The following decisions were taken on WEDNESDAY, 9 FEBRUARY 2005 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until MONDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2005


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr H Rees, Mrs J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



Mr Cave regarding the Pan development. The Portfolio Holder agreed to contact Mr Cave to discuss the question further (PQ01/05).


Agenda item

Cowes Waterfront Initiative Newport Pan Urban Extension - Delivery Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)           To progress the development of Pan Urban Extension, as follows :


i)        To appoint a team of specialist consultants to prepare and submit the Outline Planning Application on behalf of the Council subject to a validation exercise to be undertaken by officers in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Resources.


ii)      To market this development opportunity to select a Joint Development Partner whose appointment and terms will be the subject of a further recommendation to the Executive.


iii)    That the minimum percentage of affordable social housing is to be 30 %.


iv)    That the target for Eco Home Rating is to be very good with an aspiration to achieve Excellent.


v)      That the Executive receive a 6 monthly progress report and decision scheme variations as landowner.



To enable the implementation of the next stage of the Pan Urban Extension .

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To do nothing.


None declared.

Additional advice received

There was some discussion on setting the percentage of affordable housing. Members considered that there were good reasons for extending this to 35%, however further advice was needed on the implications of this before such a decision could be taken.


Agenda item

Annual Audit and Inspection Letter - 2003/4

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)           That the Executive receive a further report adopting the 2005/6 Annual Action Statement including the corporate responses to the issues raised in the letter.


(b)           That progress against the letter continue to be monitored through the QPMR process.


To fulfil the Council’s responsibility to receive the letter from the Audit Commission.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the current Forward Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

No questions were asked.


Agenda item

Questions on Delegated Decisions

Decision reference


Decision taken

No questions were asked.


Mr P Harris declared an interest as Chair of Governors at Sandown High School.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Mr A C Bartlett asked written questions regarding Whitwell Road and Ventnor Botanic Gardens (MQ07/05) (MQ08/05)


Mr R G Mazillius asked a written question regarding the redundancy of a Council employee (MQ09/05)


Mr R G Mazillius asked two oral questions regarding the intended celebrations for Ellen McArthur and the Tourism Brown Signs Review.