Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards

Apologies :


Mr J Effemey, Mrs M A Jarman

 5.        MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2002 be confirmed.




           (a)       Application for the Variation of Operating Times of a Street Trading Consent


The Panel were advised that the application had been withdrawn by the applicant.




THAT the application be withdrawn.


           (b)       Application for the Grant of an Occasional Public Entertainment Licence for Brighstone Holiday Centre, Military Road, Brighstone


Additional written representations and updated documents were circulated at the start of the meeting. To enable all parties time to read the additional papers there was an adjournment of 15 minutes.


Upon reconvening the Strategic Director of Finance and Information reported that an application had been received for the grant of an Occasional Public Entertainment Licence for Brighstone Holiday Centre, Military Road, Brighstone. The times originally requested by the applicant had been amened to :


                                   Friday, 7 June 2002               -          No entertainment.

                                   Saturday, 8 June 2002           -          1000 hours - 2345 hours.

                                   Sunday, 9 June 2002             -          1000 hours - 2345 hours.

                                   Monday, 10 June 2002          -          No entertainment.


Fourteen letters and a petition of objection had been received. Five letters and a petition in support of the event was also received. A letter of objection was received from the local Councillor.


The Panel heard comments from Environmental Protection, Planning, Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, Hampshire Constabulary and the Crime and Disorder Partnership. It was believed there was likely to be noise nuisance, parking problems, problems with camping not being on site, a major concern was for pedestrian safety, drugs and alcohol, health and safety issues with the site boundary being too close to the cliff edge and concerns over the swimming pool. It was believed that a risk assessment should be written and followed, a plan marking where everything was to be sited should also be included.


The Crime and Disorder Officer advised the Panel there were Section 17 implications which included security on site, barriers being patrolled for 24 hours, escorting people to and from the site and accessibility of public transport.


Three objectors were present who believed that there would be a lack of facilities on site which would lead to people trying to use the facilities on the neighbouring site. Because the public footpath ran through the adjoining site the owner was concerned that as this was the only access there could be problems with people wanting to have Bar-B-Ques on the beach which would create a noise nuisance for his customers. It was believed that the event was in the wrong place and people would not stay on the event site, no matter how well organised it was.


The applicants were present and outlined their case. They had read the Health and Safety Executive Guide and understood there were three levels of permitted noise and theirs would be no louder than the second level of 107 decibels. The applicants were trying to attract a local audience as part of the Jubilee celebrations and it was to be run as a charitable event. They had tried to keep everyone informed and had attempted to liaise with the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, a final site drawing was now available. It was anticipated that Herras fencing would be erected where needed and registered door stewards from a local reputable firm would be employed.


The applicants had advertised that there was to be public consultation in the Reading Room at Brighstone on the 9 May 2002, unfortunately no one had attended. The event was intended to be a family event with different genres of music and a copy of the proposed line up was circulated. The applicants had made provision for the road to be coned for 500 metres each side of the entrance.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public the applicants were advised that whilst the Panel applauded the applicants desire to organise a homegrown Isle of Wight Festival, they must be aware of their position to protect the safety of the general public and the safety of anyone attending the specific venue. Having heard the objections raised by Environmental Health, Hampshire Constabulary, Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service and most specifically the comments of the Crime and Disorder Partnership the Panel did not consider that the licence should be granted.




THAT the application for an occasional Public Entertainment Licence be refused.