Present :


Mr R G Mazillius ( Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr G S Kendall, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holder :


Mr J Bowker

Also Present (Non Voting) :


Mr B C Buckle, Mr P D Joyce


 50.      MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2002 be confirmed.



The following Members declared interests:

Mr I R Stephens declared a pecuniary interest in Minute No 53 - Homelessness.

Mrs T Butchers and Mr D Williams declared non pecuniary interests in Minute No 53 - Homelessness.




           (a)       Budget for 2002 - 03 and Forward Plan for 2003 - 05

During the debate, on the following item of business, Cllr C R Hancock declared a pecuniary interest in the Hampton Trust - Other Youth Justice Services (and took no part in the discussion thereon) and a non-pecuniary interest in Physically Disabled Equipment and Adaptions. Cllr C R Richards declared a non pecuniary interest Fostering Services.


The joint report of the Strategic Director, Finance and Information and County Treasurer and the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing was received setting out information on the draft budget proposals for 2002/03 and in particular, possible effects on services coming within the Select Committees remit identified by the Strategic Directors Group. Member also received the Directorate’s draft Commissioning Strategy for 2002/03 and were circulated with a revised draft Revenue Budget and revised Appendix 4, a three year projection of the overall budget. The Select Committee were made aware that if the Council were able to constrain the increase in spending to the corresponding increase in SSA, then the Council Tax increases required would be 5.1%. The Strategic Director referred to his report which indicated that to meet the cost pressures, outlined, of Social Services and also extra waste management costs would necessitate an increase in Council Tax of up to 13.25%. It was noted that housing rents would be increased in accordance with DETR/GOSE requirements and an application had been made to the DTLR to close the Housing Revenue Account on 1 April 2002.


In considering the financial, manpower and statistical information for each service Members expressed concern with regard to the cost implications to the Capital budget on the relocation of the Joint Registration and Inspection Unit to the National Care Standards Commission. It was suggested that a letter of protest against these costs be sent on behalf of the Select Committee. A number of other queries were raised. In particular concerning staffing numbers employed in Fostering Services and Other Adult Services Substance Abuse, the breakdown of Specific Government grants of Other Children’s and Families Services, the fluctuation in the costs of materials, equipment and supplies of Housing Benefit Administration. The County Treasurer agreed to write to members with the information requested.


Members noted that the costs of the 24 hour operation of closed circuit television systems were charged to the Social Services budget and requested that the possibility of seeking a recharge from other Service Select Committees, to defray the costs for next year, be investigated.


The Strategic Director highlighted the five significant cost pressures in the revenue budget for 2002/03. These related to the need to increase the fees paid to residential care and nursing home owners; the case to increase the fees paid to Council foster carers in line with National Foster Care Association recommended rates; addressing the budget deficit for 2001/02; making a provision for growth in demand for some specific services and the increase in homelessness levels. The proposed draft revenue budget would enable the Council to continue to run a safe and modern service.


In discussing the Capital Programme members were advised of the revised figure of £1,781K for the Housing Investment Programme.


Members made a number of observations to the Strategic Director with regard to the suitability of the budget papers presented and the need to have more explanatory notes to aid the scrutiny process. It was noted that the Resources Select Committee were to give this matter some consideration at a meeting early in the next financial year and members welcomed an improvement in the budget review process for future years.


The draft Commissioning Strategy: 2002/03 was considered which provided a ‘broad brush’ overview of the types of social services required by the population on the Isle of Wight during 2002/03. Members sought clarification as whether clients moved to the Island to take advantage of the services provided or whether they were, in the main, existing residents.


The forthcoming departure of Mr B Taplin at the end of March was reported. The Chairman, on behalf of the Select Committee, paid tribute to Mr Taplin for all his work for the Authority and wished him a long and happy retirement.



                      (i)        THAT a letter be sent to the National Care Standards Commission (NCSC) indicating Members concern with regard to the charges incurred by the Select Committee due to the transfer of the function of the Joint Registration and Inspection Unit to the NCSC, in April 2002;


                      (ii)       THAT the review of the Commissioning Strategy : 2002/2003 be included in the workplan of the Select Committee;


                      (iii)       THAT the Executive be recommended


                                  (a)       that the draft revenue proposals be approved;


                                  (b)       that with regard to the Capital Bids for 2002/03, subject to Care Standards Act 2000 - Alterations being placed at the head of those listed under Other Services and 5 Digital Cameras being placed at the foot, the schemes outlined be considered as the Priority order for bids in the Capital Programme;


                                  (c)       that, subject to the minor amendments proposed, the draft Commissioning Strategy for the Directorate be endorsed.


