Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J Effemey, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards, Mrs J White


Apologies :


                        Mrs M A Jarman


Also Present (Non Voting) :


                        Mrs A C Bartlett, Mr D Williams





39.              MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2003 be confirmed.




There were no declarations of interest at this stage.




a.                  Application for the Grant of a Public Entertainment Licence for Chapter 1, 7 Palmerstone Road, Shanklin


Members were reminded that the Panel had originally considered the application for the grant of a Public Entertainment Licence on 5 December 2002.  The application had then been refused as it was felt that, without a consultant’s report on noise assessment, insufficient information had been presented to allow for an informed decision to be made. 


The application then came before the Panel on 17 January 2003 when a copy of an Acoustic report was circulated to Members.  At that meeting the applicant also confirmed a further change to the times requested.  In order to enable objectors and supporters the opportunity to comment, consideration of the application had been adjourned, in order to allow time for an advertisement of the new hours to be placed.


Two letters of comment had now been received.  The Hampshire Constabulary had no objections.  The comments of the Council’s Environmental Protection Section were noted together with those from the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service.


The Strategic Director also referred to the Noise Abatement Notice, which had been served following a statutory noise nuisance at the premises, on 21 February 2003 and the implications of such said Notice.


A copy of a letter received from J Carr, dated 9 March 2003, was circulated to the Panel, which indicated their acceptance of the noise level, as set by use of the noise limiter, provided that the music was contained within the times requested.


The local member had also submitted written representations, in relation to concerns regarding noise, to the Senior Licensing Officer.  The Councillor for Shanklin North attended the meeting, spoke on behalf of a number of local residents, and welcomed the condition in relation to the installation of an electronic sound limiter.


Mr B Oxford, the applicants’ agent and the applicant, Mr S Bodenham, were both present and outlined the case and measures undertaken in an endeavour to contain any noise nuisance. 


The Panel adjourned to private session.  Upon reconvening in public the Panel indicated that the installation of a noise limiter, by the applicant, had been noted.  The Panel had also had regard to the letter from J Carr, dated 9 March 2003, which indicated that person’s acceptance of the current position.  It was considered, in their view, that the grant of the licence was proportionate to the legitimate aim of the Councils’ licensing policy.




THAT it be agreed to grant a Public Entertainment Licence for Chapter 1, 7 Palmerstone Road, Shanklin as requested.  The hours being


Monday – Saturday:  1030 hours – 2300 hours

Sunday:                      1200 hours – 2230 hours


The conditions, attached to the licence, to include those relating to the noise limiter, as requested by Environmental Health and also those required by the Fire and Rescue Service.


b.                  Application for the Renewal, Variation of Hours and Transfer of the Public Entertainment Licence for Chapman’s, High Street, Ventnor


The Strategic Director referred to the application submitted by Mr W Chapman, Ms K Chapman and Ms M Creighton for the renewal, variation of hours and transfer of the Public Entertainment Licence in respect of Chapman’s, High Street, Ventnor.  The application had been advertised and no objections had been received from the public, the Hampshire Constabulary, or the local member.  Consideration was given to the comments of the Environmental Protection Section and to those of the Fire and Rescue Service.


Mr B Oxford, the applicants’ representative and the applicant, Mr W Chapman were both present and outlined the case and the reasons for their objections to Conditions 1 and 3, as requested by the Environmental Protection Section.  Details of the applicants’ previous history in other premises were raised.


The Panel adjourned to private session.  Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Panel noted the evidence presented by officers and the applicant and his representative.  The Panel took into account the fact that there had been no objections during the past 3 months.  The Panel did, however, express their concern as to the applicants’ previous history, in other premises, but did not consider that could be given as much weight as the lack of current objections.  The applicant was also informed that the Panel trusted that the concerns of the Environmental Health officer would be taken to heart and that every step should be taken to ensure no repetition of the previous incidents.


The Panel considered that granting a licence on the terms, set out above, was proportionate to the legitimate aim of the Councils’ licensing policy.


                        RESOLVED :


                                      THAT it be agreed to grant the application for the renewal, variation of hours and transfer of the Public Entertainment Licence for Chapman’s, High Street, Ventnor subject to Condition 2, regarding Ventilation, as requested by the Environmental Health and also any relevant Fire conditions.


                                      The times to be granted are as follows :


                                      Monday – Wednesday :      10.30 hours – 2300 hours

                                      Thursday – Saturday:          1030 hours – 2345 hours

                                      Sunday :                                1200 hours – 2230 hours    



