Present :

Mr R G Mazillius (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr G S Kendall, Mr V J Morey (as deputy for Mrs J L Wareham), Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mr D G Williams

Apologies :

Mr J A Bowker, Mrs J L Wareham


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2001 be approved.


Mr I Stephens declared a pecuniary interest in Minute 29(a) Homelessness Bill.
Mrs T Butchers declared a non pecuniary interest in any housing matters as a Council representative on the Medina Housing Association Management Board.


The Chairman introduced and welcomed to the meeting Mr M White, Chairman of the Trustees of the Rural Community Council, Mrs J Biggs, the Deputy Director and Ms P Simon, the Council for Voluntary Service Development Officer.
Ms Simon provided a presentation on the background, the organisation and the huge benefits bought to the population by the over 2,000 voluntary groups and organisations on the Island. The role of the RCC, as an Umbrella Body, was outlined together with details of the increasing range of rural services they delivered and as a service provider in the community, with particular emphasis on services for children, families and work to combat poverty. The RCC was the Islands only Council for Voluntary Service which represented, co-ordinated and developed the voluntary sector. The mutual benefits to be gained by a closer working arrangement with the Council were emphasised. Members noted the suggested proposals in which closer cooperation could be achieved. In particular the appointment of a Corporate Fund Raiser or Bidding Officer and the establishment of a small joint project team to determine the way forward. Members asked a number of questions to which appropriate replies were provided.
THAT the representatives from the Rural Community Council be thanked for their very interesting and informative presentation.


The Strategic Director advised of the need to appointment a Council representative to sit on Adoption and Fostering Panels. Details of the vacancy were available from the Member Support Officer and had previously been circulated to all Members, without success. It therefore fell to the Select Committee to give consideration for a suitable representative to be recommended to the Executive.
THAT the Executive be recommended to appoint Cllr Mrs D Gardiner as the Council representative to sit on Adoption and Fostering Panels, for the life of the Council.


