Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              18 JUNE 2003


Title :               HOUSING RENEWAL STRATEGY








1.                  This paper is to seek members approval of the contents of a new strategic approach to Housing Renewal on the Island.  The development of a new Housing Renewal Strategy is a statutory requirement for all local authorities wishing to award grants and assistance for renewal.  A copy of the Strategy has been circulated to members of the Executive and a copy has been placed in the members room.




2.                  The Regulatory Reform Order 2002 came into force on 18th July 2002, repealing the legislation governing the provision of previous housing renewal assistance.


3.                  The Order required that all local authorities wishing to distribute grants would need to publish a new renewal policy by the 18th July 2003.


4.         The strategic document presents the framework for the Island’s new renewal policy. A copy has been circulated to members of the Executive and a copy has been placed in the members room.




5.                  The aim of the strategy is to address Housing Renewal in a targeted manner.


6                    The Strategy will address the needs of the Community Strategy and Corporate Plan as well as national and regional Housing Strategies by:


·                         The improvement of health, housing and the quality of life for all

-                          by protecting and providing for the needs and interests of vulnerable adults and children

-                          by reducing deprivation and social exclusion

-                          by promoting healthy living

-                          by improving the availability of affordable housing and reducing homelessness

-                          maintaining elderly people in their own homes as long as possible so they might retain independence with support rather than rely on institutional care. 

-                          enabling hospitals to discharge people back into their homes following treatment without concerns and delays due to unsuitable housing.

·                         The encouragement of job creation and economic prosperity

-                          by ensuring that all our residents are able to share in the improving economic prosperity

-                          by promoting and delivering services which are sustainable in economic, social and environmental terms

·                         The creation of safe and crime free communities

-                          by reducing Crime, Disorder and fear of Crime and making the Island a safer place in which to live, work and to visit

-                          by ensuring that our services continue to safeguard public welfare


7.         Explicit linkages are made in the document to the Homelessness Strategy, empty property targets, hospital discharges, care and repair and Agenda 21.


8                    The Strategy adopts a balanced approach to the diverse circumstances that exist on the Island.  It utilises a combination of encouragement through advice and assistance and enforcement of minimum standards through which to deliver our required outcomes.


9                    The document represents the first attempt to produce a separate strategy for Housing Renewal.  In the past, the topic has been subsumed within the overall housing strategy.  In so doing, it reflects a growing recognition of the need to recognise the Island’s housing as a key resource and to engage with local housing market.


10.      Proposed changes from the existing range of Council activities include:


o       A more proactive approach to Enforcement

o       The adoption of Housing Improvement Zones

o       The development of a Home Improvement Agency

o       The use of loans to supplement grants


11.      A number of the proposed measures included in the Strategy remain to be fully developed.  Further development work will be conducted over the coming year.


12               The Strategy will deliver the corporate objectives by the following methods:


·        By providing grant assistance to the most vulnerable clients,

·        By developing a repairs service for owner occupiers,

·        By tackling unfit areas on the Island and reducing deprivation in the worst wards,

·        By dealing with fuel poverty and promoting healthy living,

·        By providing a framework to provide fit and habitable accommodation for all,

·        By developing loan packages that assist clients to seek additional funding for home improvement, repairs or provision of essential amenities




13               Consultation has taken place with a wide range of interested parties.  This has been conducted through questionnaires with past and existing grant recipients, elected members, housing associations, etc.  A full list of consultees can be found in Annexe A.




14               The Strategy sets out a costed programme of action over the next three years.  The finance for 2003/4 will be found from existing resources.  The resources for future years are predicated on a similar level of resources being available as the current financial year.




15               The Council has the duty to make the decision under the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance)(England and Wales) Order 2002.


16               The future use of loans to provide assistance for Housing Renewal as presents a number of legal implications which will need to be resolved. Officers are currently in discussion with local financial institutions with regard to the potential availability of additional loan finance.  This would supplement any limitations on the Council’s own grant resources. Any policies resulting from this discussion will have the full approval of the Council’s Legal Services Department.


17               In addition to the Strategy a set of detailed policies and procedures is being drawn up for use by staff and applicants. All policies and procedures will be checked to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Human Rights Act, Crime and Disorder Act and Race Relations (Amendment) Act.




18               The adoption of the Housing Renewal Strategy opens up a range of additional options for the Council in the way it relates to private sector housing on the Island.  The Strategy builds on the existing policy of the Council to award grant assistance to those in greatest need and places it within a broader context and links it more closely to other corporate objectives.


19               Members have the following choices:


a)                 To adopt the Strategy in its current form,

b)                 Not to adopt the Strategy


            Members should note that the Regulatory Reform Order requires that all local authorities wishing to distribute grants have to publish a new renewal Strategy  by the 18th July 2003. If a new Strategy and policy is not in place by 18th July 2003 the Council will only be able to provide Disabled Facilities Grants.




20               The use of loans as a supplement to grants presents a number of potential risks in terms of repayments and defaults.    Any future arrangements with financial institutions will be fully evaluated to ensure the Council’s interests are safeguarded.




21               Members are asked to agree the adoption of the Housing Renewal Strategy.



Regulatory Reform Order 2002

Appendix 1    Housing Renewal Strategy

Appendix 2    Consultation

Appendix 3    Action Plan

Appendix 4    Housing Improvement Zones

Appendix 5    Consultation and Accountability

Appendix 6    Administration and Performance

Appendix 7    Housing Enforcement Policy

Appendix 8    Housing Stock Condition Survey (2 pages)


Contact Point:            Martyn Pearl, Head of Housing

                                    01983 823061 e-mail [email protected]



Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing


G S Kendall

 Portfolio Holder

for Social Services and Housing