially in those areas identified as being problematic at the January milestone review.


           (c)       Information for Social Care Modernisation Agenda : Update on Progress


The report of the Strategic Director was received which set out progress by the Communications and ICT Task Group, established by the Select Committee, to move forward the ICT Modernisation Agenda regarding information for Social Care.


Members and Officers of the Task Group had been charged to progress two projects; the transfer of the Social Services HQ switchboard to Corporate ICT and to establish a new electronic client record database. The Task Group had met on several occasions and had also visited the London Borough of Lewisham to view a client database and an alternative system in action. Members noted that a consultant had been appointed to undertake a short term contract to explore the two electronic database options and identified recommendations would be presented to the Task Group, by 31 March. In addition, Members were informed that the project plan for the client database had now been finalised and noted, with some concern, the reported high cost of the Directorates telephone charges. Members welcomed the report and congratulated the Head of Central Support Services and her team for the enormous amount of background work undertaken to progress the two issues forward. A further progress report was requested for the meeting of the Select Committee, in May, which should detail a synopsis of the actual issues, provide suggested remedies and include an overall financial plan with possible funding streams.




THAT the results of the consultancy and a further update from the Task Group be presented to the May meeting of the Select Committee.


           (d)       Social Services and Housing Budget : Projected Income and Expenditure for 2001 - 02


The Strategic Director reported on the projected overspend which, at the end of the current financial year, should remain within the £570K approved by Council on 20 February 2002. The main areas of concern continued to be the cost of placements for children in public care, services for older people and people with a learning disability and homelessness.


Members requested that in future where grant funding was expected, to assist in the understanding of budget papers, that these areas be clarified.




THAT the report be noted.


           (e)       Negotiations with Care Providers - Update


Members were reminded of the severe cost pressures being experienced by all care providers on the Island, which stemmed from the new Care Standards Act (2001) and other legal regulations and requirements. In recognition of the urgency to address these and other cost pressures the Council approved to increase substantially the budget for Social Services and Housing for 2002/03. The Strategic Director reported on his negotiations with a range of independent care providers on fee levels for 2002/03. The situation was very complex and detailed and Members would be advised, by letter, when the issues had been resolved.


The Strategic Director also informed the Select Committee of a case being heard in the Small Claims Court regarding a claim made by a Care Home Provider against the Council. The outcome of the case was not likely for a further two weeks as the judge had reserved his judgement.




                      (i)        THAT the report be noted;


                      (ii)       THAT the Strategic Director advise Members when negotiations with Care Providers on the level of fee increase for services in 2002/03 had been resolved.



Members received the Councils’ Forward Plan covering the period February to May 2002. It was noted that the Housing Strategy and Approved Development Programme Bids had been scheduled to be presented to the Executive during February. Members considered it appropriate for a special meeting of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee to be arranged, in May, to comprise of issues relating to housing and to which all members of the Council be invited.



THAT a special meeting of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee be arranged, in May, to consider issues relating to Housing and for all members of the Council to be invited.



The Chairman reported that this was the last meeting of the Select Committee before Mr Bob Taplin, Financial Services Manager retired.

Members paid tribute to Mr Taplin and his work for the Authority. Mr Taplin responded accordingly.



THAT the Select Committee wish Mr B Taplin a long and happy retirement.