Present :


Mr C  B  W Chapman  ( Chairman ), Mr A C Bartlett (for Minute Nos 25 (a) & 25 (b)), Mrs M A Jarman, Mr R G Mazillius (for  Minute 25 (a)),  Mr A  J  Mundy,   Mr  R C  Richards  (for  Minute 25  (c) &  25  (d)),  Mrs J White


Apologies :


Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J  Howe, Miss H  L  Humby, Mrs M J Lloyd


Also Present (Non-Voting) :


Mr A A Taylor




23.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2004 be confirmed.




There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.




Prior to consideration of the items of business set out in Minute 25(b) & Minute 25(c), the applicants, Mr K Pont, Mr M Bull and Mr G Turner agreed, for training purposes only, for Cllr A Taylor and the Council’s Environmental Services Manager to remain present, should the Panel agree to go into private session.  It was confirmed that they both would take no part in the discussion or the decision thereon.


 (a)      Appeal Against Private Hire Vehicle Conditions which Prevent the Licensing of an Ex Fire Appliance


Members were referred to the report of the Head of Consumer Protection which set out the reasons as to why the appeal against the refusal by the Council’s Principal Licensing Officer to grant a Private Hire Vehicle Licence, for an ex fire appliance, had been deferred from the last meeting.


It was noted that the Licensing Panel had then had an opportunity to view the vehicle and had asked for additional conditions to be considered and for other specific investigations to be carried out.


Since the previous meeting discussions had taken place to satisfy the necessary requirements proposed by the Panel. A copy of ten licence conditions, which Members understood had been agreed between the applicant and the Council’s Principal Licensing officer and had been attached to the licence, were circulated to members of the Panel for consideration, together with a set of coloured photographs of the vehicle. 


The Panel made a number of minor additions to the conditions, which focussed primarily on the issues of public safety raised by the application. The Panel were content to agree to the granting of a licence, under delegated authority, subject to the addition of the ten conditions outlined and of the minor amendments proposed.




THAT the vehicle, registration No E141 XDS, be licensed for Private Hire use, subject to the agreement of the applicant to the additional conditions circulated at the meeting and to the further additional conditions proposed by the Licensing Panel, and that such a licence be issued under delegated authority to the Principal Licensing Officer.


(b)               To Consider an Appeal against the Council’s Decision to Refuse an Application to Increase the Seating Capacity of Purpose Built Taxis so that a Passenger can be Accommodated next to the Driver


The report of the Head of Consumer Protection was received which set out details of the appeal by Mr K Pont and Mr M Bull of 10 Victoria Crescent, Elmfield, Ryde against the refusal by the Council’s Licensing Officer to licence a Peugeot Euro Taxi for six passengers with, in particular, the option of accommodating one person in the front passenger seat.  The application had been refused on the grounds of concern for public safety and of the driver, should the passengers not be contained within the passenger compartment.  It would also ensure that the space next to the driver could also be used for luggage, particularly when being used to accommodate a wheelchair.


The Panel noted that no comments had been received in response to the formal consultation process and that a general comment had been received from the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association requesting discussions to take place with the IW Council to clarify and review the Council’s current policy.


The applicants, Mr Pont and Mr Bull were present and outlined their case.  It was confirmed that although the vehicle had been purposefully built to carry seven passengers, it was currently licenced to carry six passengers in the rear of the vehicle only.  The applicants now wished to amend that licence so to be able to accommodate a passenger in the front passenger seat, should the occasion demand it.


The Panel adjourned to view the vehicle.  Upon reconvening and following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Panel, having heard the evidence submitted by the applicant and by the Principal Licensing Officer, understood that the issue was the availability of the front passenger seat for passenger use, whilst maintaining the total number of passenger seats to six.  The Panel carefully considered the issue of public safety of both the driver and passengers. On the basis of the evidence given the Panel considered that their decision was reasonable, proportionate and in accordance with the legitimate aims of the Council.




THAT the appeal against the Council’s decision to refuse a Hackney Carriage vehicle licence for a Peugeot Euro Taxi, registration No W567 XGA, to carry a maximum of 6 persons, by removing one tip-up seat in the rear of the vehicle, but retaining the use of the front passenger seat be upheld.


(c)               Appeal Against the Decision to Refuse to Licence a Private Hire Mercedes ‘Vito’ for Eight Passengers


Members received the report detailing the appeal submitted by Mr G Turner, of 114 High Street, Ryde against the refusal by the Council’s Principal Licensing Officer to grant a Private Hire Vehicle licence for eight passengers. The vehicle, a Mercedes Vito, did not comply with the Council’s licence condition No 14(d), in that it had a tip-up seat.


The Panel noted that the vehicle was currently licensed to carry seven passengers, which had necessitated the removal of the tip up seat.  It was also noted that the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors had requested that discussions be held to clarify and review the Council’s current policy.


The Panel adjourned to view the vehicle.


Upon reconvening, Mr Turner, who was present addressed the Panel and outlined his case explaining his need, for business reasons, for a licence to accommodate the extra seating capacity. 


Following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Panel had considered the evidence put before it and had viewed the vehicle internally.  The Panel had considered carefully the issue of public safety and had particularly taken into account the ease of ingress and egress of the vehicle concerned.  The Panel were satisfied that their decision was reasonable and proportionate and in accordance with the legitimate aims of the Council.




THAT the appeal against the Council’s refusal to grant a private Hire Vehicle licence for a Mercedes Vito, vehicle registration No DF04 KVL, for a maximum of eight passengers be upheld.


Prior to consideration of the following item of business the applicant, Mrs J H Rounsevell, agreed, for training purposes only, for the Council’s Environmental Services Manager to remain present, should the Panel agree to go into private session.  It was confirmed that he would take no part in the discussion or the decision thereon.


(d)               Request by an Operator to Display an Executive Style Plate in Place of the Council’s Standard Identity Plate


The Head of Consumer Protection reported on the written request received from Mrs J H Rounsevell, of Rounsevell Executive Cars for an exemption from displaying the Council’s yellow identity plate and to display the smaller Executive style plate, for two Mercedes Vito cars registration Nos W10 JHR and W11 JHR, in its place.  Samples of the two styles of plates were circulated for information


The Panel adjourned to view the vehicles. 


Upon reconvening, the applicant Mrs Rounsevell addressed the Panel explaining that the cars, both 6 seater people-carriers, were aimed for the executive user and were necessary to compete with mainland companies.

Following further presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel, it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4, of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public, it was indicated that the Panel, in considering the evidence before them, decided that the information given by the applicant to be insufficient to justify the request for use of the Executive style plates.  The Panel also considered the number of executive style plates currently in use within the taxi trade at present and that exemption should be the exception rather than the rule.  The Panel also wished it to be known that, if in the event additional evidence was produced, the matter could be re-considered.




THAT the request received from Rounsevell Executive Cars for two exemptions from displaying the Council’s Identity Plate for two Mercedes cars, registration Nos W10 JHR and W11 JHR, be refused.