           (b)       HIP Allocations 2002/03


The Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing referred to the joint report notifying members of the Housing Investment Programme (HIP) Allocation for 2002/03. A change this year had seen the HIP allocation form part of the Single Pot Capital (SPC) Allocation. The Approved Capital Guideline (ACG) for Housing for 2002/03 was £1,781K , an increase of £95K (5.6%) on last years allocation. It was proposed that £781K be allocated to home improvements leaving £1m for new house building. Members noted that GOSE’s assessment of the Council’s performance as a housing authority continued to be appraised as ‘average’. Members were minded for the areas highlighted for ‘further development’ to form part of the Committees workplan, in an endeavour to improve the performance rating for future years. It was also suggested for a visit to be arranged to a local authority in a higher performance band and with Housing Association stock comparable to the Island.


In addition, the report indicated the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) allocation of £360K for 2002/03, an increase of £150K on last year, which formed 60% of the total DFG programme. Local Authorities were expected to fund the remaining 40% from their own capital resources, which for the Island amounted to £240K.


The Strategic Director reported that a meeting had been convened with representatives of GOSE Hampshire & Isle of Wight Area Team, Housing & Communities to discuss aspects of the feedback of the SCP process. Members determined that the inclusion of member representation from the Select Committee would add value to this meeting.



                      (i)        THAT the housing element of the 2002/03 single capital pot allocation letter from GOSE be noted;


                      (ii)       THAT the sub-allocation be:

House building








                      (iii)       THAT the Home Improvement Grant Programme for 2002/03 be:




Common Parts


Houses in Multiple Occupation


Home Repair Assistance


Empty Property


Energy Conservation






                      (iv)      THAT a visit be arranged, by the Head of Housing Services, to a neighbouring authority, in a higher performance band and with Housing Association stock comparable to the Island, to view at first hand their work practice;


                      (v)       THAT the recommended areas for ‘future development’ of the Council’s Housing Strategy form part of the workplan of the Select Committee;


                      (vi)      THAT the Executive be recommended to release the £1.781 housing ACG and associated borrowing approvals and the £240K of capital receipts to support the DFG allocation.



During discussion on the following item of business Cllr C Richards declared a non pecuniary interest.

Cllr I Stephens declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting room. He, therefore, took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.

Members were reminded that in October last year, a briefing paper was produced to update members on the latest position on homelessness on the Island and on progress on the proposed new Homelessness Act 2002. The report of the Strategic Director advised that the position still remained the same as there was still no further news as to when the Act and any regulations or guidelines would be published. One of the requirements of the new Act would be for all local authorities to produce a Homeless Strategy and guidance on the expected content should be provided by the Government. In the meantime, a Homeless Strategy and Action Plan had been produced to address the current issues.

Mr M Thatcher, from the Independent Housing Advice Centre addressed the Select Committee on the work they undertook to support about 2000 clients, per year, who had a housing or housing related financial problem, were facing the possibility of homelessness or who lived in poor housing conditions. Mr R Craven from the RCC provided a brief oral report on discussions held with the Countryside Agency with regard to Rural Housing.



           (i)        THAT the position regarding homelessness on the Island, as outlined in the report and the attached briefing paper be noted;


           (ii)       THAT the Executive be recommended to endorse the Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan.



Cllr I Stephens reentered the meeting room.

Members were invited to scrutinise Council proposals concerning Inver House, Bembridge in so far as they fell within the terms of reference of the Select Committee. The terms and conditions of the proposed lease would be subject to a separate report to be considered by the Resources Select Committee.

The Strategic Director, Corporate and Environment Services suggested that Members might find it practicable, to attend a site visit for any similar, future proposals with regard to the disposal of any land assets relevant to Social Services.



           (i)        THAT the Executive be recommended that proposals outlined were not contrary to the Councils Strategy for the Residential Care of the Elderly;


           (ii)       THAT a site visit be arranged to view any future proposals with regard to the disposal of land assets relevant to Social Services.



Questions were put to the Chairman by Cllr P Joyce:

Question 1, with regard to the need for a tax increase of 13.3% in order to cover the increase in Social Service costs plus domestic waste. Would this amount restore the home helps removed in 2001 and cover recommended rates to care home owners? (MQ5/02)

Question 2, with regard to whether if the proposed Council tax increase, for last year, of 8% above SSA for Social Services had been implemented what would be the effect on this years budget and as it what not, how much has been spent on debt management? (MQ6/02)