Committee Administrator – Katy Green ( 823287          [email protected]


To:       Cllrs Smart (Chairman), Barry, Butchers, Fleming, Harris, Kendall, Knowles, Rees, Wareham


Non-Executive Members wishing to speak on an item on the agenda should give notice before the commencement of the meeting; The Local Member will have the opportunity to speak at the beginning of the debate on an issue directly affecting their Electoral Division (Executive Procedure Rules).


Meeting :

Executive (Special Budget Meeting)

Date :

Tuesday, 22 February 2005

Time :

9.30 am

Place :

Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight





Est. start time:

The decision record of the meeting held on 9 February 2005 will be presented for approval at the Executive’s meeting on the 23 February.




1.                  DECLARATION OF INTEREST


To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.




2.                  PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 9.30 am on Friday, 18 February 2005.




(if questions are received then all subsequent times may run 15 mins later)



(a)               Revenue Support Grant Settlement and Budget 2005-06 (Paper A1 - To be circulated at the meeting)


To provide a recommendation to Full Council on the budget for 2005-06 after consideration of the responses to the consultation process.


(b)               Capital Programme 2005-08 (Paper A2)


To consider the Councils Capital Programme and Treasury Management Strategy 2005-08.










4.                  DELEGATED DECISIONS


An opportunity to ask questions to Portfolio Holders on any decision they may have taken since the last meeting of the Executive.


5.                  MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


A question must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 9.30 am on Monday, 21 February 2005.




Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council's web site at :


The information contained in this agenda is available in Braille, large print, tape and community languages.

Please contact Katy Green ( 823287, for details.