Present :


Mr R G Mazillius (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr G S Kendall, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holder :


Mr J Bowker

Apologies :


Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs J L Wareham

 61.      MINUTES :




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2002 be confirmed.



Mr C Hancock declared a non pecuniary interest in Minute No 63 (a), Best Value Review of Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults.

Mr T Mundy declared a non pecuniary interest in Minute No 63 (a), Best Value Review of Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults.




           (a)       Best Value Review of Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults


The Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing presented his report providing a summary of the Best Value Review of Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults 2001 - 02. The Review had been produced following extensive consultation and interviews with elected members, attending appraisal groups, public meetings and review events.


The background to the Review was explained togther with its aims and objectives. Subsequent to pre-review consultation on which aspects of community care would benefit most from review, a number of subject areas were chosen and a set of criteria for assessing the value of services had been identified, which matched national research into service user views. The Review examined the following -


                                 Homecare Services

                                 Occupational Therapy

                                 Meals on Wheels Services

                                 Information and Advice

                                 Community Care Services - Working Together

                                 Other Significant Community Care Services


A Service Improvement Plan which addressed the issues identified through the Best Value process and previous Adult Services Best Value Reviews was contained within the full version of the Review. Members discussed the summary of the scope of the review covering the three community care services and two critical themes in relation to the elements of Best Value; Challenge, Consultation, Comparison and Competition and noted the significant findings identified. The timescale to undertake all the actions identified would be subject to financial constraints. It was noted, however, that the proposals could provide an opportunity to implement services in a more cost effective way. Members were mindful that consideration might, nonetheless, be needed to be given to the preparation of appropriate bids for funding, in the next financial year, to achieve all the desired outcomes.


In addition, details of the proposed bid to the Executive for funding from the ‘Invest to Save’ provision was reported. If successful this would be used to fund additional temporary management appointments required to plan improvements to community disability services and the joint community equipment store.




                      (i)        THAT the Executive be recommended to accept the Best Value Review of Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults, subject to


                                  (a)       paragraph 1.1, bullet point 1, being amended to read ‘Challenge and improve existing provision’ ;


                                  (b)       paragraph 1.2.2 Options and Recommendations, the approval of


                                              (i)        Homecare Service Options -


Option 1. Continue making changes to the contracting methods used to secure care, including the development of block contracts, locality based contracting and service delivery.


Option 2. Contracts with providers should have an agreed and adequate price, duration or scale to ensure that the provider can invest in and sustain the required level of service and flexibility.


                                              (ii)       Meals on Wheels Service Options -


Option 2. Tendering the complete service with its current objectives, to an independent provider who would manage and deliver a meals service within current budget.


                                              (iii)       Occupational Therapy Service Options -


Option 3. The Council can lead the development of an Island Community Disability Service that meets the objectives of the existing services, where possible bringing together Health, Housing, social care and all Island OT staff, providing a single integrated and streamlined disability service to all adults and children.


                                              (iv)      Other Main Recommended Actions, 1 - 7 as listed;              


                      (ii)       THAT the Improvement Plan be circulated to members of the Select Committee;


                      (iii)       THAT monitoring of the implementation of the Improvement Plan form part of the Select Committees’ work programme in six months time.


           (b)       Best Value Joint Review of Children with Special Education Needs, Children with Disabilities and Significant Health Needs


The Select Committee received the joint report of the Strategic Directors of Social Services and Housing and of Education and Community Development on the Best Value Review of Children with Special Educational Needs, Children with Disabilities and Significant Health Needs. A progress report had been produced and considered by a members Appraisal Group, on 1 November 2001, resulting in a draft report being presented to a joint meeting of the two relevant Select Committees on 20 December 2001. The final Review had been prepared after taking into account a number of comments received. A copy of a Directory of Services for Children with Special Educational Needs was also circulated to Members for information.


Officers expressed their views on the number of positive outcomes arising from the joint working arrangement between Social Services and Education to produce the Review.


Members were reminded that, as part of the work undertaken, a Scoping report had been produced, consulted upon and approved by the Children’s Committee on 22 March 2001. This had identified six areas of service to be reviewed for which Working Groups had been established. The Directors referred to their report which set out the work undertaken by these groups and highlighted the key issues and areas for action identified. The Improvement plan produced, in line with six key objectives, addressed the issues raised and included timescales and costs for these to be completed. The Directors also indicated the difficulties encountered in carrying out benchmarking or competitive testing with other Councils. The Review showed that despite SEN services between Councils sharing many common features, care services for disabled children varied widely.


Members, in discussion of the document, expressed their appreciation to the staff of Oak House, Watergate school and Medina House school for all their good works.




                      (i)        THAT the Executive be recommended to accept the Best Value Joint Review of Children with Special Educational Needs, Children with Disabilities and Significant Health Needs.


                      (ii)       THAT monitoring of the implementation of the Improvement Plan form part of the Select Committees’ work programme in six months time.




           (a)       Negotiations with Care Providers - Update


Members were made aware of the successful outcome of negotiations with a range of independent care providers on fee levels for 2002/03. The Chairman, on behalf of the Select Committee, expressed his thanks to the Strategic Director and his staff on the work undertaken to reach an equitable solution to all concerned. Following the decision taken by the Full Council to substantially increase the budget for Social Services and Housing the increase agreed with care providers should be contained within the Directorate’s agreed financial resources.


The Strategic Director reported that the outcome of the case being heard in the Small Claims Court, as reported at the last meeting, was still awaited.




THAT the report be noted.



           (b)       Social Services and Housing Budget - Projected Income and Expenditure for 2001 - 02


The Strategic Director reported on the projected overspend which, at the end of the current financial year was still anticipated to remain within the £570K overspend approved by the Council on 20 February 2002. It was reported that although predictions on the levels of expenditure and income remained uncertain , the margin for such uncertainties were diminishing as the end of the financial year was approached. The final position would not be known until the end of June.




THAT the report be noted.



Members received the Councils’ Forward Plan covering the period April to July 2002. Members were urged to give consideration, prior to the next meeting which was scheduled to take place in May, to appropriate items of business to be included on the proposed workplan for the forthcoming year.



THAT Members give consideration to appropriate items to be included within the Select Committee’s workplan for 2002/03.





THAT the minutes of the Registration Advisory Panel held on 28 February 2002 be confirmed.



The Chairman reported that this was the last meeting of the Select Committee which Mrs Sue Bennett would be attending prior to her retirement. Members paid tribute to Mrs Bennett and her work for the authority over the previous 30 years.



THAT the Select Committee wish Mrs S Bennett a long and happy retirement.



A question was put to the Chairman as follows:

Mrs T Butchers with regard to the applications received for Disabled Persons Parking Badges. (MQ25/02)

A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members’ Question Register.