(a) Homelessness Bill
(Mr I Stephens withdrew from the Council Chamber whilst this item of business was being considered and therefore took no part in the discussion or voting on this item in accordance with Minute 26)
The Director referred to his report which outlined the latest position with regards to the Homelessness Bill and included the proposed provisions regarding ex-prisoners. Members were reminded that, in 2000, the Government had published its wide ranging Housing Green Paper and subsequently the Homes Bill and, more latterly, the Homelessness Bill. This Bill was currently passing through the House of Lords and, it was now anticipated, could be followed by a new Homelessness Act, which could take effect on 1 April 2002. The Select Committee were made aware of the fundamental principles of the current homelessness legislation (Housing Act 1996) together with the main proposals of the new Bill. The proposal to extend the priority groups, pertinent in all homeless applications, to include ex-offenders leaving prison had caused some concern locally due to the potential, significant impact this could have on the Island. The local MP, Mr A Turner had tabled an amendment to the Bill in an attempt to have the 'local connection' situation clarified, but it was now believed that all tabled amendments to the Bill had failed. During the current financial year, it was reported that the cost of providing temporary accommodation was projected to overspend by �75K. This was due to an increase in the number of applications received from those who the Council had a duty to provide for under existing legislation. It was anticipated that the implications of the new Homelessness Act for Local Authorities to provide a wider duty of care, involving new priority groups, could amount to an additional �100K cost per annum for the Council. The Government, however, had recognised that there would be some cost burden to Local Authorities and had made an additional �8m available, nationally, as part of the Revenue Support Grant settlement. Members were made aware that there could be substantial differences between a Bill and any eventual Act. Therefore until such Act, Orders or Code of Guidance were published the situation would remain unclear.
(i) THAT the report be noted and for a further report to be presented to the Select Committee as soon as practicably possible after the Act, Orders and Code of Guidance were published.
(ii) THAT the Chairman write to Andrew Turner MP to express the support of the Select Committee for his attempts to obtain clarification on the 'local connection' rules set out in the new Homelessness Bill.
(b) Strategic Health Authorities
The Select Committee gave consideration to the report of the Strategic Director providing an update on the national reorganisation of National Health Service (NHS) organisations to ensure delivery of the modernisation programme, as set out in the NHS Plan. The Director referred to the reasons for the change, the proposed timetable for reorganisation and the new roles and responsibilities proposed for Regional Offices, Strategic Health Authorities, Primary Care Trusts (PCT's) and the NHS Trusts, outlined in the document 'Shifting the Balance of Power within the NHS: Securing Delivery' published by the Department of Health in July 2001. The document contained several key messages and these were outlined. Efforts would be made to ensure that local authorities were not split between Strategic Health Authorities and that the new organisations did not straddle the boundaries of regional offices. It was anticipated that the new Strategic Health Authority would comprise of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. A series of consultation meetings had been organised to take place during October and November and the proposals had been considered by the Community Health Council (CHC). Members were minded to support the response of the CHC, particularly in the light of the recent reorganisation to form the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Health Authority on 1 April 2001, only six weeks prior to the announcement of new merger.
The Director reminded Members of the commitment given by the NHS South East Regional Office regarding the Island's level of funding during the recent reorganisation and Members were supportive that it was imperative that this policy should be continued with in any new arrangements.
THAT the response of the Director of Social Services and Housing to the proposals on the national reorganisation of the National Health Service (NHS) organisations incorporate :
(i) that the comments of the Community Health Council be endorsed;
(ii) the Committee's concern regarding the negative impact on and the low morale of staff involved in the administration of the existing NHS and the effect which this may have on the delivery of health to the Community;
(iii) that any pursuit of equity within the new Health Authority should be set against the best performance ie no diminution of standards;
(iv) that the available resources for Island services be fully protected at the established level (plus growth), beyond the three-year commitment (given on 1 April 2001);
(v) that the new Health Authority should make an early commitment to seeking a fair funding formula for the Island to address the extra costs of separation by sea;
(vi) that the new Health Authority Board should contain at least three non-executive directors who were resident on the Isle of Wight.
(c) Information for Social Care Modernisation Agenda : Update on Progress
Members were reminded that a Communications/ICT Task Group had been established to assist with moving forward the ICT Modernisation Agenda Information for Social Care. An initial meeting of the Task Group had taken place and the Terms of Reference, as attached to the report, had been agreed. On 10 December the Task Group aimed to visit Lewisham District Council to gain knowledge of their IT and Data Management systems. Other interested Members of the Select Committee were invited to attend. The present infrastructure, data information systems and switchboard/telephone arrangements on the Island were reported to be inadequate. The level of investment required to meet the E-Government Agenda was substantial. A Local Implementation Plan which had been submitted to the Department of Health, as a bid for new monies, detailed the need for a minimum of �1.3m to meet basic requirements, still awaited a response. Discussions were ongoing with Corporate ICT to establish the exact costs of the project and would be reported to a future meeting of the Select Committee.
THAT the work of the Communications/ICT Task Group be supported and for a further progress report to be presented in due course.
(d) Service Plans and Performance Indicators (2001 - 02) : Update on Progress
The report of the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing was received setting out sections of Service Plans, for 2001/02, which specifically related to Performance Indicators and action plans for areas within the Social Services and Housing Directorate. The plans related to Children's Services; Housing; Older and Physically Disabled Adults; Mental Health, Learning Disability, Substance Misuse and HIV/Aids; Central Support Services; Joint Registration and Inspection.
The Head of Select Committee Support referred to his letter dated 19 November, sent on behalf of the Chairman of the Select Committee, suggesting that due to the volume of business included on the days agenda, Members might wish to give consideration to scrutinising the Service Plans away from the meeting. It was proposed for Members, working in pairs, to choose one Service Plan to scrutinize with the assistance of the relevant Lead Officer, prior to the meeting in early December, when preliminary consideration of the Budget 2002/2003 was planned.
THAT Members advise the Head of Select Committee Support of their first and second preference Service Plan by Monday, 26 November 2001 to facilitate arrangements in scrutinizing the Social Services and Housing Directorates six Service Plans prior to the 5 December 2001 meeting of the Select Committee