Present :

Mr R G Mazillius (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr G S Kendall, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams

Spokesperson :

Mr J A Bowker

Also Present (Non-Voting) :

Mrs B Lawson

Apologies :

Mr C R Hancock


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2001 be approved.


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:
Mrs S Stevens, a Service User of Church View Day Centre, Ventnor in relation to where would she be able to obtain her support if the proposal from the Steering Group received approval. (PQ 43 /01)
Mrs S Stevens on behalf of Mrs M Dinsdale Burton, a Service User of Church View Day Centre, Ventnor in relation to whether new criterion would be introduced to assess people's need for day centre places. (PQ 44 /01)


In accordance with the resolution of the meeting of the Select Committee held on 19 September 2001, the report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Environment Services was received setting out three options for providing accommodation, compliant with the Disabled Discrimination Act 1998 (DDA), at Church View Day Centre, Ventnor. The options detailed the financial and planning implications for a new build extension to the rear of the property, the supply and installation of a mobile structure, again to the rear of the property and for the installation of a lift to serve the first floor only and which included other minor conversion works. Members were also circulated with details of the merits and dis-merits of a number of alternative sites in Ventnor which could be considered for relocating the Day Centre and included particulars of the more significant works necessary to make each building DDA compliant, a schedule of premises occupation at Church View, a floor area comparison between the existing day centre and proposed mobile replacement and details of the current lease agreements. Members noted that no capital receipt had been identified and the funding of any new build or change of use would need to have planning consent and go through the capital bid process. Further discussions with other Directorates, managers of the various sites and user groups would also need to take place prior to a final assessment of the feasibility and suitability of the identified buildings for the relocation of the Day Centre.
The Chairman invited interested parties to address the Select Committee to express their concerns and highlight relevant points for consideration by Members. Mr R Ford, as the representative of the Users of Church View Day Centre, Ventnor, Mr M Shaw, Service User Facilitator based at the Advocacy Consortium, Mr R Fordham, from Wavelength, Cllr Mrs V Taylor, Ventnor Town Council, Mrs K Saith, from the Avenues Day Centre and one of the local members for Ventnor gave brief oral presentations.
The Director explained the timescale for compliance with the DDA. An audit had been undertaken to assess the implications for all Council buildings and which could consequently effect service provision in some areas. Members noted that no extra funding had been provided by central Government for the Council to undertake any necessary, identified works. The regulations were not just applicable to those persons with a disability but related to all ages within the community. Discussion ensued regarding the installation of a lift at the Church View Day Centre to service the first floor only. Lift access to the second floor would not be strictly necessary if utilised for office accommodation. Members were of the view that further investigations of possible funding sources should take place, in particular with the NHS Trust and Ventnor Town Council, prior to any recommendation being made to the Executive.
(i) THAT the report be noted;
(ii) THAT investigations take place on all the options for the future of Church View Day Centre, Ventnor and for a further report to be presented to a future meeting of the Select Committee.


(a) Mental Health Day Care Centres
Mrs D Gardiner declared a non pecuniary interest during discussion of the following item of business
Members were reminded that at the 19 September meeting of the Select Committee officers of the Social Services Directorate were tasked along with the Primary Care Trust, the Healthcare NHS Trust to form a Service Planning Group comprising of service users and their advocate, carers, front line staff and voluntary sector representatives to determine an effective way to meet the twin demands of modernising the mental health day care service and to identify the savings requirement of �112K from the Mental Health budget in 2002/03 and to report back with proposals. Financial savings were also required to be identified, within the current financial year of �28K.
The Director referred to his report which outlined the background to the current mental health services provision together with the concerns of service users and their carers at the prospect of the service being reduced. Members noted that meetings of the Service Planning Group had taken place to work up a model which could modernise the service and considered options to enable the budget to be reduced in such a way which would have the least damaging impact on the service. There had been unanimous agreement from service users to a proposed increase for the meal facility for mental health service users which should generate some income for the service.
In order to meet the savings requirement of �28K in the current financial year from the Community Support Services (Day Centres) budget it was suggested to amend the current opening hours of each day centre. The proposed timetable, planned to commence from Monday, 12 November 2001 was set out in the report which also addressed clients of the services' concerns regarding the lack of a mid-day meal facility.
The Director advised the Select Committee that Option 1, of the report, would enable full implementation of the optimum service model and provide a safe, sound and supportive service which could meet the recommendations expressed by the Social Services Inspectorate report and the expectations contained within the National Service Framework for Mental Health. This was the preferred option of the Service Planning Group. However, Option 1 would not generate any savings to offset the projected overspend in 2002/03. Members discussed in detail the options available and clarified a number of issues which had been highlighted. The Chairman invited Mr R Ford, Cllr Mrs V Taylor, Mr R Fordham and one of the local members for Ventnor to express their points of view.
(i) THAT it be noted that the Director of Social Services and Housing, within his delegated powers, can approve:
(a) the recommendations listed in the report to enable a one-off reduction in this year's budget by �28K;
(b) Option 1, the proposed service model identified in Appendix B;
(c) the proposal for a corporate fund raiser.
(ii) THAT consideration of Option 2, which identified savings of �56 K for 2002/03, be deferred until a further report be presented to a future meeting of the Committee outlining the full implications of the necessary requirements of DDA to Church View Day Centre and proposals for alternative venues for the Day Centre in Ventnor.
(b) Social Services and Housing Budget : Projected Income and Expenditure for 2001 - 02
Director reported on the projected level of overspend at the end of September 2001 (month 6) of �713K, compared with the �825K reported at the last meeting. The main areas of concern remained the cost of placements for children in public care, services for older people and for people with a learning disability, and homelessness. The predicted overspend at year end remained at approximately �570K.
The Director provided a brief oral report on the extra �326K allocation which the Isle of Wight had received as part of the package of measures in the Government' Cash for Change initiative, announced on 9 October 2001. The additional finance would help with funding difficulties of discharges causing serious 'bedblocking' problems at St Mary's Hospital. The Executive on 16 October had approved the spending of�260K on the purchase of extra residential care homes beds, �40K for extra home care services, �20K for extra nursing care provisions with IW Healthcare NHS Trust, leaving a contingency of �6K.
THAT the report be noted and the Director and staff be thanked for their hard work.