Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J Effemey, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards

Apologies :


Mrs J White

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr J R Adams

 7.        MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2002 be confirmed.




           (a)       To Consider Whether Mr Allen is Still a Fit and Proper Person to Hold a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence


The Panel were reminded that Mr Allen of 2 Riboleau Street, Ryde had appeared before the Panel on 7 September 2001, at that meeting it had been resolved to suspend Mr Allen’s Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence number 53/00 for one year.


Mr Allen had appealed against that decision to the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court, but on 21 December 2001 withdrew that appeal. He was subsequently instructed to pay the Council’s costs of £202.00 at £20.00 per week, the money to be paid directly to the Licensing Office. A letter was sent to Mr Allen on 24 January 2002 advising him that no monies had been received. There had been no contact from Mr Allen and a further letter was sent on 29 April 2002 advising him that a report was to be submitted to the Licensing Panel.


The Panel were advised that, on 5 June 2002 Mr Allen had paid in full all monies owing to the Council.


Mr Allen advised the Panel that he had explained to the Council’s Senior Licensing Officer on 5 June 2002 the circumstances leading to the late payment. He had been supporting a family member which had led to financial hardship.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public Mr Allen was advised that the Panel were seriously concerned at his behaviour and attitude in dealing with the issue of court costs and felt that he must be made aware that a continuation of such behaviour was unacceptable. Any future appearance by Mr Allen before the Panel would be treated with severity.




THAT Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence number 53 be issued with a written warning with regard to his future conduct as a Licensed Hackney Carriage Proprietor and Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Driver following the current term of suspension.


           (b)       Application for the Grant of an Occasional Public Entertainment Licence for The Boatshed, Shepards Wharf, Medina Road, Cowes


The Strategic Director reported that an application had been received for the grant of an Occasional Public Entertainment Licence for The Boatshed, Shepards Wharf, Medina Road, Cowes.


The Panel were advised that the Police and Environmental Protection had no objection to the application. One letter of objection had been received but there had been no other comments. The Council had not received any noise complaints when the event was held last year.


A representative for the objector was present and he told the Panel that the area had a large number of elderly residents and some of those had contacted Cowes Town Council and objected to the application, although none of those objections were in writing.


The applicant outlined his case and explained that he was trying to cut down on any disturbance from people leaving the club by staying open for up to an hour after the liquor licence had ended, this would give customers time to wind down and help with crowd dispersal afterwards. The applicant explained their drugs policy and advised the Panel that consultations had been held with the Police. Only registered door stewards would be used.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was explained that the Panel having heard all the evidence and noted that there were no sustainable objections the licence should be granted.




                      (i)        THAT the licence be granted for the times requested :


                                   20 June 2002             -          18.00 hours to 01.00 hours

                                   21 June 2002             -          20.00 hours to 0300 hours

                                   22 June 2002             -          20.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   28 June 2002             -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   29 June 2002             -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours


                                   5 July 2002                 -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   6 July 2002                 -          20.00 hours to01.30 hours

                                   12 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   13 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   19 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   20 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   26 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours

                                   27 July 2002               -          20.00 hours to 01.30 hours


                                   1 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   2 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   3 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   5 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   6 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   7 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   8 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   9 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   10 August 2002          -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   15 August 2002          -          15.00 hours to 0200 hours

                                   16 August 2002          -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   17 August 2002          -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   22 August 2002          -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   23 August 2002          -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   24 August 2002          -          13.00 hours to 03.00 hours

                                   30 August 2002          -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   31 August 2002          -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours


                                   6 September 2002     -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   7 September 2002     -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   12 September 2002    -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   13 September 2002    -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   14 September 2002    -          15.00 hours to 02.00 hours


with the exception of :


                                   4 August 2002            -          13.00 hours to 02.00 hours

                                   25 August 2002          -          13.00 hours to 02.00 hours


                      (ii)       THAT there be no admission or re-admission after:


01.30 hours on the dates when the licence ceases at 03.00 hours

01.00 hours when the licence ceases at 02.00 hours


                      (iii)       THAT there shall also be conditions requested by Environmental Health and the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service.