Purpose : for Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              28 JANUARY 2004


Title :               AUDIT AND INSPECTION LETTER - 2003









1.                  To report the 2003 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter (the Letter) to the Council. The Council's Relationship Manager and District Auditor -  Stephen Taylor - will make a presentation to the meeting and will be able to answer Members questions on the Letter.




2.                  The Audit Commission produce an Annual Management Letter for each local authority in the country. This year, for the first time, it takes the form of a joint audit and inspection letter. This reflects both the national change to  'strategic regulation' and the collaborative work being done between the various inspectors to identify each others priorities for improvement & provide a seamless service for clients.


3.                  The background to, and objectives of, this years Letter are set out on pages 3 and 4 of Appendix 1. Members will note that the majority of the content that follows reflects the work identified as necessary by the Comprehensive Performance  Assessment (CPA) some 12 months ago. As such there are fewer specific service reviews than in previous years.


4.                  The key messages section of the Letter (pages 2 & 3) refer to the Council's 'fair' rating and concludes that over the past year the Council has both risen to the challenges presented by the CPA and is driving forward an extremely challenging improvement plan. Achievements noted include:


·        Partnership working including the draft health care strategy with the PCT and NHS Trust

·        Linking the budget to the improvement agenda, the headroom and prioritisation processes

·        The IDeA peer review

·        The developing performance management system

·        The improvements in Social Services

·        The OFSTED ranking of the LEA as an 'upper second' authority

·        The Best value programme

·        Improvements in Highways and Planning Services


5.         However achieving the improvement plan overall represents a major challenge to the Council's capacity to manage change. The Letter goes onto say that the improvements have not yet had a consistent impact in terms of service improvement and that there is still much for the Council to do to build on its recent achievements. 


6.                  As far as the financial aspects of corporate governance are concerned, the District Auditor did not find any material issues relating to internal financial control and considers that arrangements for ensuring the legality of financial transactions, maintaining standards  of conduct and for preventing fraud & corruption are adequate. However attention is drawn to the need to finalise the medium term financial strategy, to address weaknesses in decision making & procurement processes already highlighted by other enquiries and the scope for increasing the level of pro-active anti fraud & corruption work as well as to reinforce ethical values & standards of conduct across the Council.


7.                 Members will wish to note that both the Council's financial statements and Best Value Performance Plan (BVPP) received unqualified audit opinions last December. However the Council needs to achieve earlier closure of the accounts in order to meet new Government requirements next year and to improve the way in which we produce the statutory performance indicators & ensure their accuracy. The statutory report on the BVPP is attached to the Letter and contains one specific recommendation to this effect (Appendix 1 page 20 refers). This is supported by a more detailed report containing fifteen separate recommendations and a commentary on each of the indicators that was felt to be unsatisfactory. Directors have already considered actions to improve the accuracy of performance indicators in future and a response to each of the detailed recommendations will be agreed with the Audit Commission. A second workshop for officers involved in producing the BVPP has already been arranged for later this month to continue the improvement process.




8.                  The Annual Audit and Inspection letter is a key report to Members on the Council's progress against the various elements of national Improvement Programme for local government. It gives an independent and authoritative summary of how the Council is measuring up against the CPA framework and thus the chances of it improving from a 'fair' to a 'good' ranked authority in future. This strategic framework is put into practice locally by the more detailed activities approved by Members in the Annual Action Statement, individual Service Plans and the various statutory plans. Taken together these document the Council's ongoing efforts to improve Island life through the achievement of its six corporate objectives and by increasing the effectiveness in the way it works internally & with partner organisations.




9.                  No financial implications arise from consideration of the Audit and Inspection Letter.




10.             The Audit and Inspection Letter is prepared to meet the requirements of the Statement of responsibilities of auditors and audited bodies issued by the Audit Commission. The responsibilities of the Audit Commission and its Inspectors are detailed in the Audit Commission Act 1998 and the Local Government Act 1999.




11.             The Executive has an obligation to receive the Letter and Members may wish to take the opportunity to question the Council's Relationship Manager & District Auditor as to its context and content. A more detailed response to the Letter will be contained in the Council's Annual Action Statement which is designed to deliver the objectives within the Corporate Plan. Progress will continue to be monitored through the Quarterly Performance Management Report (QPMR). Therefore there are no options to be considered arising from this report.




12.             Given the obligation of the Council to receive, consider and respond to the Letter, the issue of risk relates to the substantive response which will be contained in the future Annual Action Statement.




That the Executive:-


a)     Receive the Audit and Inspection Letter 2003 and question the Council's Relationship Manager and District Auditor


b)     That the Executive receives a further report adopting the 2004 Annual Action Statement including the corporate responses to the issues raised in the Letter


c)      That progress against the Letter continue to be monitored through the QPMR process.




2002/03 Best Value Performance Plan and Best Value Performance Indicators Audit  - November 2003

Presentation to the Executive - 28 January 2003. Audit Commission




Appendix 1 Audit and Inspection Letter 2003 - Audit Commission and Covering Letter


Contact Point :           Tony Geeson. 823291. e-mail [email protected]



Chief Executive Officer


Portfolio holder for Resources