Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman ), Mr M J  Cunningham, Mr  J Effemey,  Mr J Howe, Miss H L Humby (for Minute 28 (a) & 28 (b)), Mr C Lillywhite (for Minute 28 (c)), Mr R  G Mazillius (for Minute 28 (a) & 28 (c)), Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards


Apologies :


Mrs M J Lloyd, Mrs J White


Also Present (Non-Voting) :


Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr A A Taylor




26.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2004 be confirmed.




Mr R G Mazillius declared a personal interest in Minute 28a, as his wife was a personal friend of the wife of the applicant’s representative.




(a)       Application for the Renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for the Tap, 2 Avenue Road, Sandown


Members were referred to the report of the Head of Consumer Protection which advised of the application received for the renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for The Tap, 2 Avenue Road, Sandown for the same hours which currently existed.  The Committee were informed of a further, written representation from one of the objectors, which had been received after the published deadline.  This was circulated to members of the Committee and to the applicant.  The Committee, after due deliberation, refused to allow the late evidence due to the type of evidence and the reason for the delay and decided to continue with the matter on only that evidence correctly filed.


 Members noted that two noise complaints had been received, from when the licence was last granted. However, since the Council’s Environmental Health Section had set the noise limiter at the premises, no further noise nuisance had been determined.


The Hampshire Constabulary and the IW Fire and Rescue Service had both been advised of the application and had confirmed that they had no objections.  The comments of the Council’s Environmental Health Section were noted.


Following the advertising of the application two letters of objection had been received.


The applicant, Mr P Legg was present and represented by Mr B Oxford, a Licensing Consultant.  Mr Oxford addressed the Committee by outlining the application and advised of additional measures undertaken by the applicant to upgrade the premises in order to prevent any noise break out and any nuisance to neighbouring premises, by patrons of The Tap.  Mr D Watts, the Head of Security also addressed the Committee to explain the role of the door stewards, both inside and outside of the premises, to prevent any public order disturbance in the vicinity.


Mrs M Maddocks, the proprietor of the Burlington Hotel outlined her reasons for objecting and accepted that there was a problem of noise nuisance at night, in some areas of Sandown, generally.  


The Committee were informed of the existing hours of licenses for other premises in the area.


Following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public, it was indicated that the Committee had considered carefully the evidence submitted by the applicant, the objectors and the Principal Licensing Officer and had regard to all the written representations.  The Committee having noted that the police had confirmed that they had no objections to the application, were satisfied that their decision was reasonable and proportionate and in accordance with the legitimate aims of the Council.




THAT the application for the grant of a Public Entertainment Licence be approved for The Tap, 2 Avenue Road, Sandown for the hours requested by the applicant, with the existing conditions, together with the additional conditions, as set out in paragraph 29 of the report, relating to the installation of an electronic sound limiter prior to any public entertainment taking place and for ventilation to be provided by suitable and sufficient mechanical means.


(b)               Application for the Renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for the Balcony, The Pavilion, The Esplanade, Ryde


The report of the Head of Consumer Protection was received which set out details of the application for the renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for the Balcony, The Pavilion, The Esplanade, Ryde for the existing days and times.  The Committee were informed of a further, written representation from one of the objectors, which had been received after the published deadline.  The Committee, after due deliberation, refused to allow the late evidence due to the type of evidence and the reason for the delay and decided to continue with the matter on only the evidence correctly filed.


Members noted the sound engineer’s report and the actions taken by the Council’s Environmental Section in response to noise complaints received from a local resident.


The Hampshire Constabulary had confirmed that they had no objections to the application.  The comments of the Council’s Environmental Health Section were noted.


Following the advertising of the application two letters of objection had been received.


The Committee were advised that in order to prevent public order nuisance along the Esplanade, CCTV had been installed in the area.  Substantial work had also been undertaken at the premises in recent months to prevent noise breakout.


Mrs C Pearce, Mrs J Rippie, the Licence Holders and Mr L Barry, the Manager were present and addressed the Panel outlining the proactive actions taken by Quattroleisure, in conjunction with the police and the local authority, to prevent public nuisance.  Mrs Pearce proposed that an additional measure of displaying signs around the premises advising of appropriate behaviour on leaving the establishment would be undertaken in the future. 


Following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Committee had heard the evidence submitted by the applicant and by the Principal Licensing Officer and had noted the written objections received. The Committee had considered that the decision was reasonable, proportionate and in accordance with the legitimate aims of the Council.




THAT the application for the renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for the Balcony, The Pavilion, The Esplanade, Ryde for the hours requested by the applicant be approved, subject to the inclusion of all the existing licence conditions.


(c)               Application for the Grant of an Occasional Public Entertainment Licence for Seaclose Park, Fairlee Road, Newport


Members received the report of the Head of Consumer Protection detailing the application received from Solo Promoters Ltd for the grant of an occasional Public Entertainment Licence in respect of the Isle of Wight Festival 2005, Seaclose Park, Fairlee Road, Newport.  The event was scheduled to take place during specified hours on Friday, 10 June to Sunday 12 June 2005.


The Committee were ask to consider the grant of a provisional licence, authorising the Council’s Principal Licensing Officer to only grant a full licence when all necessary and appropriate conditions had been complied with by the applicant.  The Council’s Consumer Protection section had established a Public Events Safety Committee, which would meet with the applicant on a regular basis.


Members were informed that the promoters were committed to making the event better, not bigger than that held in 2004.  To this end a number of important changes had been proposed for the site.  In particular, the installation of a hard-core pathway leading from the Festival car parks and campsite across the fields alongside the river Medina and measures were in hand to resolve the number of problems associated with the toilet facilities.


Formal consultation had taken place and the comments of the statutory consultees were noted.


Two letters of objection had been received following the advertising of the application. 


Mr J Giddings, for Solo Promoters Ltd was present and addressed the Committee apprising of actions being taken in an endeavour to resolve the issues expressed by the objectors and to improve on the event, without any detrimental effect on the local community.


Mr A Taggert, an objector, was present and advised the Committee of his discussions with Solo Promoters Ltd, who had now satisfactorily agreed to put provisions in place to prevent any repeat of the activities which had caused him and his family distress at last years event.  Mr Taggert confirmed the withdrawal of all his objections.


Following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Committee, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Committee had considered the evidence put before it, the representations made and the assurances given.  The Committee believed that the grant of a provisional Public Entertainment License was a reasonable, proportionate decision and in accordance with the Council’s legitimate aims.




(i)                 THAT a provisional occasional Public Entertainment Licence be granted for the Isle of Wight Festival 2005, Seaclose Park, Fairlee Road, Newport for the days and hours requested by the applicant;


(ii)               THAT the Council’s Principal Licensing Officer be authorised to grant a Public Entertainment Licence, prior to the event, subject to the inclusion of the Council’s standard outdoor terms and conditions and along with any additional conditions that the Principal Licensing Officer believed to be reasonable;


(iii)             THAT the Council’s Principal Licensing Officer to report back to the Licensing Committee, prior to the event, with full details of all conditions to which the licence would be subject, as an information only item